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What is pipe fitting? In oil and gas piping, pipe Fittings are Piping
component which helps in Changes the direction of the flow such as
elbows, tee. Changes the size of the pipe such as reducers, reducing
tees. Connect two components together such as couplings and stop the
flows such as Caps.
Other pipe fittings are strainers, steam traps, valves,etc. Strainers
remove solid from gas/liquid line or liquid from gas line.
Steam trap allows only condensate to leave equipment.
Valves control flow of fluid.
The elbow is used more than any other pipe fittings. It Provides flexibility to
change the pipe direction. Elbow mainly available in two standard types 90°
and 45°. However, you can manufacture elbow in any other degree or you can
cut the standard elbow to any degree as required during the construction.
Elbows are available in two radius types, Short radius (1D) and Long radius
A Long Radius elbow is having the radius equivalent to 1.5 times the Diameter
of the pipe and a Short Radius elbow is having the radius equivalent to the
Diameter of the pipe.
Long Radius A=1.5D
Short Radius A=1D
Reducing Elbow:
The 90 reducing elbow is designed to change direction as well as reduce
the length of flow within a piping system. The reducing elbow eliminates
one fitting and reduces the welding by more than one-third. Yes, reducer
and that is why it reduces 2 cirseam weld joint and reduce the welding
by 1/3.  Also, the gradual reduction in diameter throughout the arc of
the reducing elbow provides lower resistance to flow and reduces the
effect of stream turbulence and potential internal erosion. These
features prevent sizeable pressure drops in the line.
Which type of elbow you will use if you want to transport fluids to long
distances with minimum pressure loss?  And piping that has frequent
directional changes? Well in both the case long radius elbow is used as
pressure loss is much less in long radius than short radius elbow. Short
radius elbow is used where space is real constrained and pressure loss is
not a problem. When you use short radius elbow in piping you may
require to installation larger pump or compressor to compensate
pressure loss.
Miter bend:
Miter bends are not standard fittings they are fabricated from pipes.
High skill pipe fitter is required to fabricate this type of bends and
Usually, they are preferred for size 10” & above because large size elbow
is expensive. Use of miter bend is restricted to the water line. Miter
bend can be fabricated in 2, 3, & 5 pieces.  Generally, fire water line,
cooling water in old refinery & petrochemical plant you can see the use
of miter bend. Nowadays the use of miter bend is limited.
Returns/ bends:
Retuning elbows or pipe bends are used to make an 180º direction
change. These bends are also available in short & long pattern similar to
the short radius and long radius elbow. Bends are mainly used in heating
coil and heat exchanger.

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