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Recruitment & Selection

A presentation by-
Ishwarjot Singh Walia 24105 CM
Navpreet Kaur 24106 CM
What is Recruitment ?
 Recruitment is defined as a process of discovering
reliable sources of contacting desirable employees
which meet the staffing requirements of the
organization. Through recruitment process the
organization can attract the adequate number of
manpower to facilitate the effective selection process
and joining of efficient work force.

 Larger organizations may have entire teams of

recruiters, while in small outfits, the hiring manager
may be responsible for recruiting. In addition, many
organizations outsource recruiting to outside firms.
Why is Recruitment important ?
 To encourage and attract candidates and get ample
amount of application for the job vacancies.

 It is an effective way to create information pool

about the prospective candidates who are suitable
for the talent needs of the organization.

 It is very important step of planning and analysis

about the present and future manpower
requirement of the organization.
What is the need for Recruitment ?
 1) Planned Recruitment:
It refers to a prearranged strategy for hiring employees. It acts as a timeline for
companies to find qualified applicants without causing downtime for the company.
Recruitment plan identifies the goals for a particular position. It arises from changes
in organization and expected retirements.

 2) Unexpected Recruitment:
Resignations, deaths, accidents, illness give rise to unexpected needs.

 3) Anticipated Recruitment:
Anticipated needs are those movements in personnel, which an organization can
predict by studying trends in internal and external environment.
Factors affecting Recruitment:
 Size of the organization.
 Employment conditions in community.
 Effect of post recruiting efforts ( offer letter, joining)
 Working conditions.
 Salary.
 Growth and expansion of organization.
 Seasonality of operations.
 Cultural, economic, legal factors.
 Goodwill of organization.
Sources of Recruitment:
1) Internal Sources of Recruitment :
They consist of employees who are already on the
payroll of a firm. It also includes former employees who
have returned to work for the organization. Recruitment
from internal sources is done to fill up vacancies
through promotion, re-hiring and transferring employees
within the company.

 Quick process.
 Cheaper than the external recruitment process.
 Works as a tool of motivation for the staff.
 The company’s choice is limited to existing employees
of the company.
2) External Sources of Recruitment:
They refer to sources that lie outside or exist external to
the organization, like people joining an organization,
specifically through recommendations, employment
agencies or employment exchanges, advertising,
institutes like colleges etc.

 Long and time-consuming process.

 It is an expensive process.
 Hiring new employees can lead to the introduction of a
new set of skills and ideas.
 When external people are given opportunities over
them, then existing workers lose morale.
Methods of Recruitment:
 1) Direct Recruitment Methods:
Direct recruitment refers to the external source of
recruitment where the recruitment of qualified
candidates are done by placing a notice of vacancy on
the notice board in the organization.
The organization use various recruitment methods like
conducting seminars, participating in conventions, job
fair to recruit the candidates using direct method.
The campus recruitment is also a major part of
recruitment carried out using direct method. The
organization sends a representative from HRM dept. in
educational institutes to interact with potential
 2) Indirect Recruitment Methods:
In the indirect method of recruitment, the organizations
use advertisement channels such as news papers, radio,
job sites, television, magazines and professional
journals to reach the potential candidates.

The advertisement provides information about the job

requirement, the range of salary offered, the type of job
(full time or part time) and job location. The candidates
who are interested in the job apply for it and share their
resume with the organization.
 3) Third Party Recruitment Methods:
The third party method of recruitment includes the
helping hands which are outside the organization.

The Recruitment Consultant or Employment

Agencies, Search & Select Companies, Voluntary
Organization, Data Banks, Trade Unions and Labor
Contractors are different channels which help the
organization to establish contact with the potential
Recruitment Procedure:
 1) Identifying the Hiring Needs
Recruitment process should start with identifying the vacancies that exist followed
by analyzing the job specifications including the knowledge, skills and experience
needed for the role.
Figure out where the gaps are in current team. Checking if we have new needs in
terms of ability, performance or personality. 
 2) Preparing the Job Description
Once we know exactly what you need in terms of knowledge, skills and experience,
it is time to determine the duties and responsibilities of the job by preparing
a comprehensive job description. It is a tool to ensure that you get applications from
the right candidates.
It contains: Job title, duties & responsibilities, qualifications & skills, location,
compensation, perks & benefits.
 3) Talent Search
Identifying the right talent, attracting them and motivating them to apply are
the most important aspects of the recruitment process. The job listing should
be advertised internally to generate referrals as well as externally on popular
social networking sites and preferred job boards.
Recruiters can also conduct job fairs and promote openings in leading
industry publications to cast a wider net.

