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Module 1: Digital Marketing & Developing Web Owned Presence

Dr. A S Iyer Module 1 1

Part 1: Digital Landscape

• Digital technology and its impact on consumer behavior,

• Traditional and Digital Marketing
• Digital Marketing mix
• Components of Digital Marketing Planning and Strategy
• Digital Marketing Channels.
• E-commerce: Business & Revenue models (Self Learning).

Dr. A S Iyer Module 1 2

What is Digital Marketing?

• Digital marketing is
the marketing of goods or
services using digital
technologies with the help of
• Through mobile devices, social
media, search engines, emails
and other channels to reach

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Let us look at recent past…
• Instinct and familiarity drove sales
• Purchasing was result of guesswork backed by
• Advertising agencies used surveys and studies
• GRPs (Gross rating points)
• Advertising was a guess work….. Though it was
smarter one
• Did not know why it worked….. But it worked

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Let us look at recent past…
• Big brands were on Top
• Consumers had limited information
• Brands got power to influence sentiments by
garnering eyeballs & attention
• Marketing was about pushing messages to
• Pushing through traditional media

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Let us look at what’s up now…
• Lot of noise and information everywhere
• Consumers have unlimited info
• Consumers are evolving faster than Cos
• IT has created bidirectional channels
• Some channels ‘pull’ information
• Message can be ‘pulled’ by customers
• Dissatisfaction of a customer in a remote village
can be known to customers across world …….in
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Let us look at what’s up now…
• “Brands are stripped of their Warm, Protective
clothes, they stand naked in the cold to be
judged by the eyes of the world”
• But… When brands stand naked, customers can
come to know well about brands
• Trust, Relations, Devotion develop deeper and

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Why Digital Marketing ?

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Digital Marketing Helps You in…
• Reaching People better
• Targeting your customers
• Engaging yourselves in online communities
• Conversing with audience
• Educating customers about products
• Open up new ways to expand business

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Adult Website

Adult Website

Adult Website

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Traditional Vs Digital Marketing
Brand Message Customer

Search Marketing Me
s sa
Mobile Marketing Me ge
Digital Social Media ge
Brand Message Message Customer
Media Web Portals/Digi Stores
s s age
Video Marketing Me age
Gamified Environments es

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Traditional Vs Digital Marketing

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Traditional Vs Digital Marketing

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Digi Tech & Consumer Behaviour

Awareness Interest Desire Action Satisfaction

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Digi Tech & Consumer Behaviour

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The Buying Decision

Non Loyalty

Quasi Loyalty

Desire to
Blind Loyalty Purchase Decision

Post Purchase Experience

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Digital Marketing Broad Classification

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Tools in Digital Marketing - RACE

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Technology Behind Digital Marketing
• Emerges and tries to prove its worth
New • Technologies & Early adopters welcome it

• Technology gains a firmer foothold in the Market

Establishes • Becomes popular, putting it on the marketing radar

• Innovative marketers tries to explore the new ways of using the power of
this new technology
Possibilities • To connect to their target customers

• Once the technology is proven, It enters the mainstream and is adopted into
Entry into standard marketing practice

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Technology Behind Digital Marketing
• The Beginning
• Morse Code by Samuel Morse in 1842
• Telephone by Alexander Graham Bell 1877
• Early Networks
• ARPANET ( Advanced Research Projects Agency Network) 1965
• Email over the ARPANET in 1971
• ARPANET spreads to Europe & Hawaii by 1974
• The term “Internet” was invented in 1974 by US
Computer Scientist Dr. Vint Cerf (father of Internet)
• WWW Yes The World Wide Web was launched by
CERN(European Organization for Nuclear Research) 1961

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Technology Behind Digital Marketing
• With the launch of www, the first web page on
the internet was introduced on 6th August 1961
• Between 1991 & 1997 web grew at an
astonishing rate of 850%
•,, Yahoo!, Google were
born in 1998
• Web 2.0 was born in 2003

