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Quality Concepts and Tools


What is TQM? Total --- Made up of

the whole

It is an
enhancement to Quality – Degree of excellence
traditional way of a product or service provides
doing business.
Analysing the three
words, we have Management – Act, art, or
manner of handling,
Therefore, TQM is controlling, directing etc.
the art managing
the whole to
achieve excellence; “Do unto others as you would
the Golden Rule is have them do unto you”

What is TQM?
 A management strategy aimed at embedding
awareness of quality in all organizational
 A philosophy that makes quality values the
driving force behind leadership, design,
planning, and improvement initiatives.
Definition (As defined by ISO)

• “TQM is a management approach of an organization,

centered on quality, based on the participation of all
its members, and aiming at long-term success
through customer satisfaction, and benefits to all
members of the organization and to society”
• Another more common definition of TQM

• We may also define TQM as “managing the

entire organization so that it excels on all
dimensions of products and services that are
important to the customer”.
Evolution of TQM

TQM has two These two goals can be Hence the term,
fundamental achieved if the entire “total quality
operational goals: organization is oriented management”
towards them.

Careful design of
the product or Ensuring that the
service, and organization’s systems
can consistently
produce the design.
Evolution of TQM

TQM became a national concern in the U.S. in the 1980s.

This happened primarily as a response to Japanese quality

superiority in manufacturing automobiles and other durable
A study revealed that the best quality American products had
higher average defects than those of poorest Japanese
Due to this, improving the quality standards became a national
U.S. Department of Commerce established “Malcolm Baldrige
National Quality Award in 1987 to help companies to review
and structure their quality programs.
Evolution of TQM

Also, at this time, ISO Quality management systems

evolved which required companies to demonstrate
that they are measuring and documenting their quality
practices according to criteria specified in the ISO

They had to do this if they wished to compete for

international contracts.
Quality Gurus
• Various quality gurus have given different definitions of the
term “Quality”.
• Let us go through some of the popular definitions:
Quality Guru Given Definition of “quality”
Edwards Deming “a predictable degree of uniformity, at low
cost and suited to the market
Joseph Juran “a good’s fitness for the intended use”
Phillip B. Crosby “conformance to requirement”
Genichi Taguchi “the minimum loss imparted by a product
to society from the time the product is
Kaoru Ishikawa “a company-wide issue and must be an all-
pervasive influence on the way every issue
of business is conducted”.
Quality Gurus
• According to ISO 9000:2000, “quality is the degree to which a
set of inherent characteristics fulfill requirements”
• Here the word “degree”, means that quality can be qualified
with adjectives, such as good, poor, and excellent.
• The term “inherent” means that it is an existing and
permanent characteristic in the product or service.
• Characteristics can be qualitative or quantitative.
• Requirements are needs or expectations of the customers or
end users.
Evolution of TQM
The leaders of
quality movement,
the quality gurus, • Quality leadership from senior
notably, Philip
Crosby, Edward management,
Deming, and • A customer focus,
Joseph Juran, had • Total involvement of the
slightly different
definitions of workforce, and
quality, but all had • Continuous improvement
the same general based on rigorous analysis of
message: To
achieve processes.
outstanding quality
Evolution of TQM

Inspection:--Identifying non-conformities, salvaging etc. “End

of pipe” approach.

Quality Control:--Process conformance, quality planning,

statistical tools, control instrumentation etc.

Quality Assurance:--Quality manuals, System Certification,

Quality Costs, Documentation etc.

Total Quality Management (TQM):--Customer focus, employee

involvement, continuous improvement, performance
• Vision based
• Customer focused
• Prevention oriented
• Scientifically approached
Ten • Process more important than end
Principles of result
Quality • Data based for analysis
Management • Continuous improvement
(QM) • Cost conscious attempt
• Documentation for traceability
• Reward / Recognition assured
Philosophical Elements Generic Tools Tools of the QC
1.Customer driven quality SPC tools Tools of the QC

2.Leadership Flow charts Sampling Plans

Continuous improvement Check Sheets Process
3. Employee participation Pareto Analysis Taguchi methods

and development and histogram

4. Quick response Cause & Effect or

fish bone diagrams
5. Design Quality Run charts
6. Management by facts Scatter diagrams
7. Partnership development Control charts
8. Corporate responsibility Quality Function Deployment
Core Concepts of TQM

Quality for

Right First
Cost of Quality:
• a. Failure costs
• b. Appraisal costs Acceptable
• c. Prevention Quality
costs Levels
Five Pillars of TQM


Product Process System People

Quality Specification and Quality Costs

Developing Quality
Determination of quality
specifications and the costs of
achieving (or not achieving)
those specifications is
fundamental to quality
program. The quality specifications of a
product or service derive from
decisions and actions made
relative to the quality of its
design and the quality of its
conformance to that design.
Quality Specification and Quality Costs

Design quality refers to the inherent value

of the product in the market place and
thus is a strategic decision for the firm.

