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CS8492 – Database Management

II Year / IV Semester

Entity-Relationship model – E-R Diagrams –

Enhanced-ER Model – ER-to-Relational mapping –
Functional Dependencies – Non-loss Decomposition –
First, Second, Third Normal Forms, Dependency
Preservation – Boyce/Codd Normal Form – Multi-
valued Dependencies and Fourth Normal Form – Join
Dependencies and Fifth Normal Form
Entity-Relationship model

a model for identifying entities to be

represented in the database and representation
of how those entities are related.
Entity-Relationship model

 Design Phases - Requirement Analysis:

 to understand what data need to be stored in the
database, what applications must be built, what are
all those operations that are frequently used by the
 requires proper communication with user groups.
Entity-Relationship model

 Design Phases – Conceptual database design:

 E-R Model is built.
 a high level model used in database design.
 to create a simple description of data that matches
with the requirements of users.
Entity-Relationship model

 Design Phases – Logical database design:

 ER model is converted to relational database

 Design Phases – Schema refinement:

 to identify the potential problems and to refine it.
 normalizing and restructuring the relations.
Entity-Relationship model

 Design Phases – Physical database design:

 building indexes on tables and clustering tables,
redesigning some parts of schema obtained from
earlier design steps.
Entity-Relationship model

 Design Phases – Application and Security Design:

 UML – design of the database can be accomplished.

 the role of each entity in every process must be

reflected in the application task.
 some access rules must be enforced on the application
to protect the security features.
Entity-Relationship model

 provides a means for representing

relationships between entities.
 It is an aid for database design.
 It is easy to visualize and understand.
ER Model - Concepts
 Entity Sets:

 Entity: a “thing” or “object” in the real world that is

distinguishable from all other objects.
 Example: a particular person, car, house, etc.

 An entity has set of properties, and the values for some set of
properties may uniquely identify an entity.
 An entity set is a collection of entities having the same properties
ER Model - Concepts

 Attributes:
 The properties that describe an entity are called
 In the customer entity customer id, name, street
are the attributes
ER Model - Concepts

 Attributes – Types:

 Simple attribute:
 An attribute that cannot be divided into further
subparts (atomic).
 Example: Customer-id of customer entity
ER Model - Concepts

 Attributes – Types:

 Composite attribute:
 An attribute that can be divided into a set of

Name Address

Number Street City

ER Model - Concepts

 Attributes – Types:

 Single value attribute:

 An attribute having only one value in a particular
ER Model - Concepts

 Attributes – Types:

 Multi-valued attribute:
 An attribute having more than one value for a
particular entity.

Name Address

Number Street City

ER Model - Concepts

 Attributes – Types:

 Derived attribute:
 An attribute that is derived from other related
attributes or entities.

Birthdate Address

Number Street City

ER Model - Concepts

 Relationship set:
 an association among several entities.
 a set of relationships of the same type.

Customer Borrower Loan

ER Model

 Mapping Cardinality:
 the number of entities to which another entity can
be associated via a relationship set.
 For a binary relationship set R between entity sets
A and B
ER Model
 Mapping Cardinality - One-to-one (1 : 1)
 An entity in A is associated with at most one entity in B, and
an entity in B is associated with at most one entity in A.

 One-to-many (1 : M)
 An entity in A is associated with any number of entities in
B. An entity in B can be associated with at most one entity in
ER Model
 Mapping Cardinality - Many-to-Many (M : N)
 An entity in A is associated with any number of entities in B,
and an entity in B is associated with any number of entities in

 Many to one (M : 1)
 An entity in A is associated with at most one entity in B. An
entity in B can be associated with any number of entities in A.
ER Model

 Ternary relation:
 If a relationship connects three entities.
 Entities: Product, Supplier and customer
 Relationship: buy
ER Model

Weak Entity Set:

 Entity types that do not have key attributes of
their own are called weak entity types.

