Biografi Imam Mazhab - Id.en

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Biography of Imam Madhab

1.Abu Hanifa
PriestAbu Hanifa whose full name is Abu HanifaNu'man ibn sickleat-Taimi. Place of birth
inKufain 80H/699M and died in 150H/767M. In his time he was famous as a scholar and a
Supreme Master whose knowledge was broad, especially in the field of law. He lives in
twodynasty, namely the Umayyad and BaniAbbasids. But not at all active in political

governorIraqYazidIbnHubairah,era caliphMarwanibnMuhammad fromdynastyUmayyad

would appoint Ibn Hanifah as a judge, but he refused firmly, so he was tortured. The same
thing happened, when the Kingdom'Abbasiahhas stood. Caliph Al-Mansur summoned him
to Baghdad and then he would be appointed a magistrate of the kingdom,belaiurefused
and in the end he had to be punished and tortured.

AshHanifah has devoted her life to studying Islamic law and giving lectures to her
students. He left a book called "Al-FiqhiAl-Akbar "His work can be truly appreciated,
because he was the first to trycodingIslamic law by usingqiyas,ihtihsanand community
traditions. He has been regarded as the founder of a school, which has followers spread
all over the world, especially in Turkey, Afghanistan,Transjordan, Indo China, China, and
Soviet Russia.
Biography of Imam Madhab
2.Malik Ibn Anas
Imam Malik Ibn Anas was born in 95H/713M and died in
179H/789M,stand upand live in Medina. He studied in that city, then
became a great scholar who had wide influence. Imam Malik has two
privileges that exceed the scholars of his time,
namely:specialistknowledge of hadith and hold the position of mufti. His
work is called "Al-muwaththa"which is a collection of hadiths
whicharranged. Malik occupies an important place in teaching hadith. In
addition, he gave fatwas and taught laws based onhis ijtihadalone.

Lotsstudents and scholars who came to study with him, including Imam
Shafi'i. In setting the law he also usesqiyasalthough in a lesser sense
than Abu Hanifa. Like Abu Hanifa, he has also formed a school of
thoughtfiqhi. The followers are of course the mostin the cityhimself in
Medina and now his followers are scattered in Morocco, Al-geria, Tunis,
Sudan, Kuwait and Bahrain.
Biography of Imam Madhab
3. Asy Shafi'i
Imam Asy Shafi'i (MuhammadibnIdris Asy Syafi'i) was born in Gaza in 150H/757M, and died in Cairo in 204
H/820 M. He has a genealogyfamily withProphet, from descendantsMuttalib ibn AbdilManaf, born as an
orphan. Since childhood Imam Shafi'i he grew up studying in Mecca, together with his mother, he lived in a
poor condition. From a very young age, he had memorized thequr'an30juz, known as a genius, possessed
extraordinary intelligence. He also once learned about hadith from Imam Malik in Medina and in a short time
the book of Imam Malik was namedalmuwaththa memorizedall.

funShafi'i is one of the lucky people in his life in the field ofscientific. He appeared after the
codificationshari'ahaccording to orderly systems in a neat form. Thus he is easy to fruitthoughtsfrom previous
people and learn directly frommastersleading. That's why he was finally able to achieve a high achievement in
the scientific field, he was able to formulate a unifying methodqur'an, sunnah,consent' andqiyas. Different
from AbuhanifahAs an expert in thinking methods and prefers a hypothetical method of speculation,
Asyshafi'idon't agree with it. However, he is a knowledgeable personview, knowledge, and experience, he also
masteredfiqhischolars and scholarshijazandfiqhiIraqi scholars. That's why since Ashshafi'iappeared in
Baghdad, then his teachings quickly gained followers.

funShafi'i has twoqaul(opinion). First, when hesettle downin Baghdad, his name isQaul Qadien(old opinion).
Second, when he lived in Egypt his name wasQaul sod(new opinion). Countless scholars came to study with
him. During his lifetime he has written 113 books on commentary,fiqhi, literature and others. Among other
things the most famous book "Al-Um". His followers are in Indonesia, Malaysia,palestine, Lebanon, Egypt,
Iraq, Saudi Arabia, Yemen and Hadramaut
Biography of Imam Madhab
4.Ahmad Ibn Hambal
PriestAhmad Ibn Hambal was born inBaghdadin 164H/780M and diedBaghdadin the
year 241H/855M. He is well-known expert in the field of hadith,fiqhi, and theology.
When Asy Shafi'i was about to die he said: "I did not leaveBaghdadperson who is more
important, pious and smarter than Ahmadibn Hambal".Firsttime he studied
atFaithAsh-Shafi'i, and after sufficient knowledge and equipment then ijtihad,
pioneered a separate madhhab.

LikeThe Imams of the Madzhabfirst, many great scholars came to learn from him. He is
known as a person who is firm in his stance and hard to defend it. WatakThat's what
caused the Caliph Al-Makmun, as opinionMu'tazilahwhich became the royal school at
that time, that the Qur'an was a creature, therefore it was new (huduts). Which
opinion is imposed by Al-Makmun, but Imam Ahmad firmly andconsequentlyreject it.

PriestAhmad wrote many valuable books. It seems that among his many sciences, he is
more prominent as a specialist in Hadith.Hehas compiled aMusnad, in which the work
contains hadiths that are not stated by other scholars. The book contains 40,000 pieces
of Hadith. The followers of Imam Ahmad are generally found in Saudi Arabia, Lebanon
and Syria.

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