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Teacher: Raoni Martins


 It is used for completed actions in the past.

 For Simple Past, we have Regular verbs and Irregular


 Generally, there are different and specific pronunciations

for the verbs.

 Examples:

 I went to Paris before the pandemic.

 Karen worked at the Barra mall before the home office.

 Salvador had carnivals before the COVID-19.

 Terminados em consoante: adicionar “ed” ao final dos verbs.
 Ex: work  worked  She worked online last year.
travel  traveled  Roberto traveled to Santa Catarina before the
 Exceção: se terminar com vogal, adicionar somente “d” ao final.
 Ex: invite  invited  UFBA invited many students to have online
lie  lied  My sister lied about going to that party last Saturday.
 Verbos terminados em y: Substituir y por “ied”
 Ex: study  studied  I studied English.
cry  cried  She cried yesterday.
try  tried  Sara tried to work at home office.
 Verbos terminados em CVC (Consoante Vogal Consoante): Repete-
se a última consoante e adiciona-se ed ao final.
 Ex: stop  stopped  We stopped having a normal life.
drop  dropped  He dropped the pen.
 Verbos irregulares geralmente possuem escrita e pronúncia especificas.
O aluno precisa lembrar desses verbos sendo que não há uma regra
para todos os verbos irregulares.
 Ex: do  did  She did the homework
have  had  I had to study yesterday.
drive  drove  Karen drove to the drugstore.
go  went  They went to the hospital.
sing  sang  Anitta sang live on the internet.
see  saw  I saw the ambulance last week.
spend  spent  They spent two hours at the mall.
Questions and answers with Simple Past: Para perguntar algo
no passado, devemos usar o auxiliar Did e na forma negativa
didn’t ou did not.
 Ex:
 Did you work at home Saturday?
 Yes, I did.
 No, I didn’t. (or No, I did not)
 Complete the conversation with the right words and the parenthesis
help. (Lembre-se de que é uma conversa sobre o que aconteceu antes)

 Did you study last week?

 Yes , I did . I studied (study) a lot.
 What did you study?
 I studied English and Chemistry.
 I didn’t study. Instead, I saw (see) a movie
 The movie was (is/are) very good!

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