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Pest of Millets


Pest of Millets
 The millet are of group of small –seeded speices of
ceral crops a of grains ,widely groen around the world
for and foodle
 About a hundered insect pests attack millet in the
field and during storage
 Some are common throughout the millet growing
 Stem borers and grain midge are of regular occurance
 White gurbs are important in India
Some Major Pest
 Pest of sorghum
 Pearl millets
 Finger millet
 Praso millet
 Foxtail millets
Pest of sorghum
 Sorghum shoot fly
 Sorghum stem borer

 Earhead bug

 Sorghum midge
Sorghum shoot fly –
Antherigona soccata
 Dead heart symptoms
 Infested plants produces side tillers
 Seedlings upto 4 weeks are attached
 Serve during summer in coimbtore
 ETL 10 % dead hearts
Management :
 Use higher seed rate 12kg/ha
 Spray methyl demetan @ 250ml/ha
 Seed treatment with Indactorpid
@10g/kg of seeds
Sorghum stem borer – chib partellous
 Dead heart symptom
 Affects the crop usually one month

after showing
 Larva feeds on thender folded

leaves causes short hole symptom

 Infestation is noticed till harvest

 ETL 10% is hearts

 Carbofuran @ 25kg/ha

 Spray carboryl @ 1.25 kg/ha

 Raise cowpea as a mixed crop to

reduce infestation

 First noticed in south arcot ditrict of

tamil nadu
 Potential pest of sorghum in south
 Nymphs and adults suck the sap from
the grains and turns into chaffiness
 ETL 10 bugs/head
 Management to applications of carbaryl
10% at 10day interval
 With the milky stage

 ETL 5/head
 Maggots feed on the developing
 Sowing of early maturing high
yielding varieties on different dates
with manuring provides ideal
condition for multiplication of this
 Mangement:
 apply carbaryl 225kh/ha on third and
18day after panicle emergece
 Light traps
Pearl Millets
 Pearlmillet white grub
 Shoot fly
 Stem borer
Pearl millets white grub

 Damage symptoms
 Yellowing and wilting of leaves.
 Drying of entire crown
 Affected canes comes off easily
when pulled
 Cause extensive damage to roots
and base of shoot
Shoot fly

Damage symptoms:
Damage by larvae at seedling stage (5 to 30 days
afters hearts emergence ) will lead to tha typical
dead hraet sympyoms
Tha larvae migrates to tha upper side of the leaf ,
and move along tha leaf whorl until it reaches tha
growing point . as a results center leaf dries up
forming a dead heart, which can be pulled out
easily and produces a rotting smell’
Normally tha damage occurs 1 to 4 weeks after
seeding emergence. Seedling of 5 to 30 days older
are generally susceptible to shoot fly damage.
Stem borer

Damage symptoms:
 Damage occurs as a series of
small holes in lines (pin holes) in
younger leaves and patches of
transparent leaf epidermis
(window panes)in older leaves.
 Holes in stem caused by larvae
tunneling into the stem can
result in broken stems or drying
and eventual death of the growing
point of tha maize (deadheart
Pest of finger millets
 Pink Stem borer
 Whites stem borer
 Leaf folder
Pink stem borer

 Pink larva enters into the stem and

causes dead heart symptom
 Creamy white spherical eggs laid in

batches in between leaf sheaths and

stem of the plant.
Management :
 Spray phorate 10%CG @ 1/ ha at every

20 days interval after germination

White stem borer

 Larva feeds on root

 In severe infestations, center

shoots dry up and become

 Larva and found at lower stem

region and causes damage

 Spray carabaryl 50 WP 1Kg/ ha

 Spray methyl parathion 50 EC

Leaf folder

Symptoms of damage:
Leaves fold longitudinally,and larvae remain inside
Larva scarpes the green tissues of the
leaves,becomes white and dry.
Duringsevere infestation, the whole field exhibits
scorched appearance
Management :
Crop rotation with non-cereal crops
Adopt clean practices around the field
Avoid closer spacing sowing
Spray chlorpyriphos 2.5 ml
Pest of foxtail millet

 Foxtail millet can be stunted or killed by pyricularia

leaf spot.caution should be used when planting
foxtail millet near wheat ,as it is known to host the
wheat curl mite, responsible for wheat streak mosaic
virus . millet may attract undersirable herbivores like
rodents and deer that may browser tree seeding in
restoration sites.
 If controlling weeds through cultivation ,plant
foxtail millet in 30- in rows. If foxtail millet is
tesminated by roller – crimper without the use of
herbicides, residue will be more persistent than
soybean or buckwheat residue .
Proso millet

 Proso millet is also called broom millet or common millet. It

is generally cultivation in cooler reguions of Asia, Southern
Europe ,and the united states Proso millet has adapted well
to temperature plains and high altitudes compared to other
millets. The important pests are gives in the following :
 Seeding pests : the shoot fly Atherigona pulla
is a major pest in India and Africa.
A.miliaceae,A.soccata, and A. punctata are the
other shoot fly species recorded on proso millet.
Damage results in the formation of headheart.

 Stem borers :stem borers, c.partellus, chilo

suppressalis, chilo orichalcociliellus, S. inferens, S.
cretica and o. furnacalis are important pests
recorded on proso millet. The damage at the
vegetative stage produces deadheart and at the
panicle stage results in formation of whites-ear.

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