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CS589-04 Digital Image Processing

Lecture 3. Filtering in the

Frequency Domain

Spring 2008
New Mexico Tech

► Fourier Transform

► Filtering in Fourier Transform Domain

03/21/22 2
Fourier Series and Fourier Transform: History
► Jean Baptiste Joseph Fourier, French mathematician and physicist

Orphaned: at nine
Secretary of the
French Academy of
Egyptian expedition Sciences: 1822
with Napoleon I:
1798 Théorie analytique
Governor of Lower de la chaleur :
Egypt 1822

(The Analytic
Theory of Heat)

03/21/22 3
Fourier Series and Fourier Transform: History

► Fourier Series
Any periodic function can be expressed as the sum of
sines and /or cosines of different frequencies, each
multiplied by a different coefficients

► Fourier Transform
Any function that is not periodic can be expressed as the
integral of sines and /or cosines multiplied by a weighing

03/21/22 4
Fourier Series: Example

03/21/22 5
Preliminary Concepts

j  1, a complex number

C  R  jI
the conjugate
C*  R - jI

| C | R 2  I 2 and   arctan( I / R)
C | C | (cos   j sin  )
Using Euler's formula,
C | C | e j

03/21/22 6
Fourier Series

A function f (t ) of a continuous variable t that is periodic

with period, T , can be expressed as the sum of sines and
cosines multiplied by appropriate coefficients
 2 n
j t
f (t )  ce
n 

2 n
1 T /2 j t
cn   f (t )e T
dt for n  0, 1, 2,...
T T / 2

03/21/22 7
Impulses and the Sifting Property (1)
A unit impulse of a continuous variable t located
at t =0, denoted  (t ), defined as
 if t  0
 (t )  
0 if t  0
and is constrained also to satisfy the identity

 
 (t )dt  1

The sifting property  f (t ) (t  t0 )dt  f (t0 )


f (t ) (t ) dt  f (0)
03/21/22 8
Impulses and the Sifting Property (2)
A unit impulse of a discrete variable x located
at x =0, denoted  ( x), defined as
1 if x  0
 ( x)  
0 if x  0
and is constrained also to satisfy the identity

  ( x)  1
x 

The sifting property 
x 
f ( x) ( x  x0 )  f ( x0 )

x 
f ( x) ( x)  f (0)
03/21/22 9
Impulses and the Sifting Property (3)

impulse train sT (t ),

sT (t )    (t  nT )
n 

03/21/22 10
Fourier Transform: One Continuous Variable

The Fourier Transform of a continous function f (t )

F (  )  { f (t )}   f (t )e  j 2t dt

The Inverse Fourier Transform of F (  )

f (t )   {F (  )}   F (  )e j 2t d 

03/21/22 11
Fourier Transform: One Continuous Variable

 W /2
F ( )   f (t )e  j 2 t
dt   Ae  j 2t dt
 W /2

A  j 2 t W /2 A
 e   e jW  e  jW 
j 2 W /2 j 2 W
sin(W )
 AW
(W )

03/21/22 12
Fourier Transform: Impulses

The Fourier transform of a unit impulse located at the origin:

F (  )    (t )e  j 2t dt

 e  j 2 0
The Fourier transform of a unit impulse located at t  t0 :

F (  )    (t  t0 )e  j 2t dt

 e  j 2t0
=cos(2 t0 )  j sin (2 t0 )

03/21/22 13
Fourier Transform: Impulse Trains

Impulse train sT (t ), sT (t )    (t  nT )
n 

The Fourier series:

 2 n
j t
sT (t )  c
n 
n e T

2 n
1 T / 2 j t
cn 
T T / 2
sT (t )e T

03/21/22 14
Fourier Transform: Impulse Trains

 j 21Tn t T /2  j 2Tjn2tTn t j 2t 1 T /2 j 2Tnjt2Tnt j 2t

cn e

T 


T /2  T T 
sT (et )e e dt = dt  e(t )e e dt dt

1 0 1
= e  n
 Tj 2 (  T) t n
 e T
dt   (   )
 T
 2 n n  2 n n

  ( j T t ) 1   ( j  t )e j 2t du
1 
sT (t )  c n e T    e T T
n 2 nt T n 
 e T

03/21/22 15
Fourier Transform: Impulse Trains
Let S (  ) denote the Fourier transform of the
periodic impulse train S T (t )
2 n
 1  j t 
S (  )  S T (t )    e T