 Strong Entity Set:

 Entity types that have key attributes of their own
are called strong entity types
Components of ER Diagram
Component Description Symbol

Entity Rectangle

Relationship Diamond

Attributes for
any Entity Ellipse 

the attribute
Key Attribute
name inside
for any Entity
the Ellipse is
Components of ER Diagram

Component Description Symbol

ellipse is
Attribute for
any Entity
inside the
main ellipse

Attribute for Double
any Entity Ellipse
ER Diagram - Entity

Component Example Symbol

Entity Manager,

depends on
Weak Entity
ER Diagram - Attribute
Component Description Symbol

property or
(Name, Age, 
of an entity

Key Attribute
of an Entity

have their
own attributes
ER Diagram - Relationship
Component Description Symbol

one student can enroll

One to One
only for one course and
a course will also have
only one Student

One to Many
1 student can opt for
many courses

Student enrolls for only

Many to One
one Course but a
Course can have many
ER Diagram - Relationship
Component Description Symbol

one student can enroll

Many to Many for more than one
Relationship courses. And a course
can have more than 1
student enrolled in it
ER Model
Enhanced ER Model
Specialization and Generalization -
 The process of making subclass from a general concept –
specialization.(top – down process)
 The process of making superclass from subclass – Generalization.
(bottom up process)
 Superclass: An entity type that represents a general concept at a
high level
 Subclass: An entity type that represents a specific concept at a low
Enhanced ER Model

 Disjoint and Overlapping

Hierarchy and Lattice Structure

Total and partial participation


“Good Database”

 Modification Anomalies
Ex: (Empid,Empname,Projectid,Projectname)
 Update Anomalies: If any changes in Projectname , it
changes to empid,empname in the relation.
 Insertion Anomalies: If Projectid is NULL.
 Deletion Anomalies: If delete projectid,projecctname
is deleted, then it has NULL values

 Decomposition
 the process of breaking down one table into
multiple tables. ID Name Age
1 A 20
2 A 21

ID Name Name Age

1 A A 20
2 A A 21

 Decomposition – Lossy:
ID Name Name Age
1 A A 20
2 A A 21

ID Name Age
1 A 20
1 A 21
2 A 20
2 A 21
Concept of Relational Database Design

 to generate a set of relation schema that allows us to

store information without unnecessary redundancy
 to allows us to retrieve information easily.
 For checking the normal form of the schema, it is
necessary to check the functional dependencies and
other data dependencies that exists within the schema.
 It requires that the value for a certain set of attributes determines
uniquely the value for another set of attributes.
 In a given relation R, X and Y are attributes. Attributes Y is
functionally dependent on attribute X if each value of X
determines exactly one value of Y, which is represented as


X  Y does not imply Y  X

Marks  Grade, Reg.No  Name


 Armstrong’s Axioms:
 Reflection: if X ⸧ Y, then X  Y

 Augmentation: if X  Y, then XZ  YZ, for any Z

 Transitivity: if X  Y and Y  Z, then X  Z

 Decomposition: If X  YZ, then X  Y and X  Z

 Union: If X  Y and X  Z, then X  YZ

 Pseudotransitivity: If X  Y and WY  Z, then WX  Z


Closure Dependencies:
 F – Functional Dependencies
 F+ - Closure Functional Dependencies
 X – Attributes of F
 X+ - Attributes of F +
 F covers G, if G+ ⸦ F+
 F and G are equivalent if F+ = G+

Minimal Cover – a set of F of FD is a set of G

of FD such that:
 Every dependencies in G is of the form X -> A,
where a is a single attribute.
 The closure F+ is equal to the closure G+.

