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Arrasyid Maulana – Aulia Arshad – Putri Wulandari


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Report Text

 To describe or classify something , with

reference to a range of natural, manmade
and social phenomena in our environment
Generic Structure
 General classification or general statement
tells what the phenomena under discussion

 Description
tells what the phenomena under discussion
is like of (1) parts and functions, (2) qualities-
using adjectives,(3) habits or behaviors, if
living, uses, if non-natural
 Focus on generic participants
 Use of relational processes to state what
and that which it is.
 Use of Simple Present Tense (unless
 No temporal sequence
Gorillas are the largest of all the primates,
the animal order including lemurs, tarsiers,
monkeys, and apes. They are the anthropoid
apes which have the greater in size. Gorillas
are terrestrial animals, inhabiting the lands,
not the water. Many of them live in forest of
central West Africa.
A male gorilla can be 180 centimeters
tall and can weigh 200 kilograms.
Physically gorillas are very powerful, but
they don’t often fight. In fact they are
peaceful animals. Gorillas live in small
family groups of about 15. In a group,
there is one strong, older male, some
young male, and a few female with their
babies. Like some other kinds of apes,
they are vegetarians. They move slowly
around a large area of jungle eating leaves
and bushes.
In some ways gorillas are like humans.
However, according to some careful
research, they aren’t the ancestors of
human beings. Unfortunately, people hunt
and kill gorillas. People also cut down and
burn their trees where they live. There are
now only about 10,000 gorillas left in the
Direct and Indirect
 Direct speech is a form of sentence which is used to
restate the words from the other without changing the
form & pattern of it's sentence.
Tadakatsu Honda said, "i have done my war here.“

 Indirect speech is a form of sentence which is used

to restate the words from the other by changing the
form & pattern of it's sentence, adapt to current
condition when we retelling that words.
Tadakatsu Honda said that he had done his war there.
Use of 'That' in indirect speech

 In indirect speech, the word that is often used.

For example: He told me that he lived in Rumbai.

 However, that is optional.

For example: He told me he lived in Rumbai.

 That is never used in questions, instead we often use

For example: He asked me if I would come to the party.
1. Change of pronouns
 Direct Speech
Arshad said, “I am coming.”

 Indirect Speech
Arshad said that he was coming.
2. Change of tenses
 Direct Speech
Acip said, “I am coming.”

 Indirect Speech
Acip said that he was coming.
Tense Change:
Direct speech Indirect speech
Simple Present Simple Past
She said, "It's cold." She said it was cold.
Present continuous Past continuous
She said, "I'm teaching English online." She said she was teaching English
Present perfect Past perfect
She said, "I've been on the web since She said she had been on the web since
1999." 1999.
Simple Past Past perfect
She said, "I taught online yesterday." She said she had taught online
Past continuous Past perfect continuous
She said, "I was teaching earlier." She said she had been teaching earlier.
Past perfect Past perfect
She said, "The lesson had already NO CHANGE - She said the lesson had
started when he arrived." already started when he arrived.
3. Change of situations
 Direct Speech
Adi said, “I did this exercise last night.”

 Indirect Speech
Adi said that he had done that exercise
the previous night.

• 'this' becomes 'that'

• 'last night' becomes 'the previous night'
Expressions of time if reported on a different day :
Direct Speech Indirect Speech
this that
here there
now then
today that day
yesterday the day before / the previous
tomorrow the next day

last week the week before / the

previous week
next month the following month

4. Questions and answers
 Direct Speech
 1 . Daus asked her, “Are you coming?” (yes/no question)

 2 . Daus asked, “Where is Iska?”  (wh-question)

 Indirect Speech
 1  Daus asked if / whether she was coming.
 2 Daus asked where Iska was.

• yes/no questions  -  use if/whether

• wh-questions       -  use the wh-word
5. Actions : promises, orders,
requests, advice etc.

 Direct Speech
Dayat ordered Acil, “Clean my boots.” 

 Indirect Speech
  Dayat ordered Acil to clean his boots.

(object + to + infinitive)
6. Report of Fact event

 Direct Speech
Uli said,'The sun rises from the east.'

 Indirect Speech
   Uli said that the sun rises from the east.

• the sun rises is the fact, so the tense is

unchanged. Other examples is, “the sun sets”,
“Asia is the largest continent.” etc.
7. Modals verbs
• Direct Speech
  Miftah said,'I must do my homework now.'

 Indirect Speech
  Miftah said that she had to do his homework
Modal Change:
Direct speech Indirect speech
will would
She said, "I'll teach English online She said that she would teach
tomorrow." English online tomorrow.
can could
She said, "I can teach English She said that she could teach
online." English online.
must had to
She said, "I must have a computer She said that she had to have a
to teach English online." computer to teach English online.
shall should
She said, "What shall we learn She asked what we should learn
today?" today.
may might
She said, "May I open a new She asked if she might open a new
browser?" browser.
There is no change to; could, would,
should, might and ought to
Direct speech Indirect speech
"I might go to the cinema", he said. He said he might go to the cinema. .
8. Wh- Questions
 Direct Speech
Fransisca asked,"Where is Hana?"

 Indirect Speech
  Fransisca asked where Hana was.
Other examples of WH-questions:

 Direct Speech
Eric asked "How are you?"
 Indirect Speech
Eric asked how I was.
Sentence Transformation
Steps Independent Embedded
Clause Question
1 Remove quotes and question My friend said,  "How   are   
mark. you"?.
2 Change said to asked My friend asked , How   are    you
3 Join the clauses by removing
My friend asked how are you.
4 Adjust point of view of
1) pronoun to speaker's point
My friend asked how was I.
of view.
2) 2) 2nd verb to time frame of
1st verb .  
5 Put the subject before the 2nd
My friend asked how I was.
examples of WH-questions

 Umay said, "Where are you going?"

 Umay asked where I was going.

 Mahira said, " Whom did you call?"

 Mahira asked whom I had called.
examples of WH-questions

 Yani asked me, "What did she say?"    

 Yani asked me what she had said.

 He asked me, "When are you

 He asked me when I was leaving.
Making Request
When you ask someone to do something for
you, or ask if you can do something, it's
important to sound polite. Here are some of
the common ways that you can do this.
 Asking someone to do something for you
"Could you open the door for me, please?"
"Would you mind opening the door for me,
"Can you open the door for me, please?'
Speaking tip: could and can are followed by
the verb without to. Would you mind is
followed by the verb and-ing.
Asking if you can do something

"Can I use your computer, please?"

"Could I borrow some money from you, please?"
"Do you mind if I turn up the heating?"
"Would you mind if I turned up the heating?“

Speaking tip: Could is more polite that can.

Do you mind if…" is followed by the verb in
the present tense, but would you mind if… is
followed by the verb in the past tense.
When you're using these two sentences, don't
use please. It's already polite enough!

 Could you give me some cakes? I’m

very hungry.
 Would you help to put this book?
 I’d be grateful if you want to help me to
do this homework.
 Can I accompany you to go to the party?
1. Nadia asked me, "What time is it?“ (change into Indirect
Answer: Nadia asked me what time it was.

2. Dhia said, “I am Indonesian” (change into Indirect Speech)   

Answer: Dhia said that she is Indonesian.

3. Ma’am Mursyidah said, “Can you answer this question?”

(change into Indirect Speech)
Answer: Ma’am Mursyidah asked whether/if I could answer that

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