 T n  
1   j 2Tn t 
   e 
T  n  
1  n
= 
T n 
 ( 

03/21/22 16
Fourier Transform and Convolution
The convolution of two functions is denoted
by the operator

f (t ) h (t )   f ( ) h(t   ) d
 
 f (t ) h(t )    f ( )h(t   )d e  j 2t dt

 
  
 
= f ( )  h(t   )e  j 2t dt d

   

= f ( )  H (  )e  j 2 d

=H (  )  f ( )e  j 2 d

=H (  ) F (  )
03/21/22 17
Fourier Transform and Convolution

Fourier Transform Pairs

f (t ) h(t )  H (  ) F (  )

f (t )h(t )  H (  ) F (  )

03/21/22 18
Fourier Transform of Sampled Functions

f (t )  f (t ) sT (t )

 
n 
f (t ) (t  nT )

03/21/22 19
Fourier Transform of Sampled Functions

 
F (  )   f (t )   f (t ) sT (t )  F (  ) ? S (  )

F (  )  F1(  ) S (  )  n F ( ) S (    ) d
S ( )  
1T n 

 (  
 T
=  F ( )   (     )d
T 
n  T
1   n
= 
T n  
F ( ) (    

1  n
= 
T n 
F ( 

03/21/22 20

The Fourier transform of the

sampled function (shown in the
following figure) is

1. Continuous

2. Discrete

03/21/22 21
Fourier Transform of Sampled Functions
► A bandlimited signal is a signal whose Fourier transform
is zero above a certain finite frequency. In other words, if
the Fourier transform has finite support then the signal is
said to be bandlimited.

An example of a simple bandlimited signal is a sinusoid of

the form,

x(t )  sin(2 ft   )

03/21/22 22
Fourier Transform of Sampled Functions

 max max
 2 max
F (  )  T
1 
n Critically-sampling
 F ( 
n  1
 2max
 2 max
03/21/22 T 23
Nyquist–Shannon sampling theorem

► We can recover f (t ) from its sampled version if we can

isolate a copy of F (  ) from the periodic sequence of
F (  )in
copies of this function contained , the transform of
f (t )
the sampled function

► Sufficient separation is guaranteed if  2max
Sampling theorem: A continuous, band-limited function
can be recovered completely from a set of its samples if
the samples are acquired at a rate exceeding twice the
highest frequency content of the function
03/21/22 24
Nyquist–Shannon sampling theorem


f (t )   F (  )e j 2t d 

03/21/22 25

If a band-limited function is sampled at a rate that is less

than twice its highest frequency?

The inverse transform will yield a corrupted function. This

effect is known as frequency aliasing or simply as

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03/21/22 27

03/21/22 28
Function Reconstruction from Sampled Data

F (  )  H (  ) F (  )

f (t )   1
F (  )
 1
H (  ) F (  )
 h(t ) f (t )

f (t )   f (nT )sinc (t  nT ) / nT 
n 
03/21/22 29
The Discrete Fourier Transform (DFT) of One

M 1
F (  )   f ( x)e  j 2 x / M ,  0,1,..., M  1
x 0

1 M 1
f ( x) 
 F
 0
(  ) e j 2 x / M
, x  0,1, 2,..., M  1

03/21/22 30
2-D Impulse and Sifting Property: Continuous
 if t  z  0
The impulse  (t , z ),  (t , z )  
0 otherwise
 
and    
 (t , z )dtdz  1

The sifting property

 
 
 
f (t , z ) (t , z )dtdz  f (0, 0)
 
 
 
f (t , z ) (t  t0 , z  z0 )dtdz  f (t0 , z0 )

03/21/22 31
2-D Impulse and Sifting Property: Discrete

1 if x  y  0
The impulse  ( x, y ),  ( x, y )  
0 otherwise

The sifting property

 

x  y 
f ( x, y ) ( x, y )  f (0, 0)

 

x  y 
f ( x, y ) ( x  x0 , y  y0 )  f ( x0 , y0 )

