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Presentation of Group D
Members Name

Dzohiroh Fathiah Don Manik P.

2211421088 2211421105

Miftahul Janah
Yahya 2211421115
Renaissance means re-birth.
The Renaissance began in Italy, especially in art
and architecture, in the fifteenth century. As
England became the most powerful nation in
Europe in the late sixteenth century, new worlds
were discovered and new ways of seeing and
thinking developed.
In England there was an Daughter of Henry VIII and Anne
important change in religion Boleyn, Queen Elizabeth became
The Tudors inherited much
and politics when King Henry the symbol of the Golden Age, the
VIII made himself the head of
of the medieval view. period of stability from 1558 to
the Church of England. 1603.

This was closely linked with the In 1588 Philip’s attempt to

Renaissance search for new
conquer England led to the
ways of believing, new ways of
seen and understanding the defeat of great Spanish fleet
universe. known as the Armada.

Humanism was a term invented in the 19th century to describe the Renaissance idea that directly
studying the works of antiquity was an important part of a rounded education (but not the only part).
From this position came the idea that the study of humanity should be a priority as opposed to religious
matters (which need not be neglected or contradicted by humanist studies). Important classical ideals
which interested humanists included the importance of public and private virtue, Latin grammar,
techniques of rhetoric, history, conventions in literature and poetry, and moral philosophy. This
education did not create an all-encompassing philosophy or worldview in its adherents. Someone who
had a humanist education might be a Catholic or a Protestant, for example, and many students went on to
study very different branches of thought such as theology, law, or medicine.

• an interest in studying literature and art from antiquity

• an interest in the eloquent use of Latin and philology
• a belief in the importance and power of education to create useful citizensthe promotion of private
and civic virtue
• a rejection of scholasticism- the encouragement of non-religious studies- an emphasis on the
individual and their moral autonomy
• a belief in the importance of observation, critical analysis, and creativity
• a belief that poets, writers, and artists can lead humanity to a better way of living
• an interest in the question 'what does it mean to be human'?

The printing press helped spread humanist ideas from their origins in Italy to the north of Europe.
Indeed, the most celebrated humanist scholar of his day was Desiderius Erasmus of Rotterdam (c. 1469-
1536). Erasmus believed that education was the answer to the Catholic Church's problems (and not a
radical Reformation). To this end, he compiled editions of classical authors and provided a new Latin
and Greek translation of the New Testament. Erasmus' sharp and critical examination of original texts to
produce this, his textual analysis of current versions, and his interest in philology would be influential on
other Renaissance scholars.

Characteristics of the Renaissance include a renewed interest in

classical antiquity; a rise in humanist philosophy (a belief in self,
human worth, and individual dignity); and radical changes in
ideas about religion, politics, and science.

Reforms in the Institutions Dominance of Reason

In earlier times, literature was dominated by In the Renaissance age, it was the reason
the spirit of religion and blind faith. However, instead of the religion that governed human
in the Renaissance Age, institutions were behaviour. The man was free to make the use
questioned and re-evaluated. Renaissance of his power. Now reason dominated all the
broadened and took the cognitive level of the spheres of life that decreased the influence of
human mind to new heights. religion on the people. Most of the blind faiths
and practices were given up.

Man-Centred Society Development of Science

Earlier religion was the centre of interest. The age was accompanied by the birth of
Hence the main concern of literature was to modern science, mathematics, astronomy
deal with the religion directly or indirectly. In etc. In the 4th decade of the 16th century,
the Renaissance age, the focus shifted from Copernicus replaced Aristotle’s system with
religion to man and man became the centre the sun, instead of the earth at the centre of
of interest. the universe.

Era of Renowned Names Counter-Reformation

The literature of the English Renaissance contains
The Counter-reformation also took birth in
some of the greatest names in all world literature:
response to reformation soon after the fame
• Dramatists: Shakespeare, Marlowe, Webster, of the later touched skies. It began with the
and Jonson. Council of Trent (1545–1563). The primary
• Poets: Sidney, Spenser, Donne, and Milton. objective of this movement was to reform the
• Prose Writers: Bacon, Nashe, Raleigh, Browne, Christian Catholic Church and counter the
and Hooker.
influence of Protestantism.
• Authorised Version of the Bible was published in

The Renaissance was a period of evolution in thought for

the people in Europe. New philosophies such as humanism
were developed and fostered throughout the 13th-16th
centuries. These philosophical concepts influenced the art
and literature of the time. Some of history’s greatest works
of literature were created during the Renaissance.

1 One of the first literary works that contributed to the Renaissance was the
Divine Comedy written by Dante Alighieri in 1321. Dante was one of the
most prominent developing forces of Italian literature and the Renaissance.
The Divine Comedy is a three part epic poem of Dante’s fictional journey
into the afterlife. It represents the soul’s journey towards god. The poem was
written in Italian instead of Latin which marks the end of the Middle Ages
and rise of Renaissance humanism. Through his writing he contributed to the
growth of humanism, created new literary elements that later authors
adopted, and challenged the power of the Church.

2 Another important Renaissance literary work is The Praise of Folly. It

was written by Desiderius Erasmus in 1509. The essay critiques the
practices of the Church and its political allies. It created much
controversy and played an important role in the beginnings of the
Protestant Reformation.

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