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Dennis J. D. Sandole
Manifest Conflict Process

 Conflict management (CM) is used here in a comprehensive sense to refer to all possible
actions parties (including third parties) can take with regard to conflict situations. This
includes, as tactics to influence outcomes, actions to escalate as well as to maintain
conflicts at certain levels. It also includes actions to de-escalate and to resolve conflicts
 Conflict is a dynamic phenomenon, what author called a manifest conflict process (MCP)
 It comprises of phases of initiation, escalation, controlled maintenance, abatement, and
 An MCP is "a situation in which at least two actors, or their representatives, try to pursue
their perceptions of mutually incompatible goals by undermining, directly or indirectly, the
goal- seeking capability of one another".
How the Undermining is done?

 In the language of Anatol Rapoport, this undermining can be brought about in one or some
combination of three modes: "Fights, Games and Debates".
 Debates involve attempts to convert the opponent or some important third party.
 Games involve attempts to outwit the opponent.
 And Rapoport' s fights are the equivalent of the Aggressive MCPs situations in which at
least two actors, or their representatives, try to pursue their perceptions of mutually
incompatible goals by physically damaging or destroying the property and high-value
symbols of one another; and/or psychologically or physically injuring, destroying, or
otherwise forcibly eliminating one another.
Why Competitive CM Process is chosen

 Movement from MCP to Aggressive MCP - from debate or game to fight - must be
accompanied by increasing levels of frustration.
 Frustration may play a role as a contributory condition. And the more of it there is, both in
terms of frequency and intensity, the more likely it is to play that role.
 Many of us have been socialized into image systems which structure much of what we
perceive into simple, either/or dimensions; e.g., good or bad, black or white, them or us,
winning or losing, etc.
 Many of us have taken on images which reflect a dominant school of thought in politics or

 “Catastrophe theory", has shown how progressive attempts to induce fear in - and
therefore, to deter an opponent may ' 'catastrophically' ' backfire and lead abruptly to an
enraged, attacking enemy
 Decisions of national leaders to increase their investment in national defense, on the
assumption that such would lead to increases in national security, may lead not only to
reduced security but a runaway arms race and an unwanted war as well
 There is some evidence that a ' 'paradigm shift' ' might be taking place that positive-sum
rationality Is coming to compliment if not replace zero-sum rationality; that cooperative
processes and constructive solutions are complimenting if not replacing competitive
processes and often destructive outcomes.

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