03/21/22 32
2-D Fourier Transform: Continuous

 
F (  , )    f (t , z ) e  j 2 (  t  z )
 

 
f (t , z )    f (  , )e j 2 (  t  z )
d  d
 

03/21/22 33
2-D Fourier Transform: Continuous
 
F (  , )    f (t , z )e  j 2 ( t  z ) dtdz
 
T /2 Z /2
  Ae  j 2 ( t  z ) dtdz
T /2  Z /2

 sin(T )   sin( T ) 
 ATZ     T 
  T  

03/21/22 34
2-D Sampling and 2-D Sampling Theorem

2  D impulse train:
 
sT Z (t , z )     (t  mT , z  nZ )
m  n 

03/21/22 35
2-D Sampling and 2-D Sampling Theorem

Function f (t , z ) is said to be band-limited if its Fourier transform

is 0 outside a rectangle established by the intervals [-max ,max ]
and [- max , max ], that is
F (  , )  0 for |  |  max and |  |  max

Two-dimensional sampling theorem:

A continuous, band-limited function f (t , z ) can be recovered with
no error from a set of its samples if the sampling intervals are
1 1
T< and Z<
2max 2 max
03/21/22 36
2-D Sampling and 2-D Sampling Theorem

03/21/22 37
Aliasing in Images: Example
In an image system, the
number of samples is fixed at
96x96 pixels. If we use this
system to digitize checkerboard
patterns …


03/21/22 38
Aliasing in Images: Example


03/21/22 39
Aliasing in Images: Example


03/21/22 40
Moiré patterns

► Moiré patterns are often an undesired artifact of images

produced by various digital imaging and computer graphics
e. g., when scanning a halftone picture or ray tracing a
checkered plane. This cause of moiré is a special case of
aliasing, due to under-sampling a fine regular patterné_pattern

03/21/22 41
Moiré patterns

03/21/22 42
Moiré patterns

03/21/22 43
Moiré patterns
A moiré pattern
formed by
incorrectly down-
sampling the
former image

03/21/22 44
2-D Discrete Fourier Transform and Its
M 1 N 1  j 2 (  x / M  y / N )

F (  , )    f ( x, y )e
x 0 y 0

  0,1, 2,..., M  1;  0,1, 2,..., N  1;

f ( x, y ) is a digital image of size M  N.

j 2 (  x / M  y / N )
1 M 1 N 1
f ( x, y ) 
  F ( , )e
x 0 y 0

03/21/22 45
Properties of the 2-D DFT
relationships between spatial and frequency intervals

Let T and Z denote the separations between samples,

then the seperations between the corresponding discrete,
frequency domain variables are given by
 
M T
and  
N Z

03/21/22 46
Properties of the 2-D DFT
translation and rotation

f ( x, y )e j 2 ( 0 x / M  0 y / N )  F (   0 ,  0 )
 j 2 (  x0 / M  y0 / N )
f ( x - x0 , y - y0 )  F (  , )e

Using the polar coordinates

x  r cos  y=rsin  =cos  = sin 
results in the following transform pair:
f ( r ,    0 )  F ( ,    0 )
03/21/22 47
Properties of the 2-D DFT

2  D Fourier transform and its inverse are infinitely periodic

F (  , )  F (   k1M , )  F (  ,  k 2 N )  F (   k1M ,  k 2 N )

f ( x, y )  f ( x  k1M , y )  f ( x, y  k 2 N )  f ( x  k1M , y  k 2 N )

f ( x ) e j 2 ( 0 x / M )  F (    0 )
0  M / 2, f ( x)(1) x  F (   M / 2)

f ( x, y )(1) x  y  F (   M / 2,  N / 2)

03/21/22 48
Properties of the 2-D DFT

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Properties of the 2-D DFT

03/21/22 50
Properties of the 2-D DFT
Fourier Spectrum and Phase Angle

2-D DFT in polar form

F (u, v) | F (u, v) | e j (u ,v )
Fourier spectrum
2 2
| F (u, v) |  R (u, v)  I (u, v) 
Power spectrum
P(u, v) | F (u, v) |2  R 2 (u, v)  I 2 (u, v)
Phase angle
 I (u , v) 
 (u,v)=arctan  
 R (u , v ) 

03/21/22 51
03/21/22 52
03/21/22 53
Example: Phase Angles

03/21/22 54
Example: Phase Angles and The Reconstructed

03/21/22 55
2-D Convolution Theorem
1-D convolution
M 1
f ( x ) h( x )   f ( m) h( x  m)
m 0

2-D convolution
M 1 N 1
f ( x, y ) h ( x, y )    f (m, n)h( x  m, y  n)
m 0 n 0

x  0,1, 2,..., M  1; y  0,1, 2,..., N  1.

