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In the name of the Father and

of the Son and of the Holy
First Glorious Mystery
The Resurrection
We pray for wisdom for our
H0ly Father Pope
. bishops,priests,deacons,rel
igious sisters and brothers
that they may live in fidelity
to their vocations.
Second Glorious Mystery
The Ascension
We pray for peace
.throughout the
world,especially for those
areas that are in the midst
of war.May the peace of
our God reign in their
hearts and unite them in
His love.
Third Glorious Mystery
The Descent of the
Holy Spirit
For our beloved
sick,addicted,dying or
grieving.For those who are
abused,ignored or
mistreated.And for the
personal needs we place in
God’s hands.
Fourth Glorious Mystery

The Assumption
Guide government leaders to
respect religious freedom,to
work for greater social
justice,to recognize the
dignity of every human person
and to earnestly resolve the
problems of
and oppresion.
Fifth Glorious Mystery
Coronation of the
Blessed Virgin Mary as
Queen of Heaven and
We pray,that our faithful
departed in Christ,may be
mercifully pardoned from
their sins,especially those
who died today.

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