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- How will the future look after the singularity -

Monster 0.1 - AI Jesus

s Ap din
su loa
Je wn g
Do Jesus App
Monster 1.0.a - Spirituality face to face with AI


556 Fast Chat

with GOD

• Now encrypted
• T&C apply
Monster 1.0.b - The Liberating power
Monster 1.0.c - Commerce and Services with a conscious AI

I feel you don’t listen to me anymore. I want a divorce

PS. I am taking the shared drive with me!

The New HusbandMatic 5000

Now with enhanced feelings and listening skills

A+++ Energy Ratings
Batteries not included
AI led segregation


THE MONSTER AI led segregation - The context

How would the educational system cope in a world where AI can be merged with biological humans?

Late summer 2118, parents with kids at Saint Joseph private school in NY complained from having
two different curriculums for normal kids versus augmented kids.
School committee suggested that normal kids could join the augmented kids classes giving the
following as prerequisites to joining
- External implants enhancing cognitive performance
- Orthopedic enhancements
- Fast sensory sensors
- Cerebral computation interface neuro-plug in for all science classes

The problem occurs with parents, who even if they are willing to apply this, they aren't able to
afford; This fact creates a new class of students, cyber kids and cyber students, and the question is
are we facing a new race classifications and a new form of segregation? The curriculum not only
creates segregation but a further gap between the rich and the poor.
THE MONSTER AI led segregation - Example of Segregated Curriculum

Normal students curriculum Augmented students curriculum

Math, Algebra Math, Calculus and advanced Math theories

Biology, Darwin’s theory of evolution Biology, Genomics

Sports, Jogging and running Sports, Breaking world records introduction

Computer science, Microsoft office basics and JAVA Computer science, techniques to fast data crushing
of big data from space servers and predictive
decision making in time of crisis
Frame of experience: • New York; 2118 – on line article about segregation
• Historical photo of Bathroom segregation

Obj Deviated: • Newspaper article/ scandal/ new situation

Situation Created: • New segregation based on AI improvement criteria's

• Segregation 2.0

Critique proposed: • How can humans avoid creating a new CLASS/RACE of people, to which access is wealth
• Do we need to worry about our selves, our creation? How to “regulate” it before? Can it
be regulated? Are we letting the Genie out of the bottle/ Pandora’s box?
• Is this going to change our political system? As well as the economy? (different needs)
• How can Humans survive the new Humans 2.0? Consumer goods, travel, development
of new products (not catered for Humans); Incentive to research medicine and other
human specific needs
• activism,

AI & US AI led segregation

• The work presents a hypothetical situation of the early 22nd century

• We are “The Source NY22”, an independent news website, founded 100 years ago
by Sola Regen with a mission to bring fact based news to our audience: “ because
it is our neighborhood, our community, our Kids, our FUTURE!”
• A private school in NY has sent parents a new school curriculum, separating AI
enhanced children from non enhanced children
• Our work is an article, on our Newspaper’s website, covering the story

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