The dimensions of design quality refer to

Design Quality the features of the product or service that
relate directly to design issues.

A firm designs a product or service to

address the needs of the intended market.
Quality Specification and Quality Costs

Design Quality

Materials and manufacturing process attributes can greatly impact

the reliability and durability of a product.

Here the company attempts to design a product or service that

can be produced or delivered at reasonable cost.

The serviceability of the product may have a great impact on the

cost of the product or service to the customer after purchase.

This also may impact the warranty and repair cost.

Quality Specification and Quality Costs

Design Quality

• Aesthetics may greatly impact the desirability of the product

or service, in particular consumer products.
• Especially when a brand name is involved, the design often
represents the next generation of an ongoing stream of
products or services.
• Consistency in the relative performance compared to state of
the art may have a great impac t on how the quality is
• This may be very important in the long run success of the
Quality Specification and Quality Costs
• Dimensions of Design Quality

Dimension Meaning
Performance Primary product or service characteristics
Features Added touches, bells, and whistles, secondary
Reliability/durability Consistency of performance over time,
probability of failing, useful life
Serviceability Ease of repair
Aesthetics Sensory characteristics (sound, feel, look, and
so on
Perceived quality Past performance and reputation
Quality Specification and Quality Costs

Conformance Quality

This refers to the degree to which the product or service design

specifications are met.

The activities involved in achieving conformance are of a

tactical, day-to-day nature.

It is possible that a product or service can have high design

quality but low conformance quality. And vice versa.
Quality Specification and Quality Costs

It means that the person

who does the work takes the
Quality at Source responsibility to ensure that
the output meets

In the case of a product,

achieving quality
In a service firm, it is usually
specification is the
the responsibility of branch
responsibility of
operations management.
Quality Specification and Quality Costs

Both quality of design and quality of conformance should

provide products that meet the customer’s objectives for those

This is termed as the product’s “fitness for use”.

It involves identifying the dimensions of the product or service

that the customer wants (i.e. the voice of the customer).

It also involves developing a quality control program to ensure

that these dimensions are met.
Cost of Quality
• Taguchi was the first to redefine the Cost of Quality by adding
all costs associated with poor functioning of the product.
• He included all costs incurred by the customer, during entire
life of the product, for its maintenance & satisfactory
• Today it is categorized into three major groups
– Costs of conformance (COC)
• Prevention Cost (PC)
• Appraisal Cost (AC)
– Costs of non-conformance (CONC)
• Internal Failure Cost (IFC)
• External Failure Cost (EFC)
• Cost of Exceeding Requirements(CER)
– Costs of lost opportunities (COLO)
Cost of Quality




Cost of Quality (COQ)

Cost of quality (COQ) analyses are common in industry and

constitute one of the primary functions of QC departments.

COQ means all of the costs attributable to the production of

quality that is not 100% perfect.

A less stringent definition considers only those costs that are

the difference between what can be expected from excellent
performance and current costs that exist.

The cost of quality is estimated to be between 15 – 20% of

sales value ---------------------------------------
Cost of Quality (COQ)

Cost of reworking,


Repeated service,

COQ includes: Inspections,


Warranties, and

Other quality-related
Cost of Quality (COQ)

According to Philip
Three basic Crosby, the COQ for a
assumptions justify well-run quality
an analysis of the program should be
costs of quality: within 2.5% of sales.

Prevention is cheaper, Performance can be

Failures are caused,
and measured.
Cost of Quality (COQ)

The costs of quality are generally classified into four types:

Appraisal costs:
• These include costs of inspection, testing, and other tasks to ensure that the
product or process is acceptable.

Prevention costs:
• The sum of all the costs to prevent defects, such as cost to identify cost of
defect, to implement corrective action, to train personnel, to redesign
product or system, and to purchase new equipment or make modifications.

Internal failure costs:

• Costs for defects incurred within the system – scrap, repair, rework.

