6 - 7 - Pure Bending

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Pure bending

Scope: bending is a major concept used in design of

many machine and structural components, such as
beams and girders.
• A beam is a structural member whose length is
large compared to its cross sectional area
which is loaded and supported in the direction
transverse to its axis.
Types of Supports for Beams
• Supports
– Roller supports
• Roller or link support resists motion of the
beam only along the direction perpendicular to
the plane of the support (along axis)
– Hinge supports R
• Resists motion of the beam at the support in
any direction on the plane of loading. Rx
• Have two unknown Reaction forces- Rx and Ry Ry
– Fixed supports
• Beam is built into wall or column.
• End of beam is fixed and doesn’t move. Rx
• Have two unknown Reaction forces, Rx and M
Ry, and one unknown Moment, M Ry
Types of transverse load
Other Loading Types
• Eccentric Loading: Axial loading
which does not pass through section
centroid produces internal forces
equivalent to an axial force and a couple

• Transverse Loading: Concentrated or

distributed transverse load produces
internal forces equivalent to a shear
force and a couple
Free body diagram of the entire beam
Centroids and moments of inertia
• Definition : centroids of an area is the point about which the
area could be balanced if it were supported from that point
• The Moment of Inertia (I) :is a term used to describe the
capacity of a cross-section to resist bending .It is a
mathematical property of a section concerned with a surface
area and how that area is distributed about the reference
axis. The reference axis is usually a centroid axis
• The moment of inertia is also known as the Second
Moment of the Area and is expressed mathematically as
• Ixx = Sum (A)(y2)
• In which:
• Ixx = the moment of inertia around the x axis
A = the area of the plane of the object
y = the distance between the centroid of the object and the x
Centroid and moment of inertia for
standard shapes
Moment of centroid shape
IXx=IY x Centre of circle
IX=bh3/12 x Centre of
IY= hb3/12 rectangle

IX=IY =b4/12 Centre of

Normal and shear stress in beam
• internal normal stresses
and shearing stresses are
related to the internal
bending moment M and
shearing force V .
Bending deformation
1. Assume plan before bending remains
Plane after bending
2. Beam material is homogeneous and
3. member remains symmetric
4. materials Follow the hooks law
• length of top decreases and length of
bottom increases
• stresses and strains are negative
(compressive) above the neutral plane and
positive (tension) below it
Flexural stress in pure bending
Ɛx=-y/R, in elastic behavior, strain in outer fiber of beam =
Ɛmax = -c/R, THEN Ɛx =y/c Ɛmax
The stress due to bending σx= E Ɛx=- y/c E Ɛmax
σx =-y/c σmax , the stress varies
Locating the neutral axis
• For static equilibrium,
Fx  0    x dA     m dA
0  y dA

First moment with respect to neutral plane is zero. Therefore,

the neutral surface must pass through the section centroid.
Relation Between Flexural Stresses and the
Bending Moment
• For static equilibrium,

 y 
M    y x dA    y    m  dA
 c 
m 2  mI
M  y dA 
c c
Mc M
m  
Substituti ng  x    m
x  
Relation Between Flexural Stresses and the
Bending Moment
Curvature of the neutral surface in terms of the
bending moment

Flexural stress in terms of the bending moment

• The maximum normal stress due to bending,
Mc M
m  
I  section moment of inertia
S   section modulus
A beam section with a larger section modulus
will have a lower maximum stress

• Consider a rectangular beam cross section,

1 3
I 12 bh
S   16 bh3  16 Ah
c h2

Between two beams with the same cross

sectional area, the beam with the greater depth
will be more effective in resisting bending.

• Structural steel beams are designed to have a

large section modulus.
Analysis and design of beams for
• Design procedure:
1. Determine the dimension of the cross
section of the beam if the load pattern
are known.
2. The specify a suitable materials if the
load pattern and the shape of the beam
cross section are known.
Design problem
• Design procedure to determine the
required dimensions for a beam
1. Determine the max. bending moment in
the beam
2. Determine the allowable stress
3. Using the equation σmax=Mc/I
4. Determine the required cross section
Example problem
• Based on the cross section geometry,
calculate the location of the section
centroid and moment of inertia.
Y 
 yA

I x   I  A d 2 
• Apply the elastic flexural formula to
find the maximum tensile and
compressive stresses.
m 
A cast-iron machine part is acted upon
by a 3 kN-m couple. Knowing E = • Calculate the curvature
165 GPa and neglecting the effects of 1 M

fillets, determine (a) the maximum  EI
tensile and compressive stresses, (b)
the radius of curvature.
Based on the cross section geometry, calculate
the location of the section centroid and
moment of inertia.
Area, mm2 y , mm yA, mm3
1 20  90  1800 50 90 103
2 40  30  1200 20 24 103
 A  3000  yA  114 10

 yA 114 10
Y    38 mm
A 3000

  121 bh3  A d 2 
I x   I  A d 2  
 12
1 90  203  1800  122   1 30  403  1200  182 
I  868  103 mm 4  868  10-9 m 4
• Apply the elastic flexural formula to find the
maximum tensile and compressive stresses.
m 
M c A 3 kN  m  0.022 m  A  76.0 MPa
A  
I 868  109 m 4
M cB 3 kN  m  0.038 m  B  131.3 MPa
B   
I 868  109 m 4

• Calculate the curvature

1 M

 EI
3 kN  m 1
  20.95 103 m -1
165 GPa 868 10-9 m 4  
  47.7 m

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