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Fast food myth and facts

McDonald’s Burgers Contain Body Parts

• McDonald’s is a place that often finds itself in the middle of some very
strange rumors. A lot of the rumors that are about this place claim
that there are body parts in the meals.
McDonald’s Food Does Not Go Bad
• One of the most interesting rumors that have been circulating around
the internet concerning fast food is the one that says food from
McDonald’s does not spoil.
Salads In Fast Food Restaurants Are
• There are some dishes that are automatically considered healthier
than others. Salads typically fall into this category, so it is easy to see
why some people do think the salads that are offered in places like
McDonald’s are healthy.
Fast Food Can Be Addictive
• Food in general has the power to make us feel like we are in a better
mood. That is why a lot of men and women turn to their favorite
foods when they are going through a tough time in their life.
McDonald’s Uses Pig Fat In Their Ice
• McDonald’s has been a part of a lot of very bizarre rumors. One of the
many stories that has been made up about the popular fast food
chain is that their ice cream has a very questionable ingredient added
to it: pig fat.
• In 2012, Pizza Hut Middle East invented a pizza most of us would have
a hard time dreaming up. The Crown Crust Pizza came with mini
cheeseburgers in the crust.
• One Burger King Burger Was Made with Black Squid Ink
• A Single Burger May Have Parts from More Than 100 Cows
• More Than a Third of American Kids Eat Fast Food Every Day
• The Average American Spends $1,200 on Fast Food in a Year
• There Are Almost 38 Million Possible Combinations at Subway
• KFC is the traditional Christmas Eve dinner in Japan
• McDonald’s is Brazil’s largest employer.
• A Cop was Injured by a Big Mac Full of Glass
• New York City police officer John Florio bit into a Big Mac full of glass in 2005,
and sued McDonald's for $5.5 million
• A McDonald's Caesar Salad has more calories, fat, and salt than a
Double Big Mac burger.
• There are deaf KFCs restaurants in Pakistan, India and Egypt which are
staffed deaf people.
• McDonald's' daily customer traffic (62 million) is more than the
population of Great Britain.

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