 4) Screening and Shortlisting

In order to move forward with the recruitment process, we need to screen and
shortlist applicants efficiently and accurately. Sort resumes that have the
preferred credentials by looking at their certifications, relevant experience,
domain expertise, technical competencies and other specific skills that are
required for the role. Shortlisted candidates should have both, the preferred
credentials and the minimum qualifications.
 5) Interviewing
The shortlisted applications will now move through the interview process prior to
receiving an offer letter or a rejection note.
Interviewer prepares questions that give deep insights into every job applicant’s
professional background to assess whether they might be a good fit for the
required role.
 6) Evaluation and Offer of Employment
The applicant’s overall performance is evaluated to decide whether he/she will be
selected for the role or not.
If yes, then he/she will receive an offer letter. The offer letter should include
everything from the start date and the conditions of employment to the work
hours and the compensation while ensuring that every detail is clear and
 7) Introduction and Induction of the New Employee
When applicant accepts the job offer, he/she is ready to join the company. The
joining date and time is communicated to the employee. Once that’s done,
pre-employment screening that includes reference and background checks are
conducted. Once the verification is done, the employee is then introduced to
the organization.

The induction process of the employee then begins. During the induction
process, a welcome kit is usually given to the new employees, and then the
employment contract is signed.
Tips for Effective Recruiting:

 Look internally before externally:

There’s a good chance the best candidate for your position is already working
for your organization. Internal candidates are already familiar with and
contributing to your corporate culture and goals. Given their past success
within your organization, it is reasonable to expect they will continue to
excel in a new position.

 Involve employees in the hiring process:

Encourage existing employees to refer friends and professional colleagues
who they may know might add value to the company.
 Paying attention to the competition:
Make sure the total compensation package you offer is competitive with your
industry and company type. Emphasize on what sets you apart from everyone else.

 Reach out to “passive” candidates:

There is a good chance your ideal candidate is not actively looking for a new job
and will not respond to your job board because they’re likely already employed
Therefore, effective recruiting requires you to look outside of your applicant pool
for top talent. Encouraging your staff to attend industry conferences and
participate in professional organizations; developing relationships with local
university business schools, searching social media sites for strong resumes from
candidates who might not be actively looking for a new job.
McDonald’s recruitment practices:
 Snapchat is now used as digital way to create a employer brand and attract young
people towards the job opening. It is now a full blown recruiting strategy used by big
companies. McDonald’s uses video ads and applications to convey the prospective
employees about the job vacancy in the organization.

 McDonald’s has released 10-second video ads in which their current employees are
featured and they are talking about their experience to work with McDonald’s. The
person who is interested in the job can swipe up the video and they will be redirected
to the career webpage of the company. The interested candidate can also try virtually
the uniform of McDonald’s and send a 10 second video to the employer about why
they will be great employee of the company.

 It is a fun and simple way to attract young candidates and create a talent pool.
McDonald’s Recruitment process:
 1) Submitting Your Application
The online application can take up to an hour to complete. It will ask you basic
questions like your full name, address, work history, as well as your availability.

 2) The Personality Questionnaire

The personality test usually takes 30 minutes to an hour to complete. You will be
given a series of statements two at a time, and you have to choose what you feel is
the correct statement. This allows McDonald's to gauge your personality and

 3) Receiving interview details

If the regional manager is interested in your application, then he/she will call you and
set up an interview.
 4) Interview
A well-run interview identifies an applicant’s potential to be a successful
McDonald’s employee using an interview guide that helps the company
predict how an applicant’s past behaviour is likely to influence future

 5) Selection
After rating candidates on their responses, jobs are offered to those who earn
the highest ratings and unsuccessful candidates are notified in writing.

 6) Orientation
All new employees are inducted through a welcome meeting, which they
must attend. Orientation provides with a chance to network with other
professionals working at McDonald’s and to learn more about the company.
Case Study
 How would you recommend we go about reducing the turnover in our stores?

