Reach Remotest Area of Our Nation

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• The FOODRAIL logo represents the fast delivery provided by our company. The paper plane inside the logo depicts our company being able to
reach remotest area of our nation.
• It explains the main goal of the company that is providing all the services at the doorsteps by just clicking on the mobile application.

• we came up with an innovative idea to develop a platform providing services to people in small towns/cities where people can experience any
service by just residing at home.
Target Market/ Potential Market
• Main goal of the company-providing all the services at the
doorsteps by just clicking on the mobile application.
• Services include repairing services, home care and design, personal
care, event management.
• Target marketplace -mobile based users.
• Initial phases-small cities, cities are moving towards urbanization, a
potential audience in need for such services.
• Beneficial for both the customers and service professionals.
• Target Market Segmentation-
• Identify the market where the competitor is either mark their
presence or didn’t enter the market
• Consumers who want to have good services at affordable rate,
comfort at home, quick services
• Size of the primary target market-
• Geographic- Tier2, 3 cities, Demographics- all genders, age (20-40
years), middle to low income.
Distinguishing Characteristics
• Our targeted audience location will be in both rural and urban areas mainly in small cities and towns.
• Dedicated 24x7 Customer support and service provider support will be provided for both the parties.
• Customers can enjoy their free bonuses if they give their referral code to their loved ones.
• Every service provider had to undergo training of duration 18-20 days followed by a test that is based on the topics covered
in training. But if he or she did not able to pass the test then he or she must again undergo the same process.
• If there is any valid complaint raised by the customer, then he or she will receive the next one same service free.
• By just one click, the customer will get the service within 1 hour or else free.
• Every service provider will have their own professional portfolio according to their rating like they will get their adaptive
titles in front of their names. The titles will be adaptive that means the titles would be changed according to the last service
reviews by the customer to the service provider
• Our targeted audience location will be in both rural and urban areas mainly in small cities and towns.
• Dedicated 24x7 Customer support and service provider support will be provided for both the parties.
• Customers can enjoy their free bonuses if they give their referral code to their loved ones.
• Every service provider had to undergo training of duration 18-20 days followed by a test that is based on the topics covered
in training. But if he or she did not able to pass the test then he or she must again undergo the same process.
• If there is any valid complaint raised by the customer, then he or she will receive the next one same service free.
• By just one click, the customer will get the service within 1 hour or else free.
• Every service provider will have their own professional portfolio according to their rating like they will get their adaptive
titles in front of their names. The titles will be adaptive that means the titles would be changed according to the last service
reviews by the customer to the service provider
Organizational Structure &Ownership Information
• Flat organizational structure has the following advantages:

• Operating Costs Are Minimized by a Flat Structure

• Flat organizational structure improves communication

• Flat organizational structure reduces micromanagement

• Flat organizational structure improves employee motivation and satisfaction

• Food and groceries delivery.
• Carpenter services.
• Chimney deep cleaning services
• Event management
• Electrical and electronics repair
• House cleaning
• Personal Care
• The Food Rail will provide Gig Market services
home installation, maintenance, repair services, beauty & wellness services
• Interior Decorations
• , Baby shower planners
• Packers and Movers.
Product Life Cycle

• Introduction: The introduction stage is when a new product is first

introduced to the market. This is usually associated with
considerable time and money spending.
• Growth: During the growth phase, the product sells much faster.
People are becoming more and more aware of your product, and
word of mouth begins to spread.

• Maturity: When the product reaches maturity, sales continue to

rise. The operation is now fully booked due to high demand.

• Decline: When the product reaches saturation, it goes into a

decline process. In this scenario, sales will decrease, but prices will

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