Cyber Security

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Cyber Security

What is Cyber Attack?
A cyberattack is any offensive maneuver that targets computer
information systems, computer networks, infrastructures, or
personal computer devices.

● Cyber-attack happens in every 39 seconds

● Since COVID-19, the US FBI reported a 300% increase in

reported cybercrimes
What is Cyber Security?
● Protection of internet-connected systems from cyber attacks.
● Also known as information technology (IT) security.
Importance of Cyber Security

● Helps in securing data from threats.

● Safeguards computer.
● Protects systems from attack, damage and unauthorized access.

● It is a file or code, typically delivered over a network.

● Provides remote control for an attacker.

● Steal sensitive data.

Types of Malware
● Virus

● Trojan

● Worms

● Starts with a fraudulent email or other communication that is designed to lure a victim.
● The message is made to look as though it comes from a trusted sender.
● If it fools the victim, the attacker tries to steal sensitive data.
Brute Force Attack

● uses trial-and-error.
● to guess login info or encryption keys.
● cracking it can take anywhere from a few seconds to many years.
Who is Responsible for these attacks?

China is responsible for the highest share of cyber attacks, accounting for 21%.

Followed by the United States (11%), Brazil (7%) and the Russian Federation (6%).
How does Cyber Threats affect Students?

● Computer and Mobile Security Vulnerabilities

○ Computers and mobile devices are vulnerable to cyber attacks targeting personal
information and data.
○ Makes it important for college students to take responsibility for their internet safety.
How does Cyber Threats affect Students?

● Password Security Weakness

○ Passwords offer relatively weak protection for personal information.
○ Students are often guilty of reusing passwords and sharing passwords with others.
○ Hackers use a variety of techniques to crack passwords, including brute force attacks,
phishing, and keylogger software.
How does Cyber Threats affect Students?

● Phishing Attacks
○ Phishing is a hacking method in which fraudulent communication are used to obtain
sensitive data.
○ College students usually start seriously handling their own finances for the first time.
○ This abundance of sensitive data combined with inexperience makes college students an
ideal target.
How does Cyber Threats affect Students?

● Social Media Dangers

○ 98% of college-aged students use social media.
○ Social media sites leave users open to bullying and harassment from anonymous trolls.
○ One wrong move on social media can lead to hacking, distribution of private photos, or
financial scams.
How to be protected from Cyber Threats

● Use Strong Passwords ● Be Updated with the latest OS Updates

● Secure Your Computer with Anti-Virus. ● Encrypt Sensitive Data.

● Be Aware of Privacy-Policies on Social-Media.

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