 Types:
 Full functional dependency
 Partial functional dependency
 Transitive functional dependency
 Types - Full functional dependency

 In a relation R, X and Y are attributes. X functionally determines

Y. Subset of X should not functionally determine Y.
 Marks cannot be determined either by student_no or course_no
alone. It can be determined only using student_no and course_no
 Marks is fully functionally dependent on {student_no, course_no}
 RegisterNo. -> Name
 Types - Partial functional dependency
 Attribute Y is partially dependent on the attribute X only
if it is dependent on a subset of attribute X.
 For example course_name, Instructor_name are partially
dependent on composite attributes {student_no,
course_no} because course_no alone defines course_name,
 (RegisterNo., Gender) -> Name

 Types - Transitive Dependencies functional

 X, Y and Z are 3 attributes in the relation R.
X -> Y, Y -> Z, X -> Z
 For example, grade depends on marks and in turn make
depends on {student_no course_no}, hence Grade depends
fully transitively on {student_no & course_no}.

 Types - Transitive Dependencies functional

 X, Y and Z are 3 attributes in the relation R.
X -> Y, Y -> Z, X -> Z
 RegisterNo. -> Deptid
 Deptid -> HoD
RegisterNo. -> HoD

 Uses:

 Test relations to see if they are legal under a

given set of functional dependencies.
 Specify constraints on the set of legal relations
 A specific instance of a relation schema must satisfy a
functional dependency even if the functional
dependency does not hold on all legal instances.
    a process of organizing the data in database to

avoid data redundancy

 Forms:

 First normal form(1NF)

 Second normal form(2NF)

 Third normal form(3NF)

 Boyce & Codd normal form (BCNF)

  First normal form(1NF) :
an attribute (column) of a table cannot hold multiple
values. It should hold only atomic values.

emp_id emp_name emp_address emp_mobile

101 Herschel New Delhi 8912312390
102 Jon Kanpur
103 Ron Chennai 7778881212
104 Lester Bangalore
  First normal form(1NF) :
each attribute of a table must have atomic (single)
emp_id emp_name emp_address emp_mobile

101 Herschel New Delhi 8912312390

102 Jon Kanpur 8812121212

102 Jon Kanpur 9900012222

103 Ron Chennai 7778881212

104 Lester Bangalore 9990000123

104 Lester Bangalore 8123450987

 Prime Attribute:
 Member of some candidate Key.
 Example: RegisterNo.
 Non-prime Attribute:
 not a member of any candidate key
  Second normal form(1NF) : A table is said to be
in 2NF if both the following conditions hold:
Table is in 1NF (First normal form)

All the non-key columns are dependent on the table’s

primary key.
teacher_id subject teacher_age
  111 Maths 38
111 Physics 38
222 Biology 38
333 Physics 40
333 Chemistry 40

Candidate Keys: {teacher_id, subject}

Non prime attribute: teacher_age

teacher_id subject teacher_age

  111 Maths 38
111 Physics 38
222 Biology 38
333 Physics 40
333 Chemistry 40
The table is in first normal form and all the columns depend on the
table’s primary key.

teacher_id subject
111 Maths
teacher_id teacher_age
111 Physics
111 38
222 Biology
222 38
333 Physics
333 40
333 Chemistry
 Third normal form 3NF: 
 A table design is said to be in 3NF if both the following
conditions hold:
 Table must be in 2NF
 Transitive functional dependency of non-prime attribute on any
super key should be removed.
Every non prime attribute
 fully FD on every key, and
 non transitively FD on every key
sid sname zipcode cityname state

1 AAA 111111 Chennai Tamilnadu

2 BBB 222222 Pune Maharastra

3 CCC 333333 Jaipur Rajasthan

4 DDD 444444 Trichy Tamilnadu

5 EEE 555555 Mumbai Maharastra

sid -> sname

sid-> zipcode
– After 3NF
– The table divided as the below

Student zip
sid sname zipcode zipcode cityname state

1 AAA 111111 111111 Chennai Tamilnadu

2 BBB 222222 222222 Pune Maharastra

3 CCC 333333 333333 Jaipur Rajasthan

4 DDD 444444 444444 Trichy Tamilnadu

5 EEE 555555 555555 Mumbai Maharastra

 Boyce Codd Normal Form  
it is in 3NF and for every functional dependency 
X->Y, X should be the super key of the table.

