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Relationship between

religion, global conflict

and global peace
What could it be?
Global Peace
Global Peace is the greatest good,
so we must know its opposite in
order to make an informed decision
about it. Peace must be understood
in all its different dimensions, such
as personal, social, national,
international, and global. Global
peace as measured by the Global
Peace Index (GPI)
What is Peace
Its goal is to use peaceful
means to address
injustice and to change
the underlying conditions
that lead to lethal
What is GPI?
Global Peace Index
The Global Peace Index (GPI) is a study created by the
Institute for Economics and Peace (IEP) that assesses the
differential peacefulness of nations and regions. The GPI
ranks 172 sovereign nations and territories (representing
99.7% of the world's population) according to their levels of
peace. The GPI has shown tendencies of rising worldwide
violence and less peace over the last decade.
Global Peace Index
The GPI evaluates the extent to which nations are involved
in current domestic and international conflicts, as well as the
amount of concord or discord inside a country, in order to
determine peacefulness. Ten factors examine what may be
regarded as societal safety and security.
This option explores war,
peace, and security on a
global and historical scale
and reveals the contingent
decisions, random
accidents, and devious
schemes that continue to be
at the root of violence
around the world.

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