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Talks English 1
I. Vocabulary
II.Useful expressions
III.Grammar (Possessive adjectives)

Talks English 2
I. Vocabulary
A. General description

Vocabulary Description

Good-looking /gʊd ˈlʊkɪŋ/

Attractive /əˈtræktɪv/

Beautiful /ˈbjutəfəl/

Handsome /ˈhæn.səm/
Slim /slɪm/
Average weight /ˈævərɪʤ weɪt/

Overweight /ˈoʊvərˌweɪt/

Talks English 3
Talks English 4
Talks English 5
Talks English 6
I. Vocabulary
B. Hair

Vocabulary Description
Blonde /blɒnd/
Dark /dɑːk/
Brown /braʊn/
Straight /streɪt/
Curly /ˈkɜːli/
Wavy /ˈweɪvi/

Talks English 7
Beard /bɪəd/ Moustache /məsˈtɑːʃ/

Talks English 8
II. Useful expressions

What does he/she look like?

For the answers, you can use these structure:
1.She has + noun
Ex: She has long wavy dark hair.
2. She’s got + noun
Ex: He’s got a beard.
3. His/her + noun + be + adj.
His eyes are black.

Talks English 9
Can you generally describe
your best friend?

Talks English 10
III. Possessive adjectives

I My
We Our
Her hair is blonde. You Your
His eyes are black. He His
My name is Laura. She Her
Their children are Linda and Boris. It Its
They Their

Talks English 11
IV. Speaking
Can you describe your family

Suggested steps to describe people:

•1. General description: Alan is very
•2. Age: He is a teenager.
•3. The shape of the body: He is tall and thin.
•4. Other details (hair, eyes, …):
•+ He has dark hair/ His hair is dark.
•+ He‘s got brown eyes/ His eyes are brown.

Talks English 12
Describe these people

Talks English 13
Assessment form

Student Pronunciation Vocabulary Grammar



Feel free to ask if you have any questions!

Talks English 14
What we gained!
✔Vocabulary related to describing people.
✔Useful expressions: (What does he/ she look like?) and answers
✔Grammar: possessive adjectives.
✔Speaking about describing people.

Talks English 15
Listen to these descriptions of
people. Check (V) the correct

Talks English 16
Suggested video:
Watch the video and answer the questions:

1. Who are they looking for?

2. What does she look like?
3. What is she wearing?

Talks English 17
Thank You!

Talks English 18

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