External failure costs:

• Costs of customer warranty replacements, handling complaints etc.
Taguchi Methods
• Taguchi methods are statistical methods, sometimes called
robust design methods, developed by Genichi Taguchi to
improve the quality of manufactured goods, and more
recently also applied to engineering, biotechnology,
marketing, and advertising.
• Taguchi's work includes three principal contributions to
– A specific loss function
– The philosophy of off-line quality control; and
– Innovations in the design of experiments.
Quality Loss Function
• What is Quality Loss?
– The quality loss function as defined by Taguchi is the loss imparted to
the society by the product from the time the product is designed to
the time it is shipped to the customer.
– In fact, he defined quality as the conformity around a target value with
a lower standard deviation in the outputs.
– It is a graphical representation of a variety of non-perfect parts that
can each lead to losses, and these losses can be measured in rupee
value. These losses basically originate from:
• Cost to produce,
• Failure to function,
• Maintenance and repair cost,
• Loss of brand name leading to customer dissatisfaction,
• Cost of redesign and rework.
Quality Loss Function
• What is Quality Loss?
–  Taguchi loss function may be defined as the graphical depiction of loss
to describe a phenomenon affecting the value of products produced
by a company.
– It emphasizes the need for incorporating quality and reliability at the
design stage, prior to production.
– It is particularly significant in products not involving close tolerances,
but with wider than usual tolerances, or in other words, where the
design specifies larger variations between the upper and lower control
limits to suit the manufacturing facilities, rather than as required for
the matching between two mating components in an assembly
Quality Loss Function
• What is Quality Loss?
– The earlier concept cost of quality is based on general non-statistical
aspects of the quality costs to provide the basic understanding of how
product costs are built up from the materials and labor costs point of
– On the other hand, the cost due to poor quality as emphasized by
Taguchi’s loss function (post-1950) has a different approach and
treatment involving statistical analysis and graphical depiction. It
emphasizes precision more than accuracy within the production
Quality Loss Function
• Design of Experiments
– Genichi Taguchi’s methods have been widely known in industry for
– The central idea of his methods is the quality loss function and robust
parameter design.
– The quality loss function is used to estimate costs when the product or
process characteristics are shifted from the target value.
– This concept is known as parameter design, which is a selection of a
parameter level in order to make the process robust against
environmental changes with minimum variation
Quality Loss Function
• The concepts of quality, robustness, and quality loss function
– Quality is probably the most commonly known but ambiguous term
in engineering system design.
– In order to define the role of quality in system design, we need to
review several important concepts in quality engineering.
– The engineering method of quality improvement is referred to as
‘quality engineering’ in Japan (due to the pioneering work by Dr.
Genichi Taguchi) and as ‘robust design’ in the West.
Quality Circle (QC)

QCs have the following characteristics:

• Small primary groups of employees, size 8 to 10.
• Membership is voluntary
• Members choose their own leader.
• Members meet regularly according to an agreed schedule.
• Members are specially trained in problem solving and
analysis techniques in order to play their role effectively.
• Basic role of QC is to identify and solve work related
problems and recommend solutions to management.
Quality Circles and Kaizen Teams

• Check sheet.
• Histogram.
• Pareto Chart.
• Cause and Effect Diagram ((Also known
Quality Circle as Fish-bone diagram).
Techniques • Scatter Diagram.
• Control Charts.
• Graphs.
Quality Circles

resulting from
QC activities:

Higher Better earnings for

Lower costs
productivity the organization
Quality Circles

• Start with a simple project. A successful first

time effort will help to build up confidence.
• Always try to speak with facts and figures.
Tips for • Treat each other with consideration and
respect. Do not blame others.
success in QC • Work together as a team to tackle the
Activities problems. Everyone should participate and
be given a role in the circle activities.
• Seek help from your Supervisor, technicians
and fellow workers in other sections.
Quality Circles

Reasons for failure of QC

• Success of QC largely depends on top management commitment
towards it. Management must understand that QC is not the last but
the first step in building up corporate culture.
• Many organizations establish QCs but do not bother to take any
action on implementation of the solution proposed by them. This
brings down the morale and overall, the movement loses
• Worker or work practice is not the only cause of defect. It is also
caused due to poor working conditions, improper training or
incapable machines. These are management problems and should
be solved by them.
• Sometimes the concept of QC itself is misunderstood due to which,
the groups select projects, which are clearly beyond their scope.

