Improving Programming Through Coding Websites

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programming through
coding websites
● Why to practice coding ?
● The prerequisites
● How to start
● How to practice
● Demo on hackerrank
Why should you code?
● Makes your mind sharper
● Crack coding rounds of good companies
● Improves debugging skills
● Makes you a problem solver
● You’ll understand how systems work under
the hood
● Things you learned in C class.

[ You can move on to C++ / Java / Python later if you

are using C right now ]
Once you start (level 0)
To do :
→ Solve a lot of problems on that language on Hackerrank for whatever
language you picked.

To focus on :
● Syntax familiarity
○ Focus on being fluent with the syntax of language you picked.
● Solution Implementation
○ If you think of a solution, can you code it ?
○ Given a solution, can you code it ?
Resources (level 0)
Pick any decent tutorial/course for any language you choose and make sure
you learn syntax of these things at least.
Loops and Conditionals, Functions and Recursion, Pass by reference / value
in functions, Multidimensional Arrays, etc.
I leave finding the resources for a language upto you.
But make sure,
● Don’t switch from one language to another once you choose any.
● If you find a good course on that language on NPTEL / Udemy / Coursera
/ Youtube, go for it.

In 3rd sem we had OOP and we had to take this Java course. It’s a good
course on NPTEL.
Diving in (level 1)
To do :
→ Problem solving section on Hackerrank
→ Solving problems from the mentioned resources

To focus on :
● Understand basic data structures
○ Know how to implement that data structure.
○ Use the corresponding internal data structure.
● Understand time complexity (intuitively)
● Understand basic algorithms
Resources (level 1)
● My Code School (DS playlist)
● Hackerearth DS tutorials (+practice)
● My Code School (Sorting playlist)
● Hackerearth algorithms (+practice)

● Codechef (beginner problems, sort by submissions)

● Codeforces (start solving problems with rating 800 - 1000 and sort by
submissions, you may find resources online regarding how to use it)
Practice (level 2)
To do :
→ Keep solving problems ……….

To focus on :
● You new data structures / algorithms while you solve problems.
● Start participating in coding competitions
● Give coding contests on different coding platforms
○ Hackerrank
○ Hackerearth.
○ Codechef (start with long challenges and then move on to others)
○ Codeforces (start div3 contests)
Language specific tools
If you chose C++ and you know basic C++,
have a look at C++ STL
If you chose Java and you know basic Java,
have a look at Java Collections
If you chose Python and you know basic Python,
have a look at Python internal Data Structures

Whatever language you choose, make sure you know about its internal data
structures and algorithms.
Resources specific to CP
Follow these youtube channels for learning / knowing about CP related
● Errichto, Gaurav Sen, Rachit Jain, Take U Forward, Code N Code, Love
Babbar, Luv.

● Hackerearth Maths section
● This video

All the best !!!

About me
Hi !! this is Sudheer Tripathi from Computer Engineering batch 2018 - 2022

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Feel free to give feedbacks / ask questions / doubts using any of the above

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