Signals & Systems 3 (2019-2020)

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Signals and systems

Lecture 3
Signal Operations

HAYKIN :PP. 25-48

Basic Operation on Signals
• Operations performed on dependent variables:
1. Amplitude scaling
2. Addition

3. Multiplication
4. differentiation and integration
Basic Operation on Signals
• Operations performed on independent variables:
1. Time Scaling: The signal y(t) obtained by scaling the independent
variable by a factor of a is defined by:
y(t) = x(at) (17)

The time scaling is illustrated below:

x(t) y(t)=x(2t) y(t)=x(1/2t)
1 1 11

t t
-1 0 1 -1/2 0 1/2 -2
-2 -2 00 22 2

Figure 8

Basic Operation on Signals
2. Reflection: A reflection signal, as shown in Figure
9, can be obtained by replacing time t with –t as:


Figure 9

Basic Operation on Signals
3. Time Shifting: Figure 10 shows the time shifting of x(t)
and can be defined as:

y(t) = x(t – t0) (19)

x(t) y(t)=x(t-2)

Figure 10 HW 1.14 -1.15 ,Haykin page32-33

4. Time Shifting and Time Scaling

Sketch the signal

Now sketch each of the following and describe briefly in words how each of the signals
can be derived from the original signal x(t) .

(i) X(t+3)

Left shift by 3.

-3 -2
(ii) X(t-1)

1 2

iii. X(3t)
1 Linearly compress by factor of 3.


iv. X(t/3) X(t)

1 Linearly Expand by factor of 3.

t t t t3
V . X(  1) , step1 plot X( ), step2 plot X(  1)  X( )
3 3 3 3
Linearly Expand by factor of 3,
Shift left by 3.


Or 1. shift by shift x(t) to left by one, 2. Expand by 3

xi. X( 2t  1) , step1. X( 2t ) , step2. X( 2t  1)  X( 2( t  ))
Time reverse, linearly compress by factor
of 2 and shift right by ½.


OR 1. shift to left by one, 2. Flip x(t+1) , 3. compress by 2

Solution to the example
(i) Left shift by 3.
(ii) Right shift by 1.
(iii) Linearly compress by factor of 3.
(iv) Linearly stress (expand) by factor of 3.
(v) x(t / 3+1) = x[(t + 3) / 3] . Linearly stress
(expand) by factor of 3 and shift left by 3.
(vi) Time reverse.
(vii) Time reverse and shift right by 2.
(viii) Time reverse and shift left by 3.
(ix) Time reverse and linearly compress by
factor of 2.
(x) Time reverse and linearly expand by factor
of 2.
(xi) x(−2t +1) = x[−2(t −1/ 2)] . Time reverse,
linearly compress by factor of 2 and shift right
by ½.
The Unit Step Function

• The unit step function u(t), also known as the

Heaviside unit function,
1 t  0
is defined as
U (t )   ..............(20)
0 t  0

• which is shown in Figure 11.

• Note that it is discontinuous at t = 0 and that the
value at t = 0 is undefined. Similarly, the shifted
unit step function u(t
1 -t to)
 0 is defined as
U (t  t )   ..............(21)

0 t  0

• which is shown in Fig. 12.

Figure 12

Figure 11 They are Switching Functions .Why? 8

Rectangular Function
 
t t A t
x(t)  A.rect ( )  A ( )   2
  0 elsewhere  t

2 2

  A
t  t0 A t - t0 
x(t)  A.rect( ) 2
 0 elsewhere   t
t0  t0 
2 2
Ramp Function

0 t0 slope  k
x(t)  k.t. u(t)  
 kt t0


0 t  t0 slope  k
x(t)  k.(t - t0 ). u(t - t0 )  
 k(t - t0 ) t  t0
t0 t
The Unit Impulse Function
• The unit impulse function δ(t),Shown in figure 13, also known
as the Dirac delta function, plays a central role in system
analysis. Traditionally, δ(t) is often defined as the limit of a
suitably chosen conventional function having unity area over
an infinitesimal time interval as shown in figure (14)

Figure (13)

Figure 14 14
δ(t)possesses the following properties:

But an ordinary function which is everywhere 0 except at a

single point must have the integral 0 . Thus, δ(t) cannot be an
ordinary function and mathematically it is defined by

where δ(t) is any regular function continuous at t = 0.

An alternative definition of δ(t) is given by

Similarly, the delayed delta function δ(t – t₀) is defined by

where δ(t) is any regular function continuous at t = to. For convenience, δ(t)
and δ(t- to) are depicted graphically as shown in Figure (15) 15
Figure (15

Some additional properties of δ( t ) are



if x ( t ) is continuous at t= 0. …….(26)
if x(t) is continuous at t = to.
Using Equations.(21) and ( 25), any continuous-time signal x(t) can be expressed as

……...(30) Note that u(t) is undefined at16t=0

The Unit Step Sequence
The unit step sequence u[n] is defined as
1 n0
u[n]   (31)
0 n0

which is shown in Figure (16).

Note that the value of u[n] at n = 0 is defined [unlike the
continuous-time step function u(t) at t = 0] and equals unity.
Similarly, the shifted unit step sequence u[n - k] is defined as
1 nk
u[n  k ]   (32)
0 nk

which is shown in Figure 17.

Figure (16) Figure (17)

The Unit Impulse Sequence
The unit impulse (or unit sample) sequence δ[n] is defined as

which is shown in Fig. 18. Similarly, the shifted unit impulse (or sample)sequence
δ[n - k] is defined as

which is shown in Figure 19

Figure (18) Figure (19)

Properties of the unit impulse sequence:
X[n][n]  X[0][n].................................( 35)

X[ n ][ n  k ]  X[ k ][ n  k ].....................(36)

[n]  U[n]  U[n  1]...........................( 37 )

U[ n ]   [ k ]..................................(38)
k  

X[ n ]   X[ k ][ n  k ]............................(39)
k  

Home Work

learning outcomes?
 Basicsignal operations
 on independent variables (amplitude scaling, addition,
multiplication, differentiation and integration).
 on dependent variables (time scaling, time shifting , reflection )
At the end of this lecture the student will be able to:
1. Formulate the basic signal operations.
2. Describe the following signals and their properties:
 Unit step function x(t)=U(t)
 Impulse Function , X(t)=δ(t)
 Rectangular Function X(t)= rect(t)=∏(t)
 Ramp function X(t)=t U(t)
 Unit step sequence X[n}=u[n]
 Unit impulse sequence X[n]=δ[n]
Unit Ramp sequence

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