• SQC “the technique of applying

statistical methods based upon
mathematical theory of probability
to quality control problems with the
Meaning / purpose of establishing quality
definition of standards and maintaining
adherence to these standards in the
Statistical Quality most economical manner”
Control (SQC):
Objectives of SQC:

• To prevent production of defective parts by inspecting them

and establishing control over manufacturing process during
• To reduce the cost of inspection and at the same time ensure
quality of the product by adopting a sampling inspection plan
that is based on statistical methods
• In addition to the above two principal objectives, SQC results
in the following benefits: -
– Decreased scrap, less time on re-work
– In cases where destructive testing is required, SQC is the only method
Statistical Tools
for Quality

The main statistical

tools used in the
quality control jobs
are: -

distributions Control charts Sampling plans
Frequency Distribution:
• A frequency distribution is an arrangement of numerical data
according to size and frequency
• Algebraic measure of Frequency distribution:
• The frequency distribution can be described by the following
two characteristics: -
– Its central tendency, that is, the most representative value
– Its spread or Dispersion, that is, the extent of variation
from the central tendency
– The term "measures of central tendency" is a fancy name
for mean, median and mode
Mean The sum of a set of data divided by
(Average): number of data

The middle value or the mean of the

Median: middle two values, when the data is 
arranged in numerical order

The value ( number)

Mode:  that appears the
most often
 Example:
Find the mean, median and mode for the following data
• 5, 15, 10, 15, 5, 10, 10, 20, 25, 15
• Solution:
– You need to organize the data
• Mean:       sum of the data      130  = 13
             number of data points  10
Median    5, 5, 10, 10, 10, 15, 15, 15, 20, 25
• Listing the data out in order is the easiest way to
find the median
• The numbers 10 and 15 both fall in the middle
• You have to average these two numbers to get the
• 10 + 15 = 12.5
Mode    Two numbers appear the most often:  10 and 15

The table shows there are three 10's and three 15's.

In this example there are two answers for the mode

For industrial use, the two most valuable measures of

central tendency are: -the Average (Mean) and the Median

The two most useful measures of spread are: - the Standard

deviation and the Range
Dispersion refers to the spread of the values around the
central tendency

There are two common measures of dispersion, the range

and the standard deviation

The range is simply the highest value minus the lowest


In our example distribution, the high value is 36 and the low

is 15, so the range is 36 - 15 = 21
The Standard Deviation is a more accurate and detailed
estimate of dispersion because an outlier can greatly
exaggerate the range

The Standard Deviation shows the relation that set of

scores has to the mean of the sample

Standard deviation (S) = square root of the variance

Standard deviation is the measure of spread most

commonly used in statistical practice when the mean is
used to calculate central tendency
Properties of standard deviation
Standard deviation is only used to measure spread
or dispersion around the mean of a data set

Standard deviation is never negative

Standard deviation is sensitive to outliers. A single

outlier can raise the standard deviation and in turn,
distort the picture of spread
For data with approximately the same mean, the
greater the spread, the greater the standard
If all values of a data set are the same, the standard
deviation is zero (because each value is equal to the
• Example 1 – Standard deviation
• A hen lays eight eggs. Each egg was weighed and
recorded as follows:
• 60 g, 56 g, 6l g, 68 g, 51 g, 53 g, 69 g, 54 g
• a) First, calculate the mean:
• b) Now, find the standard deviation
• Using the information from the above table, we can
see that

• In order to calculate the standard deviation, we

must use the following formula:
• The Range (R):
• The range is the difference between the lowest
and the largest readings in a series
• That is,
• R = Xmax - Xmin
• Figure below shows a Normal curve calculated
from the distribution of diastolic blood pressures
of 500 men; mean 82 mmHg, standard deviation
10 mmHg
• Normal Curve Distribution
Control Charts:

A Quality Control or QC chart is a statistical tool that is

used to study the fluctuation of data in a process when
analyzing the performance of a product

A control chart can be defined as: A chronological (hour-by-

hour, day-by-day) graphical comparison of actual product
quality characteristics with limits reflecting the ability to
produce as shown by past experience
Types of Control
When the method of
inspection is by variables, the
most popular control charts
are X-bar and R charts
Corresponding to the two
types of inspection methods,
there are two basic types of When the method of
control charts. inspection is by attributes,
the most popular control
charts are fraction or percent
defective charts (also called
Control Charts for Variables:
These charts are also known as X-bar and R charts, since
these charts give the control limits for measures of central
tendency and spread

The basic principle for computing measurements of control

chart limits are similar to that for computing the frequency
distribution process

3-sigma has been chosen in place of 2 or 4-sigma, because,

experience has proved 3-sigma value to be most useful and
economical for control-chart applications
The X-Bar R chart is the most commonly used quality
control chart

