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• Flowers : The organs of a plant

that go through sexual
reproduction process. Their final
product is fruit and seed.
Flowers develop from flower buds. Each bud
contains 4 concentric whorls of tissue. From the
outer to the inner, these develop into

A whorl of sepals (collectively called the calyx)

A whorl of petals (collectively called the corolla)

stamens in which the microsporangia form

carpels in which the megasporangia form

A complete flower is one that has all four whorls

Supporting structure
1. Peduncle : stalk. Support flower
2. Receptacle : End/top end swollen and act
as base for flower
3. Pedicels : smaller branches of peduncle

Allium sp. Family : Liliaceae


Dendrobium sp.
Receptacle (pudung), the top of the stem supporting
a flower. The receptacle forms the cup, hypanthium,
from which all flower parts arise but is not usually a
large or obvious part of the flower.
Sepals collectively are called the calyx, CA. They
are the outermost floral parts and are commonly leaf-
like and green. The sepals enclose the flower bud
and may or may not survive for the life of the flower.
Petals collectively are called the corolla, CO. Found
just inside the sepals, petals are usually delicate and
brightly colored to attract insects. The sepals and
petals together are called the perianth.
Some flowers do not have all of the basic parts.

Flower types, based on

the presence of parts:
•Complete flowers have
sepals, petals, stamens,
and pistils. The flower
pictured at the right is a
complete flower.
•Incomplete flowers are
missing one of more of
the four basicpa.
•Perfect flowers have both stamens and
pistils. The flower pictured earlier is a perfect
•Imperfect flowers have either stamens or
pistils, but not both.                  
•Staminate flowers have only stamens.
•Pistillate flowers have only pistils.
•Monoecious plants have imperfect
flowers with both sexes growing on the
same plant.
•Dioecious plants have imperfect flowers
with only one sex growing on each plant.
1. Monoecious
Plants bear both staminate and
pistillate flowers on the same
plant as in Quercus sp. (oak) and
Zea mays (corn).
2. Dioecious
Plants bear staminate flowers on
one plant and pistillate flowers on
a different plant, hence the terms
male and female plants. Ilex
species (holly) and all cycads and
many conifers are examples.
3. Polygamous
Plants bear staminate, pistillate, and
hermaphroditic (bisexual - both
sexes present and functional in the
same flower) flowers on the same
plant. An example is Acer rubrum
(red maple).
Floral symmetry

Zygomorphic – Bilateral symmetrical, line in a middle, structure along

one another (left and right) are mirror like. Mirror of top and bottom not alike
Actinomorphic – radially symmetrical, any drawn line will produce mirror
Actinomorphic sepals and
petals can be divided into
equal parts through several
longitudinal planes. This is


called a "regular" flower.

Zygomorphic sepals and

petals can be divided into
equal parts through only
one longitudinal plane. This
is called an "irregular"


Androecium : male
reproductive organs.
Filament, anther, pollen

Gynoecium : female
reproductive organs.
Stigma, style, ovary, ovule
Stamen membentuk pusaran selepas korola
dan pistil di bahagian tengah.
STAMEN – terdiri dari anter yang
mengandungi debunga dan biasanya berada
pada tangkai, filamen. Secara kumpulan,
PISTIL – Terdiri dari stigma yang
reseptif kepad debunga. Bahagian bawah
pistil selalunya membesar dan membentuk
ovari yang mengandungi ovul. Stigma dan
ovari biasanya dihubungi oleh stil. Secara
kumpulan ginosium.
Pistil ringkas – Terdapat satu karpel
dengan satu atau lebih ovul. (Karpel
ialah unit yang mengandungi ovul
yang melekat pada plasenta

Pistil kompaun – Terdapat 2 atau

lebih karpel yang bebas atau
Carpels 1 per flower
Carpels more than 1
per flower:
•carpels distinct
•carpels connate

•Ovary - the enlarged portion at the pistil

base where egg cells are produced. The
basic unit of construction of the ovary is the
carpel. Each carpel will eventually produce
a or many seed. One can determine the
number of carpels in a pistil by making a
cross-section of the ovary and counting the
number of partitions, or by counting the
number of stigmas or styles.

Ovari inferior – ovari terbentuk dalam

pudung dan bahagian bahagian bunga
yang lain terdapat diatas ovari.

Ovari superior – ovari terletak diatas

pudung dan bahagian lain mengelilinginya
1. HYPOGYNY : ovary on the highest position
on receptacle, stamens, petals and sepals,
attached below ovary. Ovary superior to
other parts
Margin of
receptacle grows
upwards to form
a cup shaped
structure called
calyx tube
enclosing ovary
but free from
ovary, carrying
sepal, petal and
stamen. Ovary
superior to other
3. EPIGYNY : The margin
of receptacle grows
further upwards,
completely enclosing the
ovary and fused with it,
with sepals, petals and
stamen above the ovary.
Ovary inferior to other
A ) Hypogynous B) Perigynous C) Epigynous
Plasenta – kawasan di mana ovul
melekat pada karpel.

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