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Presentation 3 :
Rebar Works

Engr. Ruel V. Vergara

Steel Bars
Steel is the most widely used reinforcing materials for almost all types of concrete
construction. It is an excellent partner of concrete in resisting both tension and
compression stresses. Comparatively, steel is ten times stronger than concrete in
resisting compression load and hundred times stronger in tensile stresses.

Identification of Steel Bars

Steel reinforcing bars are provided with distinctive markings identifying the name
of the manufacturer with its initial brand and the bar size number including the
type of steel bars presented as follows: N = for billet, A = for axle, Rail Sign = for
rail steel

Steel Bars Marking System

Estimating Steel Bars
Reinforcing bars are usually determined by direct counting method.
The additional length for hook, bend, and splices for end lapping joints
should not be overlooked. Lengths are available in 5, 6, 7.5, 9, 10.5, 12,
and 13.5 meters but 6 meters are usually the ones commonly available in
local hardware stores. For reinforcement for concrete hollow blocks, the
area method may be adopted aside from the direct counting method.
Aside from the reinforcing bars, the GI tie wires used to secure the
steel bars into its designated position should also be determined. Gauge
no. 16 GI wire is usually used as tie wire.
Number and Diameter of Steel Bars
Length of Reinforcing Bars for CHB in Meters

No. 16 GI Tiewire for CHB Reinforcement per Square Meter

Note: 1 kg of No. 16 tie wire is approximately 53 m long.

From the foundation plan of a 5m x 4m storage house, column
and column footing detail, beam detail, and wall footing detail
shown, determine the following:
a. Quantity of 16 mm deformed bars for footings.
b. Quantity of 12 mm deformed bars for beams.
c. Quantity of 10 mm deformed bars for column ties.
d. Quantity of 10 mm deformed bars for walls.
e. Quantity of GI wire no. 16 tie wires in kg for footings.

The depth of col. ftg. and wall ftg. are 1.0m and 0.6m
respectively from NGL, and the top of columns and beams are
located 3 m from the FFL.

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