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Marketing plan

Group 5

Asul Villanueva ID: 2103470

Najitha Bhaginda Gunawardena ID : 2017842
Kinshi Sharma ID :2102655
Anu Sharma ID: 2103357

Subject : MRKT 621 ONS WINTER 34

Client : Martina Carello
Agenda Executive Summary

Situational Analysis

Marketing Strategy

Marketing Program


Executive Summary

● MykaSoula

● MykaSoula's target market has been described as women born between

1965 and 1980 who are part of the generation X group

● Mission Statement

● First Priority People, Our Passion is in Progress, Always Welcome

Challenges and Collaborate, and we have mastery!

● Based in Calgary but online

● New Ideas?
Situational Analysis

● Industry Analysis

● Competitor Analysis

● Company Analysis

● Customer Analysis
Situational Analysis (SWOT)
Strengths Weaknesses
● Gain an edge in using name recognition ● Unnecessary costs
● Brand Positioning ● Unknown Designers
● Bottom-Line Revenue ● Lack of presence in an area

Opportunities Threats
● Awareness of lifting embargoes ● Recession resulting in trade bans
● New accessible raw materials ● Political instability in commodity supply
● Large target market ● Competition
Marketing Strategy
● Product Life Cycle?

● Growth Stage

● Strategies to succeed?
Marketing Strategy (Segmentation)

Source : (Statista, 2021)

Marketing Strategy (Segmentation)
● Demographics

● Psychographics

● Purchase decisions

● Musical Tastes

● Social Media used

● Interests

● Influences

● Challenges
Marketing Strategy (Segmentation)
Meet Michelle
Marketing Strategy (Positioning)
● Positioning based on product characteristics

● Positioning based on price

● Positioning based on quality

● Positioning based on product use or application

● Positioning based on competition

Marketing Strategy (Objectives)
● Increase Sales ● Launch a new product

● Increase Leads ● International market

● Grow Brand Awareness ● ROI

● Decrease Churn ● Increase profits

● Increase Web Traffic ● Attract New Customer

● Retain Customers
Marketing Program
● Product Strategy: -
Team Manager
Reference your personas, if you have them.
Describe the content of Julia’s job and the
problem she and her team are currently facing.
Use cases / user stories
➔ Use cases, user stories, notes to set up the wireframes. Such as…

➔ “As an Administrator, I would like to restrict permissions based on role.”

➔ “As a Moderator, I would like to flag and approve comments.”

➔ Executives indicated that being able to see a summary of each segment of data was their #1

➔ Note: secondary admin workflow not planned for this release.

State your assumptions or any unknowns here.
6. Control - monitor

● Feedback mechanism to monitor progress

● Evaluation process

● Performance objectives (quantifiable elements)

● Profit margin

● Market share

● Promotional effectiveness

● Market penetration

Feedback can me made by customers indirectly by hosting

online polls on the Internet that ask specific questions about the

latest marketing plan.

Surveys can be done with marketing groups or via individual

interviews by phone or in person.

● Evaluation process

The term "monitoring" refers to the process of checking and observing the marketing plan's progress.

This necessitates the marketing department's people, as well as other employees, gathering information
and reporting on any significant changes, issues, or opportunities that develop within the marketing
plan's life cycle.
Solution description
Now that you’ve justified your attention to the problem, summarize your solution in one or two
● Feedback mechanism to monitor progress

Return to the problem now that you’ve introduced your solution. Compare your solution to others and
describe how it is superior.
● Profit margin
● Market share
Information architecture Balsamiq Tip | Information architecture is the flow of content across the site or application (more info).
Call out key parts of the UI

Component Browser Balsamiq Tip | Use the Balsamiq add-on to make your own wireframe.
Component Detail
Articulate your design decisions
by adding justifications

Component Detail (Mobile)

Contacts (Mobile)
● Promotional effectiveness
➔ Present the timeline.

➔ Solicit comments on these slides or reviews on these wireframes in the Balsamiq add-on.

➔ User testing plan.

● Market penetration


User research Wireframes Review Prototype User testing Dev hand-off
● Thanks
Team Reference
➔ Executive Summary - Anu
➔ Situational Analysis - Anu
➔ Marketing Strategy - Kinshi
➔ Marketing Mix - Najitha
➔ Budget - Najitha
➔ Control part + Presentation- Azul
Asul Villanueva- Presentation

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