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The classification of angiosperm

families is based on flower

structure, including the number and
arrangement of stamens, petals and


Flower parts in three Flower parts in fives

Leaf with parallel venation Leaf with netted venation
Different families
Leguminosae (subfamili Papilionoideae).
The legume flower also consists of calyx and corolla Of the
five petals making up the corolla, the largest is the standard
(2), the two laterals are the wings (3), and the two at the base
is joined to form the keel (4). The pistil and stamens are
located inside the keel
The pistil and stamens are held
under tension within the keel and
can break through with slight
pressure from insects. This
process is called tripping and is the
method through which fertilization
They comprise one of the
largest families of flowering
plants, numbering some 400
genera and 10,000 species.
The flowers are zygomorphic

The petals are basically distinct except for

variable connation of the two lowermost
ones called the keel petals. The lateral
petals are often called the wings.

The androecium most commonly consists of

10 stamens in two groups (i.e., they are
diadelphous with 9 stamens in one bundle
and the 10th stamen more or less distinct).
Castanospermum Clitoria ternatea,

Erythrina variegata
MALVACEAE - The Mallow
Family The Mallow Family contains
over 1000 species, found mainly in
South America. They are herbaceous
plants, shrubs or trees. The species
of most economic importance is
Cotton, the fruits of Hibiscus
esculentus (Okra) are eaten, and
many (Hibiscus, Abutilon,
Hollyhock) are grown as garden

Flowers ~ The flowers

of this family are large
and composed of five
separate petals, usually
rolled up together in bud
or dying. The stamens
and style form a long
tube protruding from the
centre of the flower, and
the stigma at the end of
the tube is divided.
Tiub stamen, epikalik
• Mempunyai 2 jenis bunga,‘ray’ dan ‘disc’ floret, sepal
dalam bentuk ‘pappus’.
• Androesium singenesis, anter bergabung tetapi
filamen bebas.
The Asteraceae are herbs, shrubs, or less
commonly trees and are arguably the largest
family of flowering plants, comprising about
1,100 genera and 20,000 species that are
characterized by having the flowers reduced
and organized in the form of a head or

The flowers are of two basic types: those with

tubular actinomorphic corollas and those with
strap-shaped or radiate zygomorphic corollas,
often within the same head.
The amazing thing that composites
have done is to miniaturize and
simplify each flower, then pack a
number of these tiny flowers on
their ends next to one another, on
a platform called a receptacle,
and finally to organize the whole
resulting cluster so that the many
flowers look like just one flower. In
other words the sunflower is
actually a collection of hundreds of
Composite flower heads bear scale-like bracts, which are usually
green and overlapping, like the ones at the right. There you see
bracts on a Chrysanthemum flower. Bracts are just modified
leaves. When you are identifying species in the Composite Family,
noticing the bracts is very important. In some species the bracts
are very slender and in others very wide, sometimes they are
other than green, sometimes they are in just one series with the
bracts side-to-side instead of overlapping like those above. The
collection of all the bracts considered together is called the
involucre. The picture above shows a Chrysanthemum flower's
involucre consisting of overlapping involucral bracts.
Common inflorescence types:
Radiate - mix of disc (center) and
ray (periphery)
Detailed view of the blossom of a spider orchid (Brassia hybrid)
showing the major perianth segments and central column.
Close-up view of the central column (gynandrium) of a
Brassia hybrid, showing the relative positions of the
anther cap, rostellum and stigmatic region.
The orchid family (Orchidaceae) is the
second largest family of flowering
plants with approximately 20,000
described species and many thousands
of cultivars (cultivated varieties).

Orchids have three sepals and three

petals. The perianth segments are
showy and colorful because orchids are
typically pollinated by insects.
One of the petals (called the lip or
labellum) is very different from the
other two, and plays an important role
in pollination.
A beaklike structure called the rostellum
separates the anther from the functional
stigma on the column of single-anthered
orchids. The sticky (viscid) stigma is
situated below the rostellum. A cap-like
structure called the anther cap sits on the
anther portion. The anther cap is readily

Glum, sepasang braktea pada pangkal

spikelet yang mempunyai satu atau
lebih floret.

Pada floret terdapat braktea luar,

‘lemma’ dan braktea dalam, ‘palea’
Lodikul, berbentuk sisik, mewakili
The Grass Flower
The “flowers” of grasses have no distinct
They are compact units called spikelets that
make up the entire inflorescence
A spikelet consists of a pair of modified leaves
called glumes which enclose one or more florets

Florets may be fertile or sterile

The Poaceae are mostly herbs comprising one of
the largest families of flowering plants with
about 500 genera and 8,000 species.

The basic unit of the inflorescence is called a

spikelet typically consisting of a basal pair of
minute sterile bracts called glumes and one or
more distichously arranged distal florets on an
often zigzag extension of the spikelet axis called
the rachilla. Each floret is typically embraced by
an additional pair of minute chaffy bracts called
the lemma and the palea.
The androecium typically consists of three
or occasionally 6 distinct stamens. The
gynoecium consists of a single compound
pistil of 2 or sometimes 3 carpels, an equal
number of styles with feathery stigmas,
and a superior ovary with one locule. The
fruit is usually a caryopsis.
The Floret

The floret consists of 5 main parts: lemma, palea,

lodicules, pistil, and stamens.
The lemma and palea enclose the grass flower.

The lemma is the outermost of the two (closer to the

glume) and has an awn.
The palea is closest to the rachilla which acts as an
axis for the florets.



1. Solitary:
A single flower on a stem.
2. Spike
Unbranched inflorescence with
sessile flowers (no pedicels).

Grass - Penissetum conjugatum Family : Poaceae

3. Raceme
inflorescence with
flowers on pedicels
4. Panicle
A branched or compound
raceme (i.e. main rachis
with branches bearing
flowers on pedicels).

Oryza sativa
5. Corymb
Flat-topped inflorescence with youngest
flowers at the end of main axis or rachis.

Balung ayam – Celosia cristata

Siantan – Ixora javanica, Family : Rubiaceae
6. Cyme
Flat-topped inflorescence with oldest
flowers at the end of main axis. [Includes
simple, compound and scorpioid cymes.]

Compound cyme
Scorpioid cyme
Simple cyme
Bunga tahi ayam – Lantana camara
7. Umbel
Flat-topped inflorescence with all the pedicels
arising from a common point. [Includes simple
and compound umbels.]
8. Catkin or Ament: A spike-like
inflorescence of unisexual, apetalous
flowers, often pendent and falling as a

Acalypha hispida
9. Spadix
A thick, fleshy spike of unisexual, apetalous flowers,
often surrounded by a vase-shaped or funnel-like
modified leaf or spathe which is often brightly
colored. The male flowers are typically clustered
above the female flowers on an erect, phallus-like
10. A capitulum or head
The characteristic inflorescence of the
sunflower family (Asteraceae). Depending
on the tribe, the inflorescence may consist
of ray flowers, disk flowers, or both ray
and disk flowers. The ovary of each flower
is situated below the attachment of the
corolla and stamens, a condition referred
to as epigynous or inferior.

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