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T test and its



• Students t distribution or students distribution.
• A t-test is a statistical test that is used to compare the means of
two groups.
• Used in hypothesis testing 
• different types of t-test.
• Size of samples is 30 or less.
Properties of t test
• It has a bell shaped frequency curve, which is
• Mean of distribution is 0 which is also in case of normal
• T distribution is a theoretical  probability distribution
• It can be used for large sample but not small sample
• Range varies from minus infinity to plus infinity
Applications OF T Test
• Calculation of a confidence interval for a sample mean
• To test whether a sample mean is different from hypothesized value
• To compare mean of two samples
• To compare two sample means by group
Pros of t test

• Easy to interpret.
• Easy to calculate.
• Easy to gather data.
• Easy to understand.
• Saves time.
Cons of t test

• Difficult to find subjects.

• Expensive.
• Reliability of data.
• Carry over effects.
One sample t test
In a one-sample t-test, we compare the average (or mean) of one group against the set average
(or mean). This set average can be any theoretical value (or it can be the population mean).Here’s
the formula to calculate this:

t = (Ẋ- 𝜇 ) Variance= ( X- Ẋ)²

s/√n n-1
Ẋ: Sample mean X: Value of one observation
𝜇 : Population mean Ẋ: Sample mean
S : Standard deviation of the population n: Sample size
n: Sample size

One sample t test
The mean weekly sale of soap bars in departmental store was 146.3 bars per store after an advertising campaign
the mean weekly sales in 22 stores for a typical week increased to 153.7 bars and show of SD of 17.2 was the
advertising campaign successful (given tabulated value of t for 21 degree of confidence at 5% level of confidence

 N=22
 Ẋ= 153.7
 sd= 17.2
 μ=146.3

Null hypothesis: the advertising campaign is not successful.

One sample t test

t = (Ẋ- ) = 153.7-146.3 =1.9716

/n 17.2 /22

tabulated value =1.72
Calculated value =1.9716
tabulated value Calculated value
Hence, we will reject the null hypothesis.
The advertising campaign was successful.
Independent two-sample t-test
The two-sample t-test (also known as the independent samples t-test) is a method used to test
whether the unknown population means of two groups are equal or not.
Here’s the formula to calculate this:

 x̄ 1= mean of sample 1
 x̄ 2= mean of sample 2
 n 1= no of sample 1 observations
 n 2= no of sample 2 observations
 X1= data of sample 1
 X2= data of sample 2
Independent two-sample t-test
Two types of medicine were used on 5 and 7 patients for reducing their weight medicine E was imported and
medicine F was indigenous. The decrease in the weight after using the medicine are given below

Drug E 10 12 13 11 14    

Drug F 8 9 12 14 15 10 9

is there a statistical difference in 2 medicines efficiency at 90 %, table value is 2.223

HO : there is no statistical difference between efficiency of 2 medicines
Mean x= 12 Mean y= 11
S.D= √ [ Σ(X1-x̄ 1)² + Σ(X2-x̄ 2)² ]
[ n1 + n2 – 2 ]
Independent two-sample t-test
S.D= √ [ Σ(10)² + Σ(44)² ] = 2.323
X1 (X1- 1) (X1- Ẋ 1)2 X2 (x2- Ẋ2) (x2- Ẋ2)2
[ 5+ 7 – 2 ] 10 2 4 8 -3 9
12 0 0 9 -2 4
13 1 1 12 1 1
11 -1 1 14 3 9
t = x̄1- x̄ 2 × √ [ n1n2 ] 14 2 4 15 4 16
      10 -1 1
S [ n1+n2]       9 -2 4
Total   10     44
= 12-11 × √ [ 5 ×7 ] = 0.735
2.32 [ 5+7 ]
Calculated value=0.735
Tabulated value = 2.223
table value calculated value
Therefore , we are going to accept the null hypothesis
there is no statistical difference between efficiency of 2 medicines
Paired samples test
 The Paired Samples t Test compares the means of two measurements taken from the same
individual, object, or related units. These "paired" measurements can represent things like:
A measurement taken at two different times (e.g., pre-test and post-test score with an
intervention administered between the two time points).

Here is the formula to calculate paired t-test Where,

t = d̅ √ (n) n= Number of observations
d= difference between pre-post
S data
S = √ [ Σd² - n(d̅)²] d̅= Σd
[ n-1 ] S= standard deviation
Paired samples test
An agency conducting weight reduction program claims that participants in their program achieve weight reduction
of at least 6kg after two weeks of the program. In evidence , they have given the following data of 10 participants
who have undergone this program. On the basis of this sample evidence can the claim of the agency on weight
reduction be said to be valid?(table value is 2.26) 

Before( 85 91 99 92 87 79 87 92 95 106

After(k 76 83 81 86 79 73 79 85 95 96

H0 : there is no change in weight of the participants.
SD= 4.45
Paired samples test
S = √ [ Σd² - n(d̅)²] = √ [ 818- 10(64)] = 4.45
[ n-1 ] [ 10-1 ]
Before(kg) After(kg) d
85 76 9 81
91 83 8 64
t = d̅ √ (n) = 8 √10 = 5.7 99 81 18 324
92 86 6 36
S 4.45 87 79 8 64
79 73 6 36
Table values= 2.26 87
95 95 0 0
Calculated value= 5.7 106 96 10 100
    =80 =818
calculated value table value.
The null hypothesis is rejected.
Hence, there is a change in weight of the participants.

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