sid course teacher

1 C Aruna
2 Java Kani

3 C Aruna

4 C++ Anjana

5 C Vani
Student Course

sid teacher teacher course

1 Aruna Aruna C
2 Kani Kani Java

3 Aruna Aruna C

4 Anjana Anjana C++

5 Vani Vani C
ER to Relational Mapping

 Mapping of Entity Set to Relationship:

 Each attribute of entity set becomes an attribute of
the table.
 The primary key attribute of entity set becomes an
entity of the table.
 ER Diagram into Relation Model
ER to Relational Mapping

 Mapping of Entity Set to Relationship:

 create table employee (Empid char(11),Ename
char(30),salary int,primary key(Empid))
ER to Relational Mapping
 Mapping Relationship sets(without constraints) to tables:
 Create a table for the relationship set.
 Add all primary keys of the participating entity sets as fields
of the table.
 Add a field for each attribute of the relationship
 Declare a primary key using all key fields from the entity sets.
ER to Relational Mapping

 Mapping Relationship sets(without

constraints) to tables:
 Employee works for department.
 where empid and deptid are primary key
ER to Relational Mapping

 Mapping Relationship sets(without constraints) to

Create table works_In(Empid char(10), Deptid char(10),
ename char(10), salary int,Deptname char(20), primary
key(empid,deptid), foreign key(empid) references
Employee, foreign key(deptid) references department)
ER to Relational Mapping

 Mapping Relationship sets(with constraints) to tables:

 Employee manages departments:

 relation with Manages- Approach 1

 Create table manages(Empid char(10), Deptid char(10),since
date, primary key(deptid), foreign key(empid) references
Employee, foreign key(deptid) references department)
ER to Relational Mapping

 Mapping Relationship sets(with constraints) to tables:

 Employee manages departments:

 relation with Manages- Approach 2

 Create table dep_mgr(Deptid int, Dname char(20), budget
REAL, empid int,since date, primary key(deptid), foreign
key(empid) references Employee)
ER to Relational Mapping

 Mapping weak entity sets to relational

 create table Department(Deptid int, Deptname
char(20), Roomno int, primary key
(deptid,roomno), foreign key(roomno)
references roomno)
Multivalued Dependencies
 Conditions:
 A -> B, if for a single value of A, multiple values of B exists,
then table may have multi-values dependency.
 a table have at-least 3 columns for it to have a multi-valued
 For a relation R(A,B,C), if there is a multi-valued dependency
between, A and B, then B and C should independent of each
Multivalued Dependencies

 Example:
Sid Course Skill

C English
C++ German

2 Java

Sid ->> Course

Sid ->> Skill
Multivalued Dependencies

 Example:
Sid Course Skill
1 C English

1 C++ German

1 C German

1 C++ English

2 Java English

2 Java French
Fourth Normal Form

 Conditions:
 It should be in the Boyce-Codd normal Form.
 the table should not have any multi-valued
Fourth Normal Form

 Student Table:
Sid Course Skill
1 C English

1 C++ German

1 C German

1 C++ English

2 Java English

2 Java French
Fourth Normal Form
Sid Course
 Student_Course Table: 1 C
1 C++
2 Java

 Student_Skill Table: Sid Skill

1 English
1 German
2 English
2 French
Join Dependencies
 If the join of R1 and R2 over C is equal to relation R, then
we can say that a Join Dependency(JD) exists.
 where R1 and R2 are the decompositions R1(A,B,C) and
R2(C,D) of a given relations R(A,B,C,D).
 R1 and R2 are a lossless decomposition of R.

 the *(A,B,C,D),(C,D) will be a JD of R if the join of

join’s attribute is equal to the relation R.
Fifth Normal Form

 It is in 4th Normal Form

 If we can decompose table further to eliminate

redundancy and anomalies and when we rejoin
the table we should not be losing the original data
or get a new record(Join Dependency Principle)
 also called as Project Join Normal Form(PJNF).


A 111 laptop
B 222 Pen-drive
B 333 memory card
B 444 CD
C 555 DVD
C 666 floppy

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