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“Personality Development”

Personality Development Program!!

Interactive workshop for Students
What are the reasons a individual
faces while representing him/her self
70 63%
30 17%
20 8% 12%
0 Survey
ge o n ce i lls
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La ou La I nt
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What is the aim of your life
What are the efforts you are putting
to achieve your aim.
How many of you want to be
successful in Life.
What have you done to be
What you have done to strengthen your
 Communication Skills.
 Spoken English.
 Positive Attitude.
 Behavioral skills.
 Self Confidence.
 Decision Making.
 Listening Skills
 Problem solving.
 Priority Management.
 Leadership traits.
This all together makes a
complete personality.

If you want something in your

life you have never had, you
will have to do something you
have never done,
Do you think that personality development skills
are the most important thing to achieve
success ?
Yes, Its true -
A study attributed to Harvard University
found that when a person gets a success,
85% of the time it is because of their
interpersonal skills, and only 15% of the
time because of how educated they are and
how many facts and figures they know.
Surprisingly, almost 100% of education
money spent to learn facts and figures
which account for only 15% of success!
Road Map…
 Communication skill, Spoken English :-

 Introduction session & assessment.

 English Speaking Basics – L- 1
 English Speaking Basics – L- 2
 English Speaking Basics – L- 3
 English Speaking Regular
 Speaking, Writing, Listening, Reading.
 English speaking activities like Mirror, Answering
phone, Youtube videos, Opening a venture etc etc.
 Role plays.
 Recording and telecast.
 High Impact Interpersonal skill :-

 Attitude –
 Goal Settings -
 Public Speaking traits –
 Listening skills -
 Self confidence -
 Team Building -
 Behavioral skills.
 Decision Making –
 Problem solving.
 Priority Management.
 Leadership traits.
 Time management –
 Interview skill:-
 Group Discussion –

 What to prepare for GD

 How to get selected in GD.

 Personal Interview –

Body language and gesture.
Techniques of building rapport and trust.
Techniques of answering questions.
Most likely questions during the interview.
What to say instead of I don’t know.
Different stages of Interview.
 Success strategies:-

 21 Secrets of success

 Circle of life.

 Problem solving formula.

 Moving from reactive to proactive.

Things to be remember….
1. Change Focus, Look for the Positive.
2. Make a Habit of Doing It Now.
3. Listen to yourself & take action.
4. Be confident in yourself and your abilities.
5. Develop an Attitude of Gratitude.
6. Get into a Continuous proper Education Program.
7. Build a Positive Self-Esteem.
8. Learn to say ‘NO’
9. Stay Away from Negative Influences.
10. Start Your Day with a Positive.
Survive and succeed….
• Video Summary –
• What did you observed –
• Two Choices,
• Focused goal – Anything is Possible,
• You are born to be succeed.
• Your future is in your hands.
• Inside you is untapped potential.
• You are unique and special.
• Your dream can definitely come true.
• You can achieve whatever you put to your mind.
So Choose to :-
• Enlarge your vision.
• Retrain your brain.
• Increase your competencies.
• Attract good around you.
• Seize the opportunities in your path.
• Step Forward daily.
• Decide what you want (Only you).
• Believe in your self.
The best time to plant a seed and grow a tree was
20 years ago; the second best time is now.

"We spend our entire life wondering why we didn't do

this and didn't do that, YOU ARE NOT DEAD! Maybe
we did not accomplish something in the past 21

but who says you can't do it now?

Program Outcomes…
Our Expectations from you :-
 Remarkable improvement in your skills.
 Positive body language.
 Apply learning from the program in your life to
become successful professional.
 Change your self.

Live your Everyday.
ICE Breaker -
Tree of Life
Steps: Tree of Life

Each person to draw a ‘Tree of Life’

Roots represent the family

Trunk represents the structure of our career today: our job, organization, number
of years/ months with the organization

Leaves represent our hobbies and character attributes

Fruits represent our achievements

Buds represent our hopes for the future

BUD__________________________________ FRUITS_____________________________
______________________________________ ___________________________________
______________________________________ ___________________________________
______________________________________ ___________________________________
______________________________________ ___________________________________
___________________________________ ___________________________________


_________________________________ ROOTS________________________________
_________________________________ ______________________________________
_________________________________ ______________________________________
_________________________________ ______________________________________
_____________________________ ______________________________________
Rules and regulation

 There will be a set of thirty class for PDP.