 Can you provide recommendations concerning how we should go about

increasing our pool of acceptable job applicants so we no longer face the need
to hire almost anyone who walks in the door?
 Selection is the process of choosing the best
candidates from the number of candidates. It is
process of collecting the all necessary information
and matching the desired skills with the available
skill. It is process which help to distinguish best
candidate from the normal one. It comes after

 Koontz defines selection as “ Selection is the

process of choosing from among the candidates
from within the organisations or from the outside
the most suitable person for the current position
or the future position.”
 There is no standard procedure to select different types of
employees. In practice , selection procedure differs from organisation
to organisation . Steps for selection process are as follows:
1. Preliminary interview:
The main purpose of this type of interview is to eliminate the
totally unsuitable candidates . Preliminary interview provides basic
information about candidates.
2. Application blank:
Candidates who get through the preliminary interview are asked to
fill up a blank application form specially design to obtain the
required information about the candidate. Application blank
provides a permanent record of the candidate education ,
experience, interests etc.
3. Selection test :
These are used to measure such skills and abilities which are required for
efficient performance of the job. Several types of tests are used in for screening
4. Employment interview:
It is face to face interaction between the employer and the candidate. The main
purpose of the employment interview are to check the information , seek more
information about the candidate, to test the qualities of the candidate, to inform
candidate about the job.
5. Checking references:
Candidates are required to provide some references i.e name of persons to whom
inquiries as to his educational background , experience , ability , character , etc
should be made.
6. Group discussions:
This method is being increasingly used for the selection of executives and civil servants
Under this method, several candidates are brought together and give a topic for
discussions. This method reveals personality characteristics, communication skills,
ability to argue etc.
7. Physical examination:
Physical examination or medical examination of a candidate is carried out to ascertain
his physical fitness for his job. It also prevents communicable diseases entering the
8. Final approval:
After screening the candidate a list of suitable candidates is prepared. The candidates
approved by the manager concerned are appointed by issuing appointment letters and
concluding service agreements.
Types of selection test :
 Test may be classifies as follows:
1. Aptitude test:
These tests measure the talent ability of candidate to learn a new job or skill.
Such tests are as follows:
a.) Intelligence test:
This test measure the intellectual capacity of a person. It helps to determine a
Person’s memory , reasoning skill , comprehension , perception etc.
b.) Mechanical test:
This test measure a persons capacity to learn particular type of mechanical
work. Capacity of spatial visualization, knowledge of techniques etc.
c.) Psycho-motor test:
This test measure a person’s ability to perform a specific job. It helps to determine
mental dexterity or motor ability of a person.
2. Achievement test:
These tests measure what a person can do . Such tests are of the following types:
a.) Job knowledge test:
These are used to judge proficiency in typing, shorthand, adding , machines,
dictating and transcribing machines etc. Such tests are useful in selection of
typists, stenographers.
b.) Work sample test:
In this type of test , a candidate is given a piece of work to perform in order to
judge the efficiency of the candidate.
3. Personality test :
These are used to judge the psychological make up of a person. These are of three
a.) Objective test:
This test measure neurotic tendencies, dominance- submission and self confidence.
b.)Projective test:
In this test candidates are asked to project his own interpretation on certain stimuli like
ambiguous pictures, figures etc.
c.) Situation test:
This test measures a candidates reaction when placed in a peculiar situation. It determines
the ability to under grow stress .
4. Interest test:
This test determines a candidate likes and dislikes in relation to work. This test
is used to discover a person’s areas of interest and to identify the kind of work
that will satisfy him.


An interview is a conversation between two or more people, when questions are
asked by interviewer to obtain information from the interviewee. Different types
of interviews are as follows:
a.) Structured interview:
The interviewer has list of questions with answers prepared well in advance. Marks may
be awarded to the candidate based on answers they give and thereby suitability for the
job may be assessed.
b.) Unstructured interview:
In this case the interviewer does not keep any list of questions. He can ask any question
that he thinks is relevant and see how the interviewee responds.
c.) Depth interview:
Conducted usually on one to one basis, an IDI is designed to reveal the underlying motives of the
interviewee’s attitude, behaviour and perceptions.
d.) Stress interview:
Stress interview as the name suggests is the interview in which interviewers try
to discomfort the candidate in various ways and observe how they react to
various difficult situations. For example: some people make you wait long for
interview and see if you become impatient.
e.) Panel interview:
In panel interview one will meet several individuals at one time, typically sitting
around a conference table. And generally other candidates will be asked the
same question so that answers can be compared.
f.) Group interview:
The group interview is more stressful than panel interview. Here one is interviewed in a
group. All the candidates/job seekers will be in the same room during the interview.
 Placement is a process of assigning a specific job to each of
the selected candidates. It involves assigning a specific rank
and responsibility to an individual. It implies matching
requirements of a job with the qualification of the candidate.