f ( x , y ) h ( x , y )  F ( u, v ) H ( u, v )
f ( x , y )h ( x , y )  F ( u, v ) H ( u, v )
03/21/22 56
An Example of Convolution

Mirroring h
about the

the mirrored
function by x

the sum for
each x
03/21/22 57
An Example of Convolution

It causes the
d error

It can be
solved by

03/21/22 58
Zero Padding

► Consider two functions f(x) and h(x) composed of A and B

samples, respectively

► Append zeros to both functions so that they have the same

length, denoted by P, then wraparound is avoided by

P ≥A+B-1

03/21/22 59
Zero Padding

► Let f(x,y) and h(x,y) be two image arrays of sizes A×B and
C×D pixels, respectively. Wraparound error in their
convolution can be avoided by padding these functions
with zeros

 f ( x, y ) 0  x  A -1 and 0  y  B -1
f p ( x, y )  
 0 A  x  P or B  y  Q

 h ( x, y ) 0  x  C -1 and 0  y  D -1
h p ( x, y )  
 0 C  x  P or D  y  Q

Here P  A  C  1; Q  B  D  1
03/21/22 60

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03/21/22 64
The Basic Filtering in the Frequency Domain

Why is the spectrum at

almost ±45 degree stronger
than the spectrum at other

03/21/22 65
The Basic Filtering in the Frequency Domain

► Modifying the Fourier transform of an image

► Computing the inverse transform to obtain the processed


g ( x, y )  1{H (u , v) F (u, v)}

F (u, v) is the DFT of the input image

H (u, v) is a filter function.

03/21/22 66
The Basic Filtering in the Frequency Domain

► In a filter H(u,v) that is 0 at the center of the transform

and 1 elsewhere, what’s the output image?

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The Basic Filtering in the Frequency Domain

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The Basic Filtering in the Frequency Domain

03/21/22 69
Zero-Phase-Shift Filters
g ( x, y )   {H (u , v) F (u , v)}
F (u , v)  R (u , v)  jI (u , v )
g ( x, y )    H (u, v) R(u, v)  jH (u, v) I (u, v) 
Filters affect the real and imaginary parts equally,
and thus no effect on the phase.
These filters are called zero-phase-shift filters

03/21/22 70
Examples: Nonzero-Phase-Shift Filters

Even small
angle is in the phase angle can ishave
Phase angle
(usually by undesirable) effects on the
multiplied by filtered
0.5 0.5
03/21/22 71
Steps for Filtering in the Frequency Domain
1. Given an input image f(x,y) of size MxN, obtain the
padding parameters P and Q. Typically, P = 2M and Q = 2N.

2. Form a padded image, fp(x,y) of size PxQ by

appending the necessary number of zeros to f(x,y)

3. Multiply fp(x,y) by (-1)x+y to center its transform

4. Compute the DFT, F(u,v) of the image from step 3

5. Generate a real, symmetric filter function*, H(u,v), of

size PxQ with center at coordinates (P/2, Q/2)
*generate from a given spatial filter, we pad the spatial filter, multiply the expadded
array by (-1)x+y, and compute the DFT of the result to obtain a centered H(u,v).
03/21/22 72
Steps for Filtering in the Frequency Domain
6. Form the product G(u,v) = H(u,v)F(u,v) using array

7. Obtain the processed image

 
g p ( x, y )  real  1 G (u , v)  ( 1) x  y

8. Obtain the final processed result, g(x,y), by extracting

the MxN region from the top, left quadrant of gp(x,y)

03/21/22 73
An Example:
Steps for Filtering in the Frequency Domain

03/21/22 74
Correspondence Between Filtering in the
Spatial and Frequency Domains (1)

Let H(u) denote the 1-D frequency domain Gaussian filter

- u 2 /2 2
H (u)  Ae

The corresponding filter in the spatial domain

2 2 2 x 2
h( x)  2 Ae

1. Both components are Gaussian and real

2. The functions behave reciprocally

03/21/22 75
Correspondence Between Filtering in the
Spatial and Frequency Domains (2)
Let H (u ) denote the difference of Gaussian filter
- u 2 /212 - u 2 /2 22
H (u)  Ae  Be
with A  B and  1   2

The corresponding filter in the spatial domain

2 2 12 x 2 2 2 22 x 2
h( x)  2 1 Ae  2 2 Ae

High-pass filter or low-pass filter ?