X-Bar R charts are a combination of the X Bar plot, which

monitors the process mean, and the R plot, or Range plot,
which detects process variability
Individually, X-bar charts are used to achieve statistical
control over the mean of a measured characteristic of a
product . Each point on the chart represents the mean of a
R charts are used to establish reliable estimates of
confidence intervals (UCL and LCL) around the sample
• Each point on an R chart represents the range of a
• To identify the desired level of control, a horizontal "control
line" (the X bar) is drawn at the desired population mean
• When Range is used as Measure of spread
• Average: Lower Control Limit (LCL)
• = - - A2
• Center line =
• Upper Control Limit (UCL)
• = + A2
• Range: LCL = D3
• Center line =
• UCL = D4
Construction of Control charts

Plastic Key chains are being produced in a company named


The plastic material is first molded and then trimmed to the

required shape

The cure times during the molding process affect the edge
quality of the key chains produced

The aim is to achieve statistical control of the cure times

using X bar and R charts
Cure time data of twenty-five
samples, each of size four, have
been taken when the process is
assumed to be in control

These are shown in

table below

The construction of
control charts- X-bar
and R-bar charts are
also shown:
• Table 1
The means and the ranges in each sample are calculated.
The mean of the sample means and the sample ranges are
also calculated
The mean for the ranges gives the center line for the R

Using n=4, from the table for calculating the control limits,
we get that D3 = 0 and D4=2.282

