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I can ride a big bicycle Can I ride a big bicycle? I can´t ride a big bicycle
You can climb the hills Can you climb the hills? You can´t climb the hills
He can type a business Can he type a business He can´t type a business
letter letter? letter
She can swim in the pool Can she swim in the She can´t swim in the
pool? pool
It can run fast around the Can it run fast around the It can´t run fast around
park park? the park
We can manage the time Can we manage the time We can´t manage the
perfectly perfectly? time perfectly
You can study french Can you study french? You can´t study french

They can write poems Can they write poems? They can´t write poems

Can I ride a big bycicle? Yes, You can No, You can´t

Can you climb the hills? Yes, I can No, I can´t

Can he type a business Yes, He can No, he can´t

Can she swim in the Yes, she can No, she can´t
Can It run fast around the Yes, it can No, it can´t
Can we manage the time Yes, you can No, you can´t
Can you study french? Yes, we can No, we can´t

Can they write poems? Yes, they can No, they can´t
READING. Read the text about different people and complete the sentences with a name.

1. …………………………….uses the computer at work

2. ……………………………. knows many different languages
3. ……………………………. does sports
4. ………………………….... works with the internet
5. ……………………………. won a medal last year
6. ……………………………. works in the USA


My name is Natan . I I´m Janice. I´m an My name´s Isaac and I

work for a big actress. I can act. I can ´m an athlete. I can
Company. I´m a graphic sing and I can dance. I swim and play tennis.
artista. I make speak English, French Last year, I was in a
websites. I can type and Spanish and I work national tennis
fast – 115 words a on Broadway, New competition. I won.
minute. York.
1. Cats can sing a song but they can’t drink milk
2. Birds can fly but they can’t run
3. Monkeys can’t drive but they can run
4kangaroos can’t dance but they can jump
5. A fish can swim but it can’t play the guitar
6. Horses can’t swim but they can run fast
7. Dogs can eat a bone but they can’t speak
8. A rabbit can’t play chess but it can eat carrot
9. Turtles can walk slowly but they can’t jump
10. Cows cap grass but they can’t ride a bike
Put the words in the correct order
1. Spanish can speak I ……………………………………………………..
2. you CD a can burn ? ………………………………………………………
3. can I yes …………………………………………………........
4. she but can can’t dance she sing ………………………………….
5. swim they can 100 metres ? ……………………………........
6. they no can’t …………...................................
Complete these sentences with can or can’t.
KIERAN: Hi Carl! What’s that?
CARL : It’s my guitar.
KIERAN : (1) ______________ you play the guitar?
CARL : Yes, I (2) ______________
CARL : (3) ______________ you play a musical instrument?
KIERAN : No, I (4) ______________ , but I (5) _____ sing.
CARL : Oh! I (6) ______________
KIERAN : (7) ______________ you play the piano?
CARL : No, I (8) ______________ , I (9) ______________ only play the guitar.
EXERCISES. Can or can´t

1. I    …..       only speak English. I don't know any other languages.
2. What sports     ……….      you play the best?
3. A dog ……….          be man's best friend, but it can't help with the chores.
4. Narrow-minded people  …………         see the future very well.
5. Fish …………          breathe outside the water.
6. Denis doesn't want to go swimming with us because he    ……….       swim.
7. It's really dark here, I  ……….         see anything
8. You  ……….         park your car here, it's forbidden.
9. I am very hungry I  ………..         eat everything right now.
10. A cheetah  ………         run very fast.
11. The letters are very small. I  ……….         read anything.
12. A baby …………          drive a car.

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