03/21/22 76
Correspondence Between Filtering in the
Spatial and Frequency Domains (3)

03/21/22 77
Correspondence Between Filtering in the
Spatial and Frequency Domains: Example


03/21/22 78
Correspondence Between Filtering in the
Spatial and Frequency Domains: Example

03/21/22 79
Generate H(u,v)

 f ( x, y ) 0  x  599 and 0  y  599

f p ( x, y )  
 0 600  x  602 or 600  y  602

 h ( x, y ) 0  x  2 and 0  y  2
h p ( x, y )  
0 3  x  602 or 3  y  602

Here P  A(600)  C (3)  1  602;

Q  B (600)  D(3)  1  602.

03/21/22 80
Generate H(u,v)

1. Multiply hp ( x, y ) by (-1) x  y to center the frequency domain filter

2. Compute the forward DFT of the result in (1)

3. Set the real part of the resulting DFT to 0 to account for

parasitic real parts

4. Multiply the result by (-1)u  v , which is implicit when h( x, y )

was moved to the center of hp ( x, y ).

03/21/22 81
Image Smoothing Using Filter Domain Filters:

Ideal Lowpass Filters (ILPF)

1 if D(u, v)  D0
H (u, v)  
0 if D(u , v )  D0

D0 is a positive constant and D(u, v) is the distance between a point (u , v)

in the frequency domain and the center of the frequency rectangle
2 2 1/ 2
D(u , v)  (u  P / 2)  (v  Q / 2) 

03/21/22 82
Image Smoothing Using Filter Domain Filters:

03/21/22 83
ILPF Filtering Example

03/21/22 84

03/21/22 85
The Spatial Representation of ILPF

03/21/22 86
Image Smoothing Using Filter Domain Filters:
Butterworth Lowpass Filters (BLPF) of order n and
with cutoff frequency D0
H (u , v) 
1   D(u, v) / D0 

03/21/22 87
03/21/22 88
The Spatial Representation of BLPF

03/21/22 89
Image Smoothing Using Filter Domain Filters:

Gaussian Lowpass Filters (GLPF) in two dimensions is given

 D 2 ( u , v )/2 2
H (u , v )  e

By letting   D0
 D 2 ( u , v )/2 D0 2
H (u, v)  e

03/21/22 90
Image Smoothing Using Filter Domain Filters:

03/21/22 91
03/21/22 92
Examples of smoothing by GLPF (1)

03/21/22 93
Examples of smoothing by GLPF (2)

03/21/22 94
Examples of smoothing by GLPF (3)

03/21/22 95
Image Sharpening Using Frequency Domain

A highpass filter is obtained from a given lowpass filter


H HP (u , v)  1  H LP (u , v)

A 2-D ideal highpass filter (IHPL) is defined as

0 if D(u, v)  D0
H (u , v)  
1 if D(u, v)  D0

03/21/22 96
Image Sharpening Using Frequency Domain

A 2-D Butterworth highpass filter (BHPL) is defined as

H (u, v) 
1   D0 / D(u , v) 

A 2-D Gaussian highpass filter (GHPL) is defined as

 D 2 ( u , v )/2 D02
H (u , v )  1  e

03/21/22 97
03/21/22 98
The Spatial Representation of Highpass

03/21/22 99
Filtering Results by IHPF

03/21/22 100
Filtering Results by BHPF

03/21/22 101
Filtering Results by GHPF

03/21/22 102
Using Highpass Filtering and Threshold for
Image Enhancement

(order 4 with a cutoff
frequency 50)

03/21/22 103
The Laplacian in the Frequency Domain

H (u, v)  4 2 (u 2  v 2 )

H (u , v)  4 2 (u  P / 2) 2  (v  Q / 2) 2 ) 
 4 2 D 2 (u, v)
The Laplacian image
 2 f ( x, y )  1 H (u , v) F (u, v)

Enhancement is obtained
g ( x, y )  f ( x, y )  c 2 f ( x, y ) c  -1
03/21/22 104
The Laplacian in the Frequency Domain

The enhanced image

g ( x, y )   F (u, v)  H (u, v) F (u, v)
 1 1  H (u, v)  F (u, v)

 
 1 1  4 2 D 2 (u, v)  F (u, v)

