17 Both and Both of

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We’re gonna use both to refer to two things or two people together.

Both it means: Ambos

Here we have some examples:

1. I’m afraid that both those chairs are occupied.

2. I take both milk and sugar in my coffee.
3. Both cats and dogs are pet animals.
4. Both companies are on the brink of bankruptcy.
5. Both families are worried about their children.
Both + plural noun 

1. Both these boys are brothers.

2. Hold the book with both hands.
3. Both countries should be make a peace.
4. The earthquake was felt in both sides of the city.
5. I want to take both.
6. Both are fast.
7. We should learn both languages.
8. She speaks both languages.
Using Both with and:
Both can be used to link two adjectives to a sentence.

Both + Adjective + and + Adjective

He is both smart and resourceful.
My father was both happy and sad when I got married.
They are both tired and hungry after shopping.
He’s both tall and handsome.
I’m both happy and confused at the same time!
I have had a long, hard day and I’m both tired and hungry.
She is both beautiful and intelligent. (Here both and and are followed by adjectives.)
She both sings and acts. (Verbs)
I have invited both John and Peter. (Nouns)
Make 5
using both.

Choose the
from the list.
Both also can be used to link two nouns to a sentence.
Both can be used with a singular noun + and + singular noun

Both + Noun + and + Noun


•You can be both mother and businesswoman.

•Both Alice and Susan have to comply with the rules.
•I used to like playing both football and basketball when I was young.
•She speaks both English and Arabic.
•They have both a cat and a dog.
•He is both an actor and a director.
Exercise: Make
5 sentences
using both.

Choose the
nouns from the
Verb + Personal Pronoun + Both

We can use both after a plural object pronoun or personal pronoun.

I hope they invite us both (I hope they invite both of us)

Do you need them both? (Do you need both of them)
The teacher sent them both to the principal’s office.
Both of them have agreed to come.
NOT Both them have agreed to come.

She has invited both of you. 

NOT She has invited both you.
To be + both

Both comes after To Be (or an auxiliary such as have or modal verbs).

•He is both intelligent and agile.

•My sister and I are both ready for the trip.
•We were both happy with our exam results.

Modal verb + both + verb

•My parents can both speak French.

•They should both try harder.
•My brothers would both be shocked if they knew the truth.
Both + other verbs

Subject + Both + Other verbs

• We both wanted to stay in bed and not go to work.

• They both liked the surprise.
• My parents both work in the same building.
• They have both studied a lot.
• They can both swim. (Both of them can swim.)
• They have both come. (Both of them have come.)
• They both liked the movie. (Both of them liked the movie.)

Both or Both of can be used without a difference in meaning.

Though Both of is more common in the United States.

Exercise. Make 5 sentences with
Choose the determiners from the list.
Both of MY parents are teachers.
You can use Both or Both of before a determiner
(my, your, her, his, these, the etc.) and a plural noun.

1. Both (of) my friends arrived late to class.

2. Both of the wheels were flat.
3. Both tires were flat.
4. A prize was given to both of the players.
5. Both of us should be here at eight o’clock tomorrow morning.
6. I need both of you to move my house.
When we use Both (without of), we remove the article the.

•Both of the parents were nervous.

•Both parents were nervous.

When using Both with a plural object pronoun (us, them), we

need the preposition OF before that pronoun.

• He has invited both us. (incorrect)

• He has invited both of us. (correct)

• I’ll take both them. (incorrect)

• I’ll take both of them. (correct)

• I need to speak to both you. (incorrect

• I need to speak to both of you. (correct)

We don’t use both in negative structures.

Instead, we normally use Neither.

For example:

•We don’t say: Both of them are not ready (incorrect)

•We say: Neither of them are ready (correct) ✓

•Both of them did not come. (incorrect)

•Neither of them came (correct). ✓

•Both of them didn’t pass the exam (incorrect)

•Neither of them passed the exam. (correct) ✓

•Both of them aren't ready.

•Neither of them is ready. ✓
Exercise 2. Complete the following sentences using both or both of.

1. She has eaten ………………… the burgers. 4. We have invited ……………….. them.
a) both a) both
b) both of b) both of
c) Either could be used here c) Either could be used here

2. …………………. my parents are teachers. 5. …………………. us can swim.

a) both a) both
b) both of b) both of
c) Either could be used here c) Either could be used here

3. ………………… these colors are beautiful. 6. She has invited …………………

a) both a) us both
b) both of b) both of us
c) Either could be used here c) Either could be used here
7. ……………….. my children want to be singers.
a) both
b) both of
c) Either could be used here

8. …………………. the children have gone to bed.

a) both
b) both of
c) Either could be used here

9. …………………. been informed.

a) They have both
b) Both of them
c) Either could be used here
Exercise. Test 02

Test 04
Human Developing.

When early humans hunted and gathered food, they were

not in control of their environment. They could only interact
with their surroundings as lower organisms did. When
humans learned to make fire, however, they became
capable of altering their environment. To provide
themselves with fuel they stripped bark from trees, causing
the trees to die. Clearings were burned in forests to
increase the growth of grass and to provide a greater
grazing area for the wild animals that humans fed upon.
This development led to farming and the domestication of
animals. Fire also provided the means for cooking plants
which had previously been inedible. Only when the process
of meeting the basic need for food reached a certain level
of sophistication was it possible for humans to follow other
pursuits such as the founding of cities.
1. This passage is mainly concerned with ….

A) the evolution of farming techniques

B) the role of hunting as a source of food
C) how the discovery of fire changed the development of mankind
D) basic food-gathering techniques of early humans
E) how people supplied themselves with food prior to the discovery of how to make fire
2. One can infer from the passage that the discovery of how to make fire …..

A) Improved the hunting skills of early humans

B) Caused early humans to interact with their surroundings as lower organisms did
C) Taught early humans how to live with lower organisms
D) Increased alimentary options for early humans
E) Made easier for early humans to gather food
3. As we understand from the passage, early humans…….

A) Didn't eat plants before they learned how to control fire

B) Used fire as a tool to alter their surroundings
C) Gained better control of their environment when they learned to live with lower organisms
D) Started to maintain their food supply by hunting and gathering food when they started cooking with fire
E) Were the prey of many predators

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