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Innovative Methods that can be adopted while recruiting

staffs for an Organization that deals with Event Manage-

ment works
Submitted to:- Harshita Wadhwa
Mr. Amit Kumar Tripathi Abhijeet Patra
Agenda Style

1 Introduction

2 Methods

1. Testing candidate’s skills on social media

2. Quick Pitch
3. Stress interview
4. Gamification
5. Scheduling Group activities
The mainstream/traditional methods of recruitment involves:
• Screening of resumes
• conducting interviews etc.
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But in order to recruit creative minds, the recruiters need to go

out of theYour
come up with some unique strategies.

Few of the strategies suggested by us are :

01 Testing candidates’ skills on social
Using social media to source potential candidates and
reviewing their work samples and portfolios would show
their creativity level which is one of the major as well as
important skill required in event management. 
For example
Asking the candidates to send a 10 second snapchat video
briefly describing themselves to start the application process

The 10 sec. time constraint will allow candidates to not only do

the work but also be creative while doing it.
02 Quick Pitch

• Quick pitching is nothing but Allowing students to give

1-minute elevator pitches to sell their idea, or anything
thrown to them.

• This would help the recruiter to know another impor-

tant quality of how quick they can think and innovate.

Stress Interview round is something that cannot be
skipped so instead of conducting a mainstream in-
Interview terview,
it is more effective to conduct stress Interview.

A stress interview is an interviewing style that

companies use to gauge a candidate's response to 
stress. The idea is that it'll give the hiring team an
idea of how you'll respond when juggling various
high-priority tasks, dealing with challenging
situations as well as their short-temperedness
04 Gamifica-
• Gamification is the application of game-design elements and
game principles in non-game contexts. It can also be defined as a
set of activities and processes to solve problems by using or
applying the characteristics of game elements.

• Gamification in recruitment involves creating quizzes, challenges

and other types of evaluations, which test someone’s creativity,
aptitude and problem-solving skills.
05 Scheduling group activities
Trying out effective recruitment strategies and practices such
as group activities and assessment centers to evaluate potential
is another strategy that can be adopted to hire employees for
event management companies .

Candidates will get the chance to understand whether they’re a

good fit for both your position and team, as they interact with
potential coworkers. And, the recruiter can use group activities to
simulate job tasks and learn how candidates face challenges
related to the positions.
Another group activity that can be performed is

Forming a group of candidates having say 10 members and

allowing them to interact in a closed area and testing them on the basis
of how are they building relations with each other,

This activity will demonstrate a candidate’s Networking skill.

Thank you

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