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Chapter Three: Information Processing And Management

Learning objectives
To know System Analysis & Design
System Development Life Cycle Model
System Development Life Cycle (SDLC)
3.1 System Analysis And Design

• Systems Concept:
• The term “System” is generally used for a group of actions,
personnel and procedures, used for processing data.
• The subsystems are referred to the parts of a large system, where
the system analyst can work with a smaller group of tasks.
• The essence of systems analysis is to cover the entire problem
in context and systematically investigate the objectives of the
system and its effectiveness and to evaluate the alternatives in
terms of effectiveness and cost.
• The system analyst is responsible for examining the total flow
of data throughout the organization. Various aspects of an
organization like personnel interactions and procedures for
handling problems are studied by him.

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The organization as a system Plans



Manpower Profitability
Money Productivity
Materials Growth
Machines Innovations
+ Information Employee

The computer MIS

3/20/22 Measure performance against plan 3

Classification of Information
• The classification of information needed to manage the
businesses are:
1) Task – job, the function (Marketing, Manufacturing, Finance,
2) Resources – the objects or events reported upon (persons,
equipment, money, etc.) that are being used or acquired.
3) Networks – flow of information and resources.
4) Management levels – three levels representing the hierarchy of
planning and control (Strategic planning, management control
and operational control).
5) Environment – the environment in which the firm operates
including information needed to set goals and objectives,
information concerning the other external environment.

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3.2 System Development Life Cycle Model

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System Development Life Cycle Model

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System Development Life Cycle Model
The typical breakdown of an information systems life cycle
includes a
1. Feasibility study,
2. Requirements, Collection and Analysis,
3. Design,
4. Prototyping implementation,
5. Validation, Testing and
6. Operation.
• Feasibility study:
• It is concerned with determining the cost effectiveness of
various alternatives in the designs of information system
and the priorities among the various system components.
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• Requirements, collection, and analysis:
• It is concerned with understanding the mission of
the information systems, that is, the application
areas of the system within the enterprise and the
problems that the system should solve.
• Design:
• It is concerned with the specifications of the
information systems structure.
• We distinguish between database design and
applications design.
• The former is the design of the database structure,
the later one is the design of application programs.
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• Prototyping:
• A prototype is a simplified, perhaps inefficient
implementation that is produced in order to
verify in practice that previous phases of the
design were well conducted.
• Implementation:
• It is concerned with the programming of the
final operational version of the information
system. Implementation alternatives are
carefully verified and compared.

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• Validation and Testing:
• It is the process of assuring that each phase of
the development process is of acceptable
quality and is an accurate transformation from
the previous phase.
• Operation:
• It starts with the initial loading of data and
terminates when the system eventually
becomes obsolete and has to be replaced.

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Stages in Information System Life Cycle

Feasibility Study
Stage – 1
Requirements collection
and analysis

Stage – 2 Design

Prototyping Implementation

Stage – 1 Validation and Testing

Operation Operation

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System Development Life Cycle (SDLC)
• System development life cycle is a phased approach to analysis
and design that holds the systems are best developed through the
use of a specific cycle of analyst and user activities.
The steps of SDLC include:
1) Identifying problems, opportunities, and objectives.
2) Deciding information requirements.
3) Frequency of information.
4) Analyzing the need of the system.
5) Designing of the recommended system.
6) Developing of the system
7) Documentation.
8) Testing and maintenance of the system
9) Implementation and evaluating the system.
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Steps in SDLC are divided into the following
major activities.
• System Investigation  : PLANNING STAGE
• Following are the three activities in this stage:
• System planning and selection
• Feasibility study,
• Feasibility report.
• There are four types of feasibilities:
– Organizational feasibility
– Economic feasibility
– Technical feasibility and
– Operational feasibility.
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• System Analysis:
• It is an in-depth study of end-user information
requirements that is needed before the design of a new
information system can be completed.
It involves a detailed study of:
– The information needs of the organization and its end-users.
– The activities, resources, and products of any present
information systems.
– The information system capabilities required to meet the
information needs of users.
The activities of system analysis are:
– Analysis of the organizational environment,
– Analysis of present systems,
– System requirements analysis.
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• Systems Design:
• It specifies how the system will accomplish the objectives.
It consists of both logical and physical design activities.
– Logical system design concerned with the development of
general specifications for how input, processing, output storage
and control activities meet the system requirements developed
in the system analysis stage.
– Physical system design is concerned with developing the
detailed specifications for user interface products and methods,
database structures and processing, and control procedures.
Hardware, software and personnel specifications are also
developed for the proposed system.
– System specifications show the documents and how to
communicate the detailed specifications of the proposed system
to end-users.

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• System design can be viewed as the design of :
– User interface design
• (Screen, Form, Report and Dialog design).
– Data design
• (Data element structure design).
– Process design
• (Program and procedure design).

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System Implementation and Maintenance:
• The system implementation stage involves:
Hardware and software acquisition,
Software development,
Testing of programs and procedures,
Development of documentation and
A variety of installation activities.

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System maintenance involves:
The monitoring,
Evaluating and
Modifying of a system to make desirable or
necessary improvements.
• This also includes a post implementation
review process to include that the newly
implemented system meets the systems
development objectives established for it.

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SDLC Flow Chart Preliminary Investigation

Identification of the Areas

Statement of the Problem

Feasibility Study
Feasible Don’t Computerize
Methods of Solution

Establish System Flow

Develop Programs Flow

Data Generation

Computer Program Development

Review and Modify
Design of Data Computer
Develop Data Preparation Machine Program Object Program

Input Data No
3/20/22 Develop Documentation 19
Class end questions
 Discuss System Analysis & Design
 What is System Development Life Cycle
 What is System Development Life Cycle

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• thank you learners for your

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