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Priya Kumari
M.Sc (N) 2nd Year
• Nursing management, levels and
functions of nursing management
• Mission statements its concepts and
• Vision statements, its features and
• Characterstics and approaches of vision
• Philosophy ,nursing service philosophy
and its components
• Aims and objectives of nursing
Nursing Management

• Nursing management
can be defined as the
process by which the
nurse managers
forecast, plan, organize,
coordinate and control
the efforts of nursing
personnel to accomplish
the organizational goals.
• Nursing management as the process of
working through nursing staff members to
provide care, cure and comfort to patients.
The nurse manager’s task is to plan,
organize, direct and control the available
financial, matrial and human resources so
as to provide the most effective care
possible to groups of patients and their
families. Gillies DA
Nursing Management Parallel Nursing Process

• Gillies describes nursing management as a

process that support and parallel the
nursing process that should entail a
progressive sequence of interrelated
activities in a logical manner. Nursing
management, like nursing process, includes
all the steps of data gathering, diagnosing,
planning, implementation, and evaluation.
Nursing Management Parallel Nursing Process

Nursing Nursing Process....

• Planning • Assessment
• Organising • Diagnosis
• Staffing • Planning
• Leading • Implementation
• Controlling • Evaluation
• Data Gathering
Levels of Nursing Management

Top Level

Board of Directors


Managing Directors
Middle Level Operative Level
Management Management

Nursing Superintendent
Ward Incharge
Deputy Nursing
Superintendent Staff Nurse

Floor Supervisior
Function of Nursing
 Planning
 Organizing
 Staffing
 Directing and leading
 Controlling
 Coordination

• Written statement of vision and mission statements

including philosophy, purposes, objectives and
operational plans are the blueprint for the effective
management of an organization including health
institutions. Development of vision and mission
philosophy, purposes, objectives and operational
plans are the components of planning at each level
of management. Each department should have its
vision and mission, philosophy, objectives and
operational plans.
• A mission statement defines the
organization’s purpose and primary
objectives. Its prime function is internal-to
define the key measure or measures of the
organization’s success and its prime
audience is the leadership team and
stockholders. It provides information and
inspiration that clearly defines and outlines
what is required in future for the
• A vision statement is a vivid idealized
description of a desired outcome that
inspires, energizes and helps to create a
mental picture of a target. It could be a
vision of a part of your life, or the
outcome of a project or goal.The
purpose is to create a mental picture
charged with emotionthat can serve to
energize and inspire you and your team.

• Meaning
The word "mission" dates from 1598,
originally derived from Lattin word
"missio", means "act of sending".
• Definition.
‘The mission of an organization is a general
enduring statement of the organization the
extent of which embodies the decision maker’s
philosophy; it implies the image which the
organization seeks to project.’ Drucker
“It is an essential purpose of the organization ,
concerning particularly why it is in existence,
the nature of the business it is in, and the
customers it seeks to serve and satisfy.”
• Concept
o “What do we do?” — The mission statement
should clearly outline the main purpose of the
organisation, and what they do.
o “How do we do it?” — It should also mention how
one plans on achieving the mission statement.
o “Whom do we do it for?” — The audience of the
mission statement should be clearly stated within
the mission statement.
o “What value are we bringing?” — The benefits
and values of the mission statement should be
clearly outlined.
• Dimensions of Mission Statement
The strongest organizational impact occurs when
mission statements contain 7 essential dimensions.
 Key values and beliefs
 Distinctive competence
 Desired competitive position
 Competitive strategy
 Compelling goal/vision
 Specific customers served and products or services
 Concern for satisfying multiple stakeholders
Components of Mission Statements
 Product or service
 Customers
 Technology
 Survival, growth & profitability
 Company philosophy
 Public image
 Employees
Characterstices of a Mission
• Short , unambiguous and has clear meaning.
• It indicates why nursing exists, the reason
for the existence of nursing department,
nursing unit in relation to the practice of
nursing ,service being provided to
community as whole.
• Written form and all the concerned in the
organization and other health
professionals, patients, families and the
community should be aware of it.
• It should include the ethics, principles
and standards statements.
How to Create Mission Statement?
• Identify organization’s “winning idea”.
• Identify the key measures of organizational
• Combine winning idea and success measures
into a tangible and measureable goal.
• Have a concise and precise statement of
mission, which express your ideas, measures
and desired result.
Example ....
• To support the organizational mission by
consistently providing holistic, personalized and
quality nursing care.
• To provide high quality and continually
improving acute and long term health care
services and resource to the people and
community without regard to race, creed, color,
age, national origin or handicapped condition
and to provide a high quality setting conducing
to the education and research activities of the
institute and the community.
Benefits of a Mission Statement
• Mission of the organization gives a way or a
source to vision
• A clear definition of mission makes helps to
define the goals and objectives of the
• Foundation for setting priorities, strategies,
plans and work assignments.
• Starting point for designing
managerial jobs and managerial
• Incorporate the culture of
theorganization i.e. leadership, rules
and regulation.
• Makes the employees more
committed and able.

