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“The orator who wishes
to set the people on fire
must himself be

- Quintilian
What is enthusiasm?
• Enthusiasm is one of the most powerful
engines of success. When you do something,
do it with all your might. Put your whole soul
into it. Stamp it with your own personality.
Be active, be energetic, be enthusiastic and
faithful, and you will accomplish your

- Ralph Waldo Emerson

What is enthusiasm?
• An intense feeling of earnestness
towards a goal or object manifests
• This feeling emanates from a positive
mental attitude and a deep belief in
things that are good.
Manifestation of Enthusiasm
• 1. Start with a greeting
• 2. Establish eye contact
• 3. Maintain positive body language

• Note:
The ability of the speaker to manifest enthusiasm as
he speaks may make or break his entire performance.
Make a Choice
• Choose to love – rather than hate.
• Choose to smile – rather than frown.
• Choose to build - rather than destroy.
• Choose to preserve – rather than quit.
• Choose to praise – rather than gossip.
• Choose to heal – rather than wound.
• Choose to give – rather than grasp.
• Choose to act – rather than delay.
• Choose to forgive – rather than curse.
• Choose to pray – rather than despair.
Lesson 3 Activity:
Answer the following Questions ???
• 1. What line struck you most? Why?
• 2. Is it easy to forgive somebody who has hurt you? Why or why not?
• 3. Cite a situation or experience where you have forgiven somebody?
• 4. What did you feel after having forgiven that person?
• 5. Have you forgiven yourself:
• A. for an erroneous or imperfect decision?
• B. for hurting somebody else?
• C. for not living up to your parents’ expectations?
Lesson 3
Assignment: Give the Phonetic symbols, Parts of speech, Definition
and Sentence of the following words.
• 1. Kindle
Phonetic Symbols: ________________________
Parts of Speech: __________________________
Definition: _______________________________
Sentence: _______________________________
• 2. Kith
• 3. Leeway
• 4. Liquidate
• 5. Lucrative

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