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Music 6

Quarter 3 – Week No. 6-8

I. What I Need to Know?
At the end of this Guided Learning Activity Sheet, you are expected to:
1. Define different degree of dynamics.
2. Identify different degree of dynamics.
3. Enumerate different degree of dynamics according to its sounds.
4. Differentiate Crescendo to Decrescendo.
5. Perform song using different dynamics.

Uses varied dynamics in a song performance

1. Piano (p)
2. Mezzo piano (mp)
3. Pianissimo (pp)
4. Pianississimo (ppp)
5. Forte (f)
6. Mezzo forte (mf)
7. Fortissimo (ff)
8. Fortississimo (fff)
9. Crescendo <
10. Decrescendo >
Code: MU6DY-IIIh-2
II. What I Know?
Direction: Write f if the sound produced is loud and p if soft.
Write your answer on the space provided.
___________1. tik-tok of wall clock.
___________2. sound of bass drum
___________3. singing of wind chimes
___________4. bark of Dog
___________5. flowing water of river
___________6. wang-wang of ambulance
___________7. smooth wind in the farm
___________8. trembling thunder storm
___________9. normal waves of the sea
___________10. breaking glass
III. What’s In?
Direction: Identify the group of instrument below. Choose the answer in the box.

_____________________1. These group of instruments are played by bowing or

plucking their strings.
_____________________2. These group of instruments are played by blowing
air into the mouthpiece with one piece of reed and made of wood.
_____________________3.These group of instruments are made of metal they are
usually played by vibrating lips or blowing air into its mouthpiece.
_____________________4. These group includes any instruments that makes a
sound when it is hit, shaken or scraped.
_____________________5.These are group of musicians using different

IV. What’s New?

Sounds are everywhere. We use our special sense of hearing to appreciate God’s
given creation. These sound has to do with pleasant music. Music gives life to
everything ,it represent different emotions to express. Most especially, if we add
degree of loudness and softness called dynamics.
Dynamics indicates level of intensity and volume in which a musical piece or song
is to be played or sung.Musicians interpret the dynamic level may affect the kind
of mood a composer would like to express to listeners.
Music would be dull and lifeless without dynamics.
V. What is it?
DYNAMICS - element of music which refers to softness and
loudness of a song or sounds.
There are degree of intensity and volume in dynamics.
Wherein, the following dynamics markings are commonly
observed in the most musical pieces. The dynamic markings
are also written in Italian.
VI. What’s More?
Enrichment Activities
Independent Activity 1
Direction: Identify the following degree of dynamics. Choose your answers on the
box and write your answer on the space provided before the number.

_____________________________1. Gradually becoming soft.

_____________________________2. Very Loud
_____________________________3. Moderately Soft
_____________________________4. Very Very Soft
_____________________________5. Very Very Loud
_____________________________6. Gradually becoming loud.
_____________________________7. Soft
_____________________________8. Moderately Loud
_____________________________9. Loud
_____________________________10. Very Soft

Independent Assessment 1

Direction: Write the meaning of the following symbols.

1. fff - ________________________________________________________.
2. mf- ________________________________________________________.
3. > - ________________________________________________________.
4. mp - ________________________________________________________.
5. ff - ________________________________________________________.
6. pp- __________________________________________________________.
7. < - ________________________________________________________.
8. ppp - ________________________________________________________.
9. p - ________________________________________________________.
10. f- _________________________________________________________
Independent Activity 2
Direction: Try to sing the song “Sampung mga Daliri”, adopted by Philippine
Folksongs by applying the dynamic markings present in the musical score. Then,
evaluate yourself using the rubrics below. Put check on the box.
Independent Assessment 2
Direction: Match column A with column B. Write your answer on the

A. B.
_____1. gradually becoming loud a. pp
_____2. soft b. <
_____3.moderately loud c. ppp
_____4.loud d. mp
_____5.very soft e. p
_____6.gradually becoming soft f. f
_____7.very loud g. fff
_____8.moderately soft h. mf
_____9.very very soft i. >
_____10.very very loud j. ff
Directions: Search the following songs listed below using URL. Identify if the songs are soft
or loud. Write S – if soft and L- for loud. (2pts.each)
____________1.Only time-enya
____________2.Tatlong Bibe
____________4.Twinkle- twinkle
____________5.Totoy Bibo

Independent Assessment 3
Direction: Performance task. Make a video of you while singing a song. Then
show the degree of dynamics in your video performance. (10 pts.)
VII. What I Have Learned?
Direction: Essay. Give your best opinion and answer. (5pts each)
1. What is Dynamics?

2. What are the Degree of Dynamics?

VIII. What I can do?
1. What is the importance of dynamics in our daily lives?

IX. Assessment
A. Direction: Multiple choice. Encircle the letter of the correct answer.
_____1.Degree of dynamics refers to very soft.
a. piano b. pianissimo c. pianississimo d. mezzo piano

_____2. It refers to moderately loud.

a. Mezzo piano b.mezzo forte c. Forte d. fortissimo

_____3. What represents this symbol < .

a. dynamics b.crescendo c. decrescendo d. tempo
_____4. fff stands for ________.
a. very very loud b.very loud c. very very soft d. very soft

_____5.What is the symbol for decrescendo?

a. > b. < c. = d. ^

_____6. It refers to softeness and lodness of a sound.

a. tempo b.crescendo c. dynamics d. decrescendo

_____7. P stands for __________.

a. forte b.mezzo piano c. forte d. piano

_____8. It is moderately soft.

a. crescendo b.decrescendo c. mezzo piano d. mezzo forte

_____9. Symbol for fortissimo.

a. ff b.fff c. f d. mf

_____10. It means very loud.

a. f b.ff c. fff d. crescendo

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