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Breast Cancer

BSN Nursing Students: Morgan Bosley, Anna Ohlin, Cierra Latronica

Signs and Symptoms Breast Self Exam Preventative Measures

1) Stand in front of a mirror with arms

There are a variety of lifestyle changes that can be made
People show many types of signs and symptoms in the air and then hands on hips.
to reduce the chances of getting breast cancer
when they have breast cancer. Observe for any unusual areas,
Some people appear asymptomatic, meaning dimpling or fluid.
-Limit Alcohol: It is important to limit yourself to less than one
they do not show any indicators that they have 2) Lay down flat and palpate the
alcoholic beverage a day, because even small amounts of
breast cancer. breast from outer to inner breast, in
alcohol can increase your risk for breast cancer.
a circular motion. Circle around the
nipple to feel for lumps or
Women -Exercise: It is important for adults to get at least 150 minutes
of moderate exercise or 75 minutes of vigorous exercise
3) Feel breasts while standing or
each week.
- May experience a new or worsening lump in the breast sitting. One of the best times to do
or armpit area, called the tail of spence. Note that a lump this is in the shower.
-Stop Smoking: Evidence shows a link between breast
may be noncancerous, get new lumps examined.   cancer and smoking. Women who smoke before menopause
- May have thickening or swelling in the general breast Normal/Abnormal Findings
have an even higher risk
- May have dimpling in the breast
- May have redness, dryness, or flaking near the nipple Normal:
soft, round breasts with no dimpling, -Weight Control: Obesity can cause an increased risk for
on the breast breast cancer,  especially in later life after menopause.
tenderness, lumps, or masses. Nipples
- May have pulling in on the nipple or pain on the nipple
should not be inverted or have fluid
- May have discharge of blood or pus from the nipple coming from them. Breast tissue should -Limit exposure to radiation and environmental pollution:
- May show changes in general size or shape of the feel smooth and be of normal skin color. Certain medical imaging tests are necessary but may
breast increase the risk for cancer, including breast cancer. If you
Abnormal: are already at risk for breast cancer only get these tests done
Dimpling, fluid coming from nipple, hard
Men when necessary. Some jobs may also involve pollution and
lumps or masses, breast tenderness,
environmental concerns that may make the chance for breast
discoloration, or inverted nipple
- Men may also experience signs and symptoms of cancer go up as well
breast cancer, although it is not as common  
- May experience lumps and swelling of the breast -Limit hormone therapy: If an individual is on combination
- May have redness and flaking hormone therapy for 3-5 years or more it will increase the risk
- May have dimpling, irritation, or pulling near the for breast cancer. One may have to investigate non-hormonal
nipple therapies to reduce this risk. If an individual must take
- May have blood or discharge from the nipple hormone therapy, they should try to take a lower dose and
monitor the length of time the drugs are taken

Bitonte College of Health and Human Services Department of Nursing

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