• Vision “description of
something in the future”
“mental perception of the kind
of environment an individual,
or an organization, aspires to
create within a broad time
horizon and the underlying
conditions for the actualization
of this perception”
Vision Statement
• It defines where the profession wants to be
in future. it reflects the optimize view of the
professions future.
• A vision statement answers the question, “
What will success look like?” The pursuit
of this image of success is what motivates
people to work together.
• A strategic vision should provide a
clear understanding of what the
business should look like and provide
help to take strategic decisions.
• Strategic vision addresses the „where
are we going‟ questions and explains
the course and direction chartered by
• A Vision provides strong foundation for
developing a comprehensive mission
statement .
• Should be short and specific.
• It should be based on overall purpose of
Features of Vision Statement
• Time bound
• Realistic aspiration
• Achievable
• Memorable and engaging
• Describing a bright future
• Clarity and lack of
• It is a blue print of the kind of business
organization the management is trying to
create and the market position it would
• It should be forward looking a provide
strategic course the management will adopt to
help the company prepare the future.
• Specific and provide guidelines to managers
for making decisions and allocating resources.
• Flexible to changing environment.
• Narrow vision, can focus effort and excite
• Should be easy to explain to all stake
holders and preferably short
•  Good visions represent integrity, they are
truly genuine and can be used for the
benefit of people.
• Good vision help to motivate and morale
boosting of employees.
How to Create Vision Statement?
• Once you’ve created mission statement,
move on to create your vision statement.
The vision statement is created by
considering the needs of the customers.
In nursing the customers are the patients
and their families whose needs are
considered and it needs to be periodically
evaluated for keeping thepace of
advancement of technologies:
• Identify organization’s mission.
• Uncover the real, human value in that mission.
• Identify what you, your customers andother
stakeholders will valuemost about how your
organization will achieve this mission.
• Distill these into the values that your
organization has or should have.
• Combine mission and values, and polish the
words until you have a vision statement
inspiring enough to energize and motivate
people inside and outside your organization.
Vision Statement Guidelines
• Describe outcomes that should be atleast
for five to ten years.
• It should focus on the desired outcome of
the goal at its completion date.
• It should be in a simple memorable phrase.
• Vision statements can be much longer than
mission statements.
• Draw on the beliefs, mission and
environment of the organization.
• Vision statement should describe how
you will feel when the outcome is
realized . including an emotional payoff
in your vision statement infuses it with
passion and will make it even more
compelling, inspiring and energizing.
Benefits of a Vision Statement
• Make it easier to define the actions and
goals that will help you achieve your vision.
• Identifies direction and purpose.
• Promotes interest and commitment.
• Promtes laser-like focus.
• Encourages openness to unique and creative
• Encourages and builds confidence.
• Results in efficiency and productivity.
Example ...
• The college of nursing
educaters nurses in an inter-
professional environment to
change lives, and provides
proactive leadership to
improve health outcomes,
eliminate health disparities
and advance the nursing
Approaches for Vision And Mission Statement
• “Draw- See- Think- Plan”
• Draw- What is the ideal image or the desired end
• See- What is today’s situation? What is the gap
from ideal and why?
• Think- What specific actions must be taken to
close the gap between today’s situation and ideal
• Plan- What resources are required to execute the
• Philosophy in management consists of an
integrated set of assumptions and belief
about the way the things are, purpose of
activities, and the way these should be. The
decision makers of the organization create
these assumptions and belief to define the
vision of the organization. The assumptions
and beliefs are explicit and implicit in the
minds of the decision makers.
Definition ...
• The statement of philosophy is defined as
an explanation of the systems of beliefs that
determine how a mission or a purpose is to
be achieved. An organisation’s philosophy
states the beliefs, concepts and principles of
an organization. 
Flexibility Delegation of
Effective responsibility
communication and authority


Execution and
Effectiveness Human
control of work
relation and
good morale
The nursing service philosophy is a
statement of beliefs that flows from and is
congruent with the institution’s
philosophy. The belief system of the
nursing philosophy should reflect the
nursing  division member’s ideas and
ideals for nursing and should be endorsed
by others.

 Beliefs and values of faculty members
regarding god, man, life, health, disease,
nursing etc.
 The philosophical values and beliefs of the
 The environment
 The student and activities
 Health needs of the society
• The culture and background of the people
• Philosophy of nursing service
• The goals and objectives of the health care
delivery system
• The disease pattern, the health awareness
and health facilities available
• The available resources in terms of man,
money and materials

Aim of Nursing Management

• To ensure effective utilization of resources
for the attainment of goals and make
decisions regarding-  
• where these are to be carried out.
• by whom to be performed
• what activities are to be performed
• “Objectives are end results of planned activity”
“Objectives state what is to be accomplished
by when and should be quantified if possible.”
• Objectives are the ends toward which activity
is aimed-they are the end results to ward which
activity is aimed.
• “A managerial objective is the intended goal
that prescribes definite scope and suggests
direction to the planning efforts of a manger”.
Terry and Franklin
Nature Of Objectives
• Each organization or
group of  individuals have
some objectives
• Objectives may be broad
or they may be
specifically mentioned
• Objectives may be clearly
• Objectives have hierarchy.
• Organisational objectives have social
sanction, that is, they are created within the
social norms.
• An organisation may have multiple
•  Organisational objectives can be changed.
Guidelines For Objective Setting
oMust be clearly specified.
oMust be set taking into account the various
factors affecting their achievement.
• Should be consistent with organizational
• Should be rational and realistic rather than
• Should be achievable but must provide challenge
to those responsible for achievement.
• Should start with “to” and be followed by an
action verb.
• Should be consistent over the period of time.
• Should be periodically reviewed.
• Should have hierarchy.
• To provide efficient social life to nurses and thus
prepare them in the art of living together.
• To bring school or college and community closer
to each other.
• To prepare the nurse for some specialized
• To help the nurses in unfolding, blossoming of
• To enable the nurse to have the right type of
philosophy in life.
• To conserve all the good practices and
conventions of the past.
• To help in the realization of objectives of
education as laid down by the experts
according to their selected vocation or
• To make maximum use of all educational
facilities in order to attain the desired
objectives and to help minimize the wastage.
• To provide healthy atmosphere for
experimentation and research. 
Nursing management,
levels and functions of
nursing management
Mission statements its
concepts and
Vision statements, its
features and principles
Characterstics and
approaches of vision
• Philosophy, nursing service philosophy
and its components
• Aims and objectives of nursing

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