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Introducing Web 2.0
• Web 2.0  Consumer 2.0
• Interconnectivity
• Technology Leveled the information playing
• Relevance filtering
• Niche Aggregation
• Micro-publishing of personal content
• Rise of Prosumer
• On-Demand anytime, anyplace, anywhere

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Digital Marketing Mix

Price Product


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Digital Marketing Mix - Place
• Obviously Internet
• Computers
• IPTV (Smart TVs)
• Mobile Phones
That Means Literally Everywhere

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Digital Marketing Mix - Price
• Pricing is Critical for Online Business
• Pricing has to be Competitive
• You don’t have to be the cheapest, but your value
proposition should be compelling
• Overprice your products, competition soon
highlights it
• There are comparison websites to help out the
customer in deciding the offer with the right price

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Digital Marketing Mix - Product
• Offering Unique Value Proposition to customers is very important
• A good product is very crucial particularly in digital space
• When you are promoting something viable, convincing customers
to buy it is easier
• If you promote a product online that doesn’t deliver, be ready to
face the backlash
• Digital consumers are not angels, they outcry immediately through
all possible digital medium to reach out to as many people as
• So It is important to make sure that your product and entire value
chain is right from the start and is built on a strong foundation
• To build a sustainable online business, you need a sound product.

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Digital Marketing Mix – Promotion (Channels)
Promotion is everything you do, online and offline, to get your products in front of your prospects,
acquire new customers and retain existing ones. The following are the emerging & future Trends

• Your Website
• It is the hub of your digital world
• Most important element in the whole of digital marketing world
• It is a vital piece of online real estate to which all your other online
activities direct your prospects
• Most of digital marketing techniques work towards generating traffic to
your website
• But traffic itself is worthless if it is not converted into a sale/customer
• There fore, essentially your website should be a conversion engine for
the traffic diverted to it.

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Digital Marketing Mix – Promotion (Channels)
• Search Engine Optimization (SEO)
• It is the part & parcel of a website
• It is the process of aligning your website to what your customers are
searching for
• Presenting it in a manner such that it is easily accessible to both customers
and search engines
• The Organic or Natural search results is normally the place to be in to
increase the traffic to your website
• Pay Per Click (PPC) Advertising (SEM)
• With PPC you can buy your place in the search results page for a chosen set
of keywords & phrases
• You must choose the keywords depending on your business and likely
customer search phrases
• It can be an extremely effective way of quickly generating web traffic to the
intended website
• More competitive keywords can be expensive for small businesses

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Digital Marketing Mix – Promotion (Channels)
• Affiliate Marketing & Strategic Partnerships
• Partnering with other organizations and websites
• It is mutually beneficial to promote your goods & services
• Online Public Relations (PR)
• Using online publications, articles and blogs to create positive
perception towards your brand
• Social Media
• It is the medium of Web2.0
• A massive growth area for potentially and highly targeted advertising
for niche social groups
• This is done based on profile information of people which they share
through Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Instagram, YouTube, Pinterest,
Tumblr etc
• It is a huge branch of digital marketing and is producing exiting results

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Digital Marketing Mix – Promotion (Channels)
• Email Marketing
• It is the Granddaddy of Internet Marketing
• Though suffers from Spamming, still millions of Email campaigns run every year
• Mobile Marketing
• It is the upcoming star in digital marketing
• With quick penetration of smartphones & mobile internet, the customer is available to the
marketer always.
• Retaining existing customers and building mutually rewarding relationship with them
• Digital technology is helping the organizations to manage CRM effectively
• Content Marketing
• There is always a great value attached with good content
• The Websites with good content always are ranked and listed better by search engines.
Companies need to put up better content in their websites and other means of digital
• Display Media
• More than just plain static advertisements, today’s demands are for more lively pictures,
animations, interaction and videos.
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Digital Marketing Planning & Strategies
Online Marketing Strategies for
• Customer Acquisition
• There is no ‘One size fits all’ strategic solution here
• We don’t have a magic recipe to ensure your digital marketing
• Every business needs to ‘bake’ its own unique strategy
• Different products, different markets, different needs require
different solutions.
• It all begins with starting to craft a digital marketing strategy
• A strategy needs to cover the questions such as
• Who you are?
• What you are offering?
• To whom?
• Why and how you are doing so?
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Digital Marketing Planning & Strategies
Online Marketing Strategies for
• Customer Conversion
1. What's your position in the market?
2. Objectives (Use SMART Frame work)
3. Who is your target audience?
4. Choosing the right Acquisition tactics

