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Math – Thinking


Task 2: Transformation A

Transformation A – f(x) = 8(x-4)^2 – 6

- As you can see this transformation is graphed on the website. The two x-intercepts we can see are
(3.134,0) and (4.866,0). The equation is not factorable because it cannot be factored with any rational
numbers. The parabola is going as the a is positive and the vertex is (4,-6).
Task 2: Transformation B
Transformation B – f(x) = -8(x-4)^2 – 6

- This transformation is basically the opposite of transformation A, and it has no x-intercepts meaning
they are undefined. I calculated it in the quadratic formula, and you do not get any x-intercepts. This is
the same as transformation A but with the negative 8 it give this parabola a transformation of opening
downwards and changes it location which is a significant aspect of transformations.
Task 2:
Transformation C
Transformation C – g(x) = -8f(1/2(x+4))^2 -7

- This transformation is the most complex so far, it has a total

of four transformations which are a, k, d, and c. All these
values are significant aspects of a transformation which I
have been building with transformation A and B. This
function has four transformation which I have explained in
the video with as much details about this function. As we can
see on the graph it does not have any x-intercepts but has had
a huge transformation from B which shows how much four
transformation can make a huge difference. The
transformation of a, k, d, and c are explained in the notes.
Task 2: Transformation A, B, and C
Transformation A - f(x) = 8(x-4)^2 – 6

Transformation B - f(x) = -8(x-4)^2 – 6

Transformation C - g(x) = -8f(1/2(x+4))^2 -7

- This following graph will show you a better representation of

all the transformation and how much A, B, and C changed.
Task 3: Rational Expression
Expanded Rational Expression – (x+6) (x+3)/(x+3)(x+6)(x+4)(x+5)

Rational Expression – x^2 + 9x + 18/x^4 + 18x^3 + 119x^2 + 342x + 360

- As you can see, I put the expanded form in the graph as it is easier to capture and easily understood.
You can see the (-6, 0 undefined) that is one of the first holes the second hole is (-3, undefined).
The two vertical asymptotes are x = -4 and x = -5, the black and red line which never touch the lines
and are only in the denominator.

- The graph is after this following slides.

The End

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