 There would be back to back two lectures of 50
minutes each i.e. 50+50.
 There is no break in between these two lectures.
 None of the student is allowed to go out of the
 It’s a interactive workshop there will be lots of
game and activities.
Rules and regulation (Cont…)

 We assume that every student will give his/her

required contribution to maintain the decorum into
the class.
 None of the student will entered into the class
without the Note book and pen.
 No one is allowed to use mobile phone during the
 No talking and gossip is allowed into the class.
 If a student is punished more then three time will not
ne allowed to sit in to the remaining class
 We often hear people comment that a certain person has a
great personality or that he needs to develop one.

 A personality is a combination of all the small factors that

add up to make a person’s mental constitution.

 Having a healthy personality plays a key role in defining the

person who wields it. The key to having a healthy personality
is to strike a balance with all the elements that make up day
to day life.
 A healthy personality will enable a person to think
clearly and with reason when everyone else is following
a convention. People with a healthy personality have
strength of character and have individuality of their
 If a person displays a healthy personality, it indicates
that he or she is in good mental health and can be
trusted to conduct themselves in a respectable manner
and set good examples to follow.
 The greatest plus point about having a healthy
personality is that it allows for a fulfilling and
meaningful life.
Traits Of A Healthy Personality

 A person with a healthy personality has the ability to adapt to

his or her social environment.

 A healthy personality allows the person to be a good listener

and a better advisor. It also enables a person to be able to
understand others easily.

 A person with a healthy personality will have a lot of common

sense and will display presence of mind when it comes to
solving problems (big and small).
 A healthy personality ensures that a person takes great care
of his outward appearance and always presents himself with

 A healthy personality is magnetic and attracts other to it. A

person with a healthy personality will always display a
positive attitude and be cheerful.
 People with health personalities do not feel the need to
make everyone conform to their views.

 A healthy personality is also displayed in a person’s

desire to stay healthy (physically).

It is not impossible and never too late to

develop a healthy personality, especially
when it can help in your personal growth.
Personality Quiz

 Takethis interactive quiz, to see how much you

 Giveyourself 1 mark for every question that
you answer in YES
 andgive yourself a zero if answered in NO
answer. Add up the figures once you finish
answering all the questions to get your score!
 1. Do you talk fast?
 2. Do you always reach places either a little before or
right on time?
 3. Are you a fast eater?
 4 Are you always in a hurry to complete tasks?
 5. Have you ever found yourself involuntarily grinding your
teeth when faced with a challenge or tense situation?
 6. Do you find yourself thinking of a lot many things when
another person is speaking?
 7. Are you used to always getting your stuff done, no
matter what?
 8. Do you find it difficult to completely trust other
 9. Do you often find it distressing to delegate work
because you are doubtful of other people's
 10. Do you multitask often?
 11. Are you considered as a chronic / compulsive
workaholic by your family / friends / colleagues?
 12. Have you often been told to sit back and relax
rather than trying to take active control of the
 13. Do you often get headaches while tackling a difficult or heavy
 14. Do you anger easily?
 15. Do you get easily impatient with people who are slower than
 16. Are you overtly competitive and are always on the lookout for
outdoing your peers in just about any task?
 17. When playing a game, is it absolutely necessary for you to win?
Do you feel bad when you lose a game?
 18. Do you feel lost or upset when you don't have anything to do
for even a short while?
Score Time
 Once you've finished taking this personality test, it's time to
check your scores. If you've answered at least ten of these
questions with a "yes", you really need to slow down! You
may be running a risk of heart disease and hypertension!
 If you have answered about 7 - 9 of these questions in "yes",
you are a borderline.
 In case you have answered 15 or more questions as YES -
 What do you think you're doing to yourself! Slow down and
get a breather, my dear friend - life is beautiful for only
those who take the opportunity to stop and smell the flowers
along the way!

 Hope you got an idea about your personality after taking this
quiz! Being a go-getter is a wonderful trait but overdoing it
may effect your health and wellness! Relax a bit and slow
down to enjoy your life,
Set goals to give you a balanced,
successful life. 
is no point of getting a
promotion on the day of your
is no fun in driving a car if your back hurts.
is not enjoyable if your mind is
full of tensions.
is one of those races in nursery
school where you have to run with
a marble in
a spoon kept in your mouth. If the
marble falls, there is no point
Don’t be serious be sincere,
Don’t try to know each and
everything, we are a human not
the google,
Don’t put pressure on your self…
You are not a programmed
devices, Live today like there is no
Have a beautiful life…
The two most important days in
your life are the day you are
born and the day you find out
Action Plan…
Name :- _____________________________________________

2 things that I would START doing



2 things that I would STOP doing



2 things that I would CONTINUE doing


Make a list of the things you would like to change

about yourself. With timeline.
Hello… Good afternoon everyone- today I am going
to share my action plan……… First of all I would like
to share two things that I would start doing
And two things I would stop doing
And two things I would continue doing

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