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Digital Marketing Planning & Strategies
Online Marketing Strategies for
• Customer Retention
• Know Your Audience
• Set Goals (Use SMART framework)
• Use Marketing Automation Effectively
• Converse With Your Brand’s Fans
• Analyze Your Success And Set KPIs

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Part 2: The Website
• Website as Hub of Digital Marketing
• Building an effective website
• Enhancing website with additional functionalities and data mark-up
• Web Analytics Yes Understanding website visitor behavior and their
traffic source using various tools
• Website and Competitor analysis.
• Concept of re-marketing (Self Learning).
• Off-site and On-site Analytics
• Affiliate Marketing.

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The Website
• It is the epi-center of your digital marketing
• It is not just the information brochure
• Your website should be a conversion engine
• Converting traffic to your website into sales
• You need to provide information about your Company,
Business, Products & Services with conversion goal in mind.
• Build the content in such a way that it indirectly encourages
people to visit your website time & again
• Your conversion goals should be
• Online purchase (Sales Transaction)
• Online Enquiry (Lead Generation)
• Subscribing for Online News Letter (Opt-in for future marketing)

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Building an Effective Website

Needs of


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Steps in Building Your Website


Deployment Designing

Web Design Development


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Steps in Building Your Website

• Establish Your Goals for the website, Analyze your competition

Planning • Define the Target Market, Know How will they find you online?
• What they will be looking for when they land on your webpage?

• Decide on Look & Feel of the Website (Colour, Graphics, Info,

Navigation, Structure etc)
• Information arrangement, Perceived relevance & authority of
the website makes a very big impact

• Involves putting everything together-Information/content,

Developmen design, links and navigation
• Constructing actual webpages with the above mentioned plan

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Steps in Building Your Website

• Testing to make sure that everything works without any glitch and security
Testing • As there could be an unexpected surge in website traffic which the site/ server
should be able to handle

Responsive • As now a days customers are using different devices like mobiles, tablets,
notepads, different operating systems like Windows, Linux, Mac-OS, IOS,
Web Android, Firefox OS etc
Design • Your website should be compatible with all devices without losing any of its
(RWD) core features

Deploymen • Your website goes live for the whole world to find
t • It is open for people to view and for Competition, security threats

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Before You Start…..

Words make your Know Your

Know to whom your Build Usability & Competition
Know, Why you are Accessibility website Tick
building a Website? Website is for?

Ideally you should Your website should These are critical to a More than Audio, Why competition is
have a clear idea of not be developed to good design. Video, Flash doing well?
what your organization please the top level animation, the content Would it be easy to do
Usability: The website
wants to achieve from management or your has an important place the same for us?
should be simple,
a website before you self, if your are the in the webpage.
elegant, functional and What user experience
start building it. owner.
the surfers to navigate You need to use they are offering?
It should be built in through the website important words and
such a way to appeal to How could we
easily phrases which would improve it?
the target customer. not only appeal to the
customers also to What are the problems
search engines. competitors are
Design your website facing?
accessible to everyone. Because keywords are
practically What about the
Any device, any OS, content?
people with disabilities synonymous with search.