 Pigors and Myers , defines placement as

“ Placement of the job to which an accepted candidate is to be
assigned and his assignment to that job. It is matching of
what supervisor has reason to think he can do with the job
demands. It is matching of what he imposes in strain,
working conditions, what he offers in the form of payroll,
companionship with others promotional possibilities etc.”
Significance of placement
 The significance of placement is as follows:
• It improves employee morale
• It helps is reducing employee turnover
• It helps in reducing absenteeism
• It helps in reducing accident rates.
• It avoids misfit between the candidate and the
• It helps the candidate to work as per the
predetermined objectives of the organisation.
Principles for placement
 While taking the placement decision, the following principles must kept in mind:
 Job requirement:

An employee should be placed on the job according to the requirents of

the job such as physical and mental ability, eyesight, hearing, stress etc.
 Suitable Qualification:

The job should be offered to only that person who is suitably qualified.
Over qualified and under qualified persons might create problems for
the organisation.
 Adequate information to the job incumbent:

The employee should be provided with the complete information and facts
relating to the job including working conditions.
 Commitment and loyality:

While placing the new employee an effort should be made to develop a sense of
commitment ,loyality and cooperation in his mind. So he may realise his responsibilities better.
 Flexibility:

The placement in the initial period may be temporary as changes are likely after the completion
of training. The Employee may be later transferred to the job where he can do better justice.
 Once an employee is selected and placed on the appropriate job, the process of
familiarizing him with the job and organisation is known as induction or orientation.

 R.P billimoria defines induction as “ A technique by which a new employee is

rehabilitated into the changed surroundings and introduced to the practices , policies
and purposes of the organisation.”
 Objectives of induction :
 To help the newcomer to overcome his shyness and nervousness in meeting new
people in new environment.
 To give new comer necessary information such as location of a café, rest period etc.
 To build new employee’s confidence in the organisation.
 It helps reducing the labor turnover and absenteeism.
 It reduces confusion and develops healthy relations in the organisation.
Content of induction programme:
 A formal induction programme should provide following information:
 Brief history and operation of the compoany.

 The company’s organisation structure.

 Policies and procedures of the company.

 Products and services of the company.

 Location of department and employee facilities.

 Safety measures.

 Grievances procedure.

 Benefits and services of employee.

 Standing offers and disciplinary procedure.

 Opportunities for training, promotion, transfer, etc.

Induction procedure
 Reporting for duty at a certain place to the head of the department concerned.
 The head of the department welcomes the new employee.
 Introduction to the organisational/branch head by the head of the department.
 Organisational/ branch head introduces to important employees and describes
about the organisation.
 Departmental head introduces to all the employees of the department, describes
the department , total work of the department etc.
 Supervisor concerned introduces to his co workers in that section/ unit to the
work, job , material, machine.
 Providing information about the duties, responsibilities, rights, facilities,
provision, welfare etc.
 Supervisor clarifies the doubts of new employee about the work.
How to make induction programme successful?
 The following guidelines may be helpful in making induction programme
more effective:
 Introduction to important staff not just quick intros but sufficient time to

get acquainted and understand the job role.

 Tour of the building , pointing our fire exits , bathrooms , meeting rooms ,

boardrooms , useful offices such as IT support staff , administration staff ,

stationery etc.
 Health and safety training as necessary dependent on job role.
 How to complete day to day task and where to find the necessary

folders/files. Ideally each task should ne explained and then the trainee
should be left for short while to practice.
Selection practice at Myntra
 Myntra is an e-commerce company started by an IIT/IIM group in 2007 , headquarters
in bengluru, karnataka,founded in 2007, it is the largest online store for fashion and
lifestyle products. In May 2014 the company merged with flipkart
 The Myntra test pattern and selection procedure is as follows :
 Selection process:

The company conducts the recruitment process every year to select new
Candidates. The selection process of the company consists of 4 rounds.
These rounds are follows:
o Written exam
o Technical interview 1
o Technical interview 2
o HR interview
 Academic creteria:
One should be having 65% or above in graduation and 75% and above
in 10th and 12th .
 Pattern of written exam

Section No. of questions

Aptitude 5
Coding 2
Total 7
Time is allotted 90 minutes for the written exam.
 Details

Aptitude : consists of questions from topics like algebra , time & work, speed
& distance , arithmetic , percentages , geometry etc.
Coding : section consists of questions from the topic like C language, java, data
 One can easily apply at in myntra.
 Here overall level of paper is easy to moderate. Only those who clears the
written exam will qualify for the next round . The company reserves the right
to make changes in the written exam .
 After clearing the written exam then comes the technical interview round after
that HR interview is conducted and then selection of candidate is finalised.
Case study on Selection

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