Therefore the control limits for the R chart are LCL = Rmean
x D3 = 0

UCL = Rmean x D4 = 13.525

The R chart is drawn with the 25
sample ranges plotted on the chart

The Control limits and the center line

are also drawn

This is shown in the figure below

All the points are within the control

limits and no particular pattern can
be observed
Therefore the process variability is in
• Since the R chart indicates the process variablity is
in control
• The X bar chart is now constructed
• The center line is the mean of the sample means
• Using the same table, and taking n=4 the control limits
calculated are
• UCL = xmean_of_means + A2 x Rmean = 34.733
• LCL = xmean_of_means - A2 x Rmean = 26.072
• The X bar chart is drawn with the 25 sample means plotted
on the chart
• The Control limits and the centre line are drawn too
• This is shown in the figure below
• No indication of out of control condition is
observed from this figure.
Quality Awards
• Background to Quality Awards
– A national quality award is typically part of a larger effort by a
government to make its country's businesses more competitive in the
world economy.
– The awarding institutions are generally either government
departments or ministries or not-for-profit organizations with
government ties.
– In many countries, however, the awarding institutions are consortia of
– Candidate companies compete in award-specific assessments of
business quality and excellence criteria.
Quality Awards
• Background to Quality Awards
– The assessments are annual and firms who wish to be considered for
the awards file applications with the organization that conducts the
competition in their home country.
– Competitors are evaluated by teams of examiners who are volunteers
in Germany, the United Kingdom, the United States, and possibly
– Several examiners separately evaluate company submissions against
award criteria after which they meet to discuss their findings and to
agree on a consensus score.
– The highest scoring firms advance to the next phase where examiners
perform site visits to compare actual practices against those reported
in the company submission and finally, awards are given to companies
whose practices best fulfill the criteria of the award models
Quality Awards
• Background to Quality Awards
– While each nation's awards programs only consider businesses within
its national borders, there are two notable exceptions:
• The EFQM Excellence Award is a transnational award open to businesses
operating in one or more European countries and
• the Deming Prize, which began as the Japan Quality Medal, became the
first (and as of 2014 the only) global quality award in 1984.
– The most widely-recognized quality awards are the Deming Prize (the
first of its kind) and the EFQM Excellence and Malcolm Baldrige
National Quality Awards (due to their size).
– The national quality award phenomenon grew out of the Total Quality
Management movement of the 1980s
Quality Awards
• List of some of the national quality awards:
• Name Region Country Organization Began
Australian Business Oceania Australia SAI Global 1988
Excellence Awards
Belgian Business Europe Belgium Flemish Quality 1990
Excellence Award Management
Canada Awards for North Canada Excellence Canada 1989
Excellence America
China Quality Award Asia China China Association 2001
for Quality
Deming Prize Asia Japan Union of Japanese 1951
Scientists and
Quality Awards
• List of some of the national quality awards:
• Name Region Country Organization Began
Dubai Government Middle UAE Dubai Government 1997
Excellence Award East Excellence Program
Dutch Quality Europe Netherlands Instituut Nederland 1990
Assessment Kwaliteit
EFQM Excellence Europe EFQM 1992
Egypt Government Africa Egypt Ministry of Planning 2018
Excellence Award
Fiji Business Oceania Fiji National Training 1998
Excellence Awards and Productivity
Quality Awards
• List of some of the national quality awards:
• Name Region Country Organization Began
ESPRIX Swiss Award Europe Switzerland Stiftung ESPRIX
for Excellence
Government Middle UAE Sheikh Khalifa 2009
Excellence Model East Government
Excellence Program
Indonesian Quality Asia Indonesia Indonesian Quality
Award Award Foundation
Iran National Quality Asia Iran Institute of
Award Standards and
Industrial Research
of Iran
National Quality and Asia Israel Standards Institute 1989
Excellence Prize of Israel
Quality Awards
• List of some of the national quality awards:
• Name Region Country Organization Began
King Abdulaziz Quality Asia Saudi Saudi Standards,
Award Arabia Metrology and
Quality Organization
King Abdullah II Award Middle Jordan King Abdullah II 2006
for Government East Center for Excellence
Excellence Award
Korean National Asia South Korean Standards
Quality Management Korea Association
de:Ludwig-Erhard- Europe Germany de:Deutsche 1997
Preis (ILEP) Gesellschaft für
Qualität and Verein
Quality Awards
• List of some of the national quality awards:
• Name Region Country Organization Began
Luxemburgish Award Europe Luxemberg MLQE 2004
for Quality and
Malcolm Baldrige North United National Institute of 1988
National Quality America States Standards and
Award Technology
Prime Minister Asia Pakistan National Productivity 2006
Quality Award Organization
Philippine Quality Asia Philippines Center for Industrial 1998
Award Competitiveness
Quality Awards
• List of some of the national quality awards:
• Name Region Country Organization Began
pl:Polska Nagroda Europe Poland Sekretariat Polskiej 1995
Jakości Nagrody Jakości
es:Premio South Colombia es:Ministerio de 1992
Colombiano a la America Comercio, Industria y
Calidad de la Gestión Turismo de Colombia
Premio Nacional a la South Argentina Fundación Premio 1992
Calidad America Nacional a la Calidad
Premio Nacional a la South Chile es:Confederación de
Calidad America la Producción y del
Quality Awards
• List of some of the national quality awards:
• Name Region Country Organization Began
Premio Nacional a la South Brazil pt:Fundação 1992
Calidad America Nacional da
Europe Italy Associazione Premio 1997
Premio Qualità Italia
Qualità Italia
es:Premio Nacional North Mexico Instituto para el 1990
de Calidad America Fomento a la Calidad
es:Premios Príncipe Europe Spain es:Ministerio de 1993
Felipe a la Excelencia Industria, Energía y
Empresarial Turismo
Quality Awards
• List of some of the national quality awards:
• Name Region Country Organization Began
Prime Minister’s Asia Malaysia Prime Minister of
Quality Award Malaysia
Prix France Qualité Europe France Association France 2000
Performance Qualité Performance
Rajiv Gandhi Asia India Bureau of Indian 1992
National Quality Standards
IMC Ramkrishna Asia India IMC Chamber of 1997
Bajaj National Commerce &
Quality Award Industry
Quality Awards
• List of some of the national quality awards:
• Name Region Country Organization Began
Russian Government Europe Russia Secretariat of the 1997
Quality Award Russian Government
Quality Award Board
Singapore Business Asia Singapore SPRING Singapore 1995
Excellence Awards[
Thailand Quality Asia Thailand Thailand Productivity 1996
Award Institute
TÜSİAD-KalDer Asia Turkey Turkish Industrialists'
National Quality and Businessmen's
Awards Association
Quality Awards
• List of some of the national quality awards:
• Name Region Country Organization Began
UK Business Europe United British Quality 1994
Excellence Award Kingdom Foundation
Utmärkelsen Svensk Europe Sweden SIQ Institutet för 1992
Kvalitet Kvalitetsutveckling
India 5000 Best Asia India India 5000 Business 2016
MSME Awards Awards
• A customer is the Most Important Visitor on our Premises,
• He is not dependent on us, We are dependent on him,
• He is not an interruption on our work, He is the purpose of it
• He is not an outsider on our business, but is a part of it
• We are not doing him a favor by serving him, He is doing us a
favor by giving us an opportunity to do so.
---Mahatma Gandhi

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