03/21/22 105
The Laplacian in the Frequency Domain

03/21/22 106
Unsharp Masking, Highboost Filtering and
High-Frequency-Emphasis Fitering

g mask ( x, y )  f ( x, y )  f LP ( x, y )

f LP ( x, y )  1  H LP (u, v) F (u, v) 

Unsharp masking and highboost filtering

g ( x, y )  f ( x, y )  k * g mask ( x, y )

 
g ( x, y )  1 1  k * 1  H LP (u, v)  F (u , v)
 1 1  k * H HP (u, v)  F (u, v)

03/21/22 107
Unsharp Masking, Highboost Filtering and
High-Frequency-Emphasis Fitering

g ( x, y )   k
1  k2 * H HP (u , v)  F (u , v)
k1  0 and k2  0

03/21/22 108
Gaussian Filter

High-Frequency-Emphasis Filtering
Gaussian Filter
K1=0.5, k2=0.75

03/21/22 109
Homomorphic Filtering

f ( x , y )  i ( x , y ) r ( x, y )
  f ( x, y )  
=  i ( x, y )   r ( x, y )  ?

z ( x, y )  ln f ( x, y )  ln i ( x, y )  ln r ( x, y )

z ( x, y )  ln f ( x, y )  ln i ( x, y )   ln r ( x, y )

Z (u, v)  Fi (u, v)  Fr (u , v )

03/21/22 110
Homomorphic Filtering

S (u , v)  H (u, v) Z (u, v)
 H (u, v) Fi (u, v)  H (u, v) Fr (u, v)
s ( x, y )  1 S (u, v)
 1 H (u, v) Fi (u, v)  H (u, v) Fr (u, v)
 1 H (u, v) Fi (u, v)  1 H (u, v) Fr (u, v)
 i '( x, y)  r '( x, y )

g ( x, y )  e s ( x , y )  ei '( x , y ) e r '( x , y )  i0 ( x, y )r0 ( x, y )

03/21/22 111
Homomorphic Filtering

The illumination component of an image generally is

characterized by slow spatial variations, while the
reflectance component tends to vary abruptly

These characteristics lead to associating the low

frequencies of the Fourier transform of the logarithm of an
image with illumination the high frequencies with
03/21/22 112
Homomorphic Filtering

H (u , v)  ( H   L ) 1  e
 c  D 2 ( u ,v )/ D02 
   
  L

Attenuate the contribution

made by illumination and
amplify the contribution
made by reflectance

03/21/22 113
 L  0.25
H  2
c 1
D0  80

03/21/22 114
Homomorphic Filtering

03/21/22 115
Selective Filtering

Non-Selective Filters:
operate over the entire frequency rectangle

Selective Filters
operate over some part, not entire frequency rectangle
• bandreject or bandpass: process specific bands
• notch filters: process small regions of the frequency

03/21/22 116
Selective Filtering:
Bandreject and Bandpass Filters

H BP (u , v)  1  H BR (u , v)

03/21/22 117
Selective Filtering:
Bandreject and Bandpass Filters

03/21/22 118
Selective Filtering:
Notch Filters
Zero-phase-shift filters must be symmetric about the origin.
A notch with center at (u0, v0) must have a corresponding
notch at location (-u0,-v0).

Notch reject filters are constructed as products of highpass

filters whose centers have been translated to the centers of
the notches.
H NR (u, v)   H k (u, v) H  k (u, v)
k 1

where H k (u, v) and H - k (u, v) are highpass filters whose centers are
at (uk , vk ) and (-uk , -vk ), respectively.
03/21/22 119
Selective Filtering:
Notch Filters
H NR (u, v)   H k (u, v) H  k (u, v)
k 1

where H k (u, v) and H -k (u, v) are highpass filters whose centers are
at (uk , vk ) and (-uk , -vk ), respectively.

A Butterworth notch reject filter of order n

3 1  1 
H NR (u, v)    2n   2n 
k 1 1   D0 k / Dk (u , v )   1   D0 k / D k (u , v )  
  
2 2 1/2
Dk (u, v)  (u  M / 2  uk )  (v  N / 2  vk ) 
2 1/2
D k (u, v)  (u  M / 2  uk )  (v  N / 2  vk ) 
03/21/22 120
Filters (1)

A Butterworth notch
reject filter D 0 =3
and n=4 for all
notch pairs

03/21/22 121
Notch Filters

03/21/22 122
03/21/22 123

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