Boss Vs Leader

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Boss Vs Leader

Boss Vs Leader
Boss or Leader?

 It is a fast paced, high

stressed business
 It can be all too easy for
leaders to slip into “Boss”
 They stop being a ‘leader’
and start acting a ‘boss’.
 A ‘boss’ is one who
supervises a staff.

A Leader Leads to be a Role Model

“Boss” Man Syndrome

 Staff reports to boss as said

in organizational chart.
 Staff do exactly what the
boss says, because, of
course – “he is the Boss”
 Leader becomes a not-so-
pleasant person who creates
a not-so-enjoyable work
 This brings progress to a
screeching halt.
1. A ‘Boss’ only sees things in black and white, while
the leader also sees the grey.
2. A ‘Boss’ likes to tell, while a leader
prefers to teach.
3. A ‘Boss’ likes being on a pedestal, above the fray,
while the leader likes to be among those he leads.
4. A ‘Boss’ gets lost in the details, while the ‘Leader’
keeps the big picture.
5. A Boss rules by fear, while the Leader inspires with trust.
6. A Boss displays great arrogance, while the Leader shows
quiet humility.
7. A Boss likes to talk, while the Leader prefers to Listen.
8. A Boss wants to dictate, while the leader would rather
9. A Boss outlines the “What”, while the leader also always
explains the “Why”.
10. A Boss thinks first about profit, while the leader thinks first
about people
11. A Boss gets lost in process, while the Leader gets absorbed
in performance.
12. A Boss is a disabler, while the Leader is an enabler.
13. A Boss criticizes, while the leader coaches.
14. A Boss manages to an end, while the Leader serves for a
15. A Boss demotivates with impassiveness,
while a Leader inspires with caring & empathy.
Be a Great Leader

 Keep this list handy.

 Post it on your personal
bulletin board.
 Recognize Boss Man
 Be a Leader, not a Boss!

Lead Well
Content Inspiration – Terry Starbucker

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