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Choosing the Domain Name
• Make it Catchy, Memorable & Relevant
• Use a country specific Top Level Domain (TLD) to
appeal to a local audience
• (.com, .in,,, .org,
• You can buy multiple domain names
• Consider Different suffixes
• .mobi, .insurance, .sport
• Keywords in a domain name can be beneficial
• Makemytrip, Cleartrip, Yatra, Maxlife, Policybazzar

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• Hosting is putting your website in the
cyberspace/internet with the registered domain
• Types of Hosting
• Shared Hosting Accounts
• Virtual Dedicated Hosting
• Dedicated Hosting
• Server co-Location
• Cloud based hosting

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Choosing Your Hosting Company
• Choose the host in the country where your
primary target customers are
• Make sure that Host is reliable
• Look at after hosting support
• Backup and Disaster recovery
• What do other clients think about the host
• Shop around

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Choosing a Web Designer/Developer
• Look at their own website
• Examine their portfolio
• Ask their customers
• Find out online reputation of the developer
• Are they developing websites which are easily
found by the search engines
• Do the comply with web standards (go to
W3Cs web site and run the web address of
your shortlisted web developer to validate
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Arranging Your Information
• Arrange the information such that it will
have a rank in SERPs ( Search Engine Result
• Start with your key words
• Define your content structure (Site Map)
• Your Home Page

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Writing Effective Web Content
• Grab Attention
• Make it Scannable
• Make it Original
• Use the Inverted Pyramid approach
• Be Consistent
• Engage with your Reader

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What is Website Analytics?
• Web analytics is the collection, reporting, and
analysis of website data. 
• The focus is on identifying measures based on
your organizational and user goals and using the
website data
• To determine the success or failure of those
goals and to drive strategy and improve the
user’s experience.

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Website Analytics - Types
Data Source Types
Clickstream •Web analytics tools
•Clickthrough, scroll-tracking,
Experimentation & Testing •A/B, multivariate testing
•User testing
Voice of Customer •Customer satisfaction surveys
•Page-level surveys
Competitive Intelligence & •Keyword research tools
Market Research •Competitive analysis tools

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Competitor Analysis
• Analyzing competitor websites can quickly give you ideas for
your own web marketing.
• Of course, you can’t see their Analytics, but there are lots of free
competitor analysis tools that will give you fast and valuable
• The following are the top ranked tools “Listed Alphabetically”
for competitor Analysis

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Web Competitor Analysis -Tools
Ahrefs Yes Yes
Alexa Yes Yes Yes Yes
Builtwith Yes
Buzzsumo Yes Yes
FollowerWonk Yes
iSpionage Yes Yes
Majestic Yes Yes Yes
Moat Yes
MOZ / Link Explorer Yes
Quantcast Yes
SimilarWeb Yes Yes Yes
Searchmetrics Yes Yes Yes
SEMrush Yes Yes Yes Yes
Serpstat Yes Yes Yes Yes
SpyFu Yes Yes Yes

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Offsite and Onsite Analytics
Onsite Analytics
• Measuring the actual visitor traffic arriving at a
• Tracking the engagements and interactions the
visitors have.
• For example:
• Whether they convert to a customer or lead or not?
• How they got to that point (or where they dropped
• What they purchased and how much they spent?
• What campaigns they viewed and clicked on?.. Etc.,
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Offsite and Onsite Analytics
Offsite Analytics
• Measuring your potential website audience.
• Where you see the bigger picture of how your
website compares to others.
• For example:
• Using panel data (Comscore, Nelson Net Ratings)
• Using Internet Service Provider (ISP) data (Hitwise)

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Affiliate Marketing
• It is where a product owner increase sales online by allowing others
(affiliates) to target the same audience and to earn a commission by
advertising/recommending the product on their website to their
• At the same time, it makes it possible for affiliates to earn money on
product sales without creating products of their own.
• Simply put, affiliate marketing involves referring a product or service
by sharing it on a blog, social media platforms, or website.
• The affiliate earns a commission each time someone makes a
purchase through the unique link associated with their

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How Affiliate Marketing Works?

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How Affiliate Marketing Works?
• Find and join an affiliate program
• Through these websites: AffiliateNetwork , AvantLink,
CJ by Conversant, ClickBank FlexOffers, LinkConnector,
RevenueWire, ShareASale
• Choose which offers to promote
• Obtain a unique affiliate link for each offer
• Share those links on your blog, social media
platforms, or website
• Collect a commission anytime someone uses your
links to make a purchase

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Thank You
All The Best

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