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National Culture

National culture is the norms,

behaviors, beliefs, customs, and
values shared by the population of
a sovereign nation.
South Korea
Meet the Team

1. Mohd Amir - MBA2020-095

2. Nitesh Kumar - MBA2020-102

3. Rohan Purohit - MBA2020-132

4. Satyam Mishra - MBA2020-139

5. Shruti Goyal - MBA2020-151

6. Amit Sahoo - MBA2020-025
Bar Graph



This graph shows an comparative analysis of all

the 6 factors of all the three countries in a frame.
The extent to which member with less power expect and accept that the power is distributed unequally.

1. India - score 77
● Top down structure
● Real power is centralized
● Most communication is structured and follow layers

2. South Korea - score 60

● Slightly hierarchical system and People accepts hierarchical order
● Centralization is popular

3. Canada - score 39
● Interdependence and egalitarianism
● Hierarchy is for convenience
● Free flow of information
A country scoring high on this parameter reflects that the country has loosely knit social framework and citizens look for their own self-
identity and benefits. They perceive themselves as “I” rather than “we”.

1. India - score 48
● India scores a moderate 48 on the scale. Its culture shows both, traits of individualism and collectivism.
● Organizations with authoritarian structures, hierarchy are followed rigidly.
● promotion decisions are taken considering relationship with the employee.

2. South Korea - score 18

● South Korea is a collectivistic society with a score of 18 on the scale.
● People in south Korea live in a closely knit social framework .
● Promotions and hiring of the employees depend on in-group relations and management of groups.

3. Canada - score 80
● Canada has a highly individualistic culture, it scores 80 its highest on individualism scale.
● In individualistic countries like Canada employees are more self-reliant and display initiative.
● Promotions are based on merit and performance of the employee.
1. India - score 56
● The score of 56 makes India a masculine society where visual display of power and success are quite masculine. But also the
Indian culture is rich with ancient history and culture which gives lessons of humility and abstinence which might be
incorporated into the masculine displays. Work is the center of life and achievements are validated by material gains.

2. South Korea - score 39

● South Korea scores 39 which makes it a feminine society which runs on consensus and compromise . the focus is on
“working in order to live”. Equality, solidarity and quality are valued in their working lives. An effective management is
characterized by supportive decision making and encourages involvement. Focus on well-being and status is not shown.

3. Canada - score 52
● Canada can be called as moderately masculine, which indicates that Canadian culture exhibits high standards in work and
other cultural areas, however often cultural advances are overshadowed w.r.t to achievement but it also does not mean that it
does not promote work life balance or pursuing interest.
It is how cultures differ on the amount of tolerance they have of unpredictability. "The fundamental issue here is how a
society deals with the fact that the future can never be known: Should we try to control it or just let it happen?"

1. India - score 40
● Not surprisingly India ranks in the uncertainty avoidance is 40 compared to the world average of 65 . Being
on the lower end it can be deduced that Indians are more open to unstructured ideas and situations.

2. South Korea - score 85

● Ranked at 85 south Korea is one of the most uncertainty avoidance country and this is largely due to the
culture which has rigid rules and high level of intolerance.

3. Canada - score 48
● Scoring a 48 on the dimension gives us an insight that Canada is also quite welcoming of uncertainty and
everyone has a freedom of expression and the society has high tolerance level.
It means that you focus on the future. There is willingness to delay short-term material or social success or even the short-term emotional gratification so that
you can prepare for the future. If you have this cultural perspective, it means that you value persistence, perseverance, saving and being able to adapt.
1. India - score 51
● An intermediate score of 51 in this dimension.
● Great tolerance for religious views from all over the world.
● Employees practice their values and assimilate them into all spheres of life.
● Indian managers are more pragmatic.
● Accepts change as a part of normal course of life.

2. South Korea - score 100

● It has a score of 100 in this dimension.
● Lives guided by practical good examples
● Higher own capital rate
● Priority to steady growth of market share
● Purpose of companies is to serve the stakeholders and the society at large for a longer duration

3. Canada - score 36
● Canada scores 36 in this dimension.
● Characteristic of a normative society.
● Strong concerns with establishing the absolute truth.
● Great respect for the traditions.
● The propensity to save for the future is relatively small and much of the focus is on achieving quick results.
This dimension is defined as the extent to which people try to control their desires and impulses, based on the way they
were raised. It stands for a society that allows relatively free gratification of basic and natural human drives related to
enjoying life and having fun.

1. India - score 26
● The low score of 26, says it has a strong culture of Restraint.
● Restricted societies do not place much focus on leisure time and regulate the fulfilment of their desires.
● They tend to control their desires and wants, so something new takes time to establish.
● Managers and employees are bound by traditions and restrictions forced by the society they live in.

2. South Korea - score 29

● With a low score of 29, the South Korean people is shown to be one of those from Restraint sections.
● People with this orientation have the impression that their acts are limited by social expectations and believe
that indulgence is a little incorrect.
● They are mostly conserved, which is reflected in their work culture and management.

3. Canada - score 68
● The high score of 68 in this factor indicates that Canadian society has been rated as Indulgent.
● They are usually able to understand their urges and desires with regard to loving life and having fun.
● They possess a positive attitude and have a tendency towards optimism.
● They have a freewill and zeal to explore new things. Customers and employees are more adaptive to changes.

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Looking at the scores its evident that South Korea has a strict culture which Canadian culture is more inclined
Indian culture plays an important role in promotes restraints, conservatism and towards egalitarianism. Organization
how work culture is affected. Traditional accepts the firmly placed hierarchy as it structure is there only for the
family values tend to develop into is. The Society believes in equal role of convenience. It follows individual
collectivism. A gap in between roles lies both genders but individualistic views culture like America. It is moderately
in the fact that India still is patriarchal are suppressed for collective good. It masculine society which indicates
society. People are well equipped to deal has a long term oriented culture where Canadians have high standards in
with all outcomes because of well people believe in savings and values performance. They accept new ideas,
balanced work and private life. Values long term profit over quarterly results. innovative products and willing to try
like assertiveness are more valued in something new. They have great
society. respect for tradition. They are also
indulgent which means they have
willingness to realize their impulses
and desires.
It is always a shared, collective phenomenon, that is learned from your environment.

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