Unit 13: AP US History by Derege Ramso & David English

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Unit 13

AP US History
Derege Ramso & David English
United Nation Established, 1945
Deal With
• International Law
• International Security
• Economical Development
• Social Progress
• World Peace
Iron Curtain Speech,1946
• Westminster
Describe the ominous postwar boundary in
Europe in Fulton,self-governing nations of the
West and those in Eastern Europe which had
recently come under the powerful grip of
Soviet Russia.

Winston Churchill
Truman Doctrine, 1947
• US President Harry S. • A policy stating that the
Truman U.S. would support
• March 12,1947 Greece and Turkey with
economic and military
aid to prevent them
from falling into
the Soviet hands.
Marshall Plan, 1947
• The large-scale American program to Europe
where the United States sent them monetary
support to help rebuild European economies
in order to combat the spread of communism. 
Taft-Hartley Act, 1947
• sponsored
a United States
by federal law that monitors the
Senator Robert
activities and power of labor unions.
Taft and
Representative Fred
A. Hartley, Jr. 
Berlin Airlift,1948
• The massive airlift was the largest
humanitarian operation ever undertaken by
the air force.
• more than 2.3 million tons of supplies
flown into the city over approximately 10
months dwarf all future operations. 
Creation of Israel, 1948
• termination of the British Mandate of
Palestine and the Israeli declaration of
independence on 15 May 1948
• The 1948 Arab–Israeli War
• The 1949 Armistice Agreements   ended the
official hostilities of the 1948 Arab-Israeli War
Alger Hiss case, 1948
• Was testified against • Alger Hiss was an
saying that Hiss had American lawyer,
secretly been a government official,
communist. author, and lecturer
• Suspected being a spy
for the Soviet
• The grand jury charged
Hiss with two counts
of perjury
NATO Created, 1949
• an intergovernmental military alliance based
on the North Atlantic Treaty which was signed
on 4 April 1949.
• The NATO headquarters are in Brussels,
•  Consists of 28 member states from North
America and Europe.
Soviet Union test its first atomic bomb, 1949

• On August 29, 1949, the Soviet Union

exploded its first atomic bomb. It came as a
great shock to the United States because they
were not expecting the Soviet Union to
possess nuclear weapon knowledge so soon. 
Communists gain Control of China, 1949

•  Led by Mao Zedong

• Nationalist Vs Communists
• Communist win with
support of peasant
Nikita Khrushchev
• led the Soviet Union(Cold
• First Secretary of
the Communist Party of
the Soviet Union( 1953 to
• Premier(1958 to 1964)
Francis Gary Powers
• August 17, 1929 – August 1,
• American pilot
• Shot down while flying a
reconnaissance mission
over Soviet Union airspace.
Whitaker Chambers
• April 1, 1901 – July 9,
•  American writer and
• Communist Party
USA member
• Soviet spy
Richard Nixon
• January 9, 1913 – April
22, 1994
•  37th President
•  36th Vice President
• member of
the Republican Party
Thomas Dewey
• March 24, 1902 – March
16, 1971
•  47th Governor of New
• Republican candidate
for President
Storm Thurmond
• December 5, 1902 – June 26,
•  American politician 
• United States Senator
• Essie Mae Washington-
Jonas Salk
• October 28, 1914 – June 23,
•  American medical
researcher and virologist.
• development of the first
safe and effective polio
Military-Industrial Complex
• Refer to policy  and
monetary relationships
between legislators,
national armed forces,
and the industrial
• States' Rights Democratic Party
• Short-lived segregationist, socially
conservative political party in the United
• 1938–1975
• The House Committee on Un-American
•  an investigative committee
Hollywood Ten
• An • Herbert J. Biberman
American 16mm short documentar • Lester Cole
• Edward Dmytryk
y film. • Ring Lardner Jr.
• Short speech • John Howard Lawson
• Albert Maltz
denouncing McCarthyism and the • Samuel Ornitz
Hollywood Blacklisting. • Adrian Scott
• Dalton Trumbo
• directed by John Berry.
• a list or register of entities who, for one
reason or another, are being denied a
particular privilege, service, mobility, access or
• the practice of making accusations of
disloyalty, subversion, or treason without
proper regard for evidence.
Levitt Town
Baby Boom
• Any period marked by a
greatly increased birth rate.
• Post–World War II baby boom
• A media stereotype of the
1950s and early 1960s
• Displayed the more
superficial aspects of
the Beat Generation. 
Rock ‘N’ Roll
• a genre of popular music that originated and
evolved in the United States during the late
1940s and early 1950s
Cold War 1945
• America refused to share nuclear secrets
• Russia’s attempt to spread communism
• Russia needed a secure western border
• Truman disliked Stalin
General Assembly
• Developed in 1945, the General Assembly
occupies a central position as the chief
deliberative, policy making, and
representative organ of the U.N
Security Council
• primary responsibility, under the charter, for
the maintenance of international peace and
• First meeting on January 31, 1992
Warsaw Pact
• Signed in Poland in 1955 and was officially
called “The Treaty of Friendship”
• Military Treaty pleading all signatories to come
to the aid of the others, should any one of
them be the victim of foreign aggression
Massive Retaliation
• An all or nothing strategy that threatened to
blow the Soviet Union off the map if they
attacked Europe
• The policy of massive retaliation completed
the transition to a military strategy based on
nuclear deterrence
• Eisenhower’s brinkmanship policy is bluffing
to go to war or go on the verge of war just to
scare communist groups
Peaceful coexistence
• “Either peacefully live together or have the
most destructive war in history, there is no
third choice”- Khrushchev
Julius and Ethel Rosenberg executed, 1953

• were American communists who were

convicted and executed in 1953 for conspiracy
to commit espionage during a time of war.
Joseph McCarthy censured, 1954
• Made claims that communist and soviet spy’s
were in the US government and elsewhere.
• Ultimately, McCarthy's tactics and his inability
to substantiate his claims led him to be
censured by the United States Senate.
Eisenhower Doctrine, 1957
• a speech by President Dwight David
Eisenhower on 5 January 1957.
• Under the Eisenhower Doctrine, a country
could request American economic assistance
and/or aid from U.S. military forces if
threatened by another state.
Sputnik launched by the Soviet Union, 1957

• the first artificial satellite to be put into Earth's

• It was launched into an elliptical low Earth orbit
by the Soviet Union on October 4, 1957
U-2 shot down over the Soviet Union, 1960

• The 1960 U-2 incident occurred during the

Cold War on May 1, 1960.
• A United States U-2 spy plane was shot down
over Soviet Union airspace.
Eisenhower’s Farewell Address, 1961

• In a speech of less than 10 minutes, on

January 17, 1961, President Dwight
Eisenhower delivered his political farewell to
the American people.
Harry S. Truman
• “Man of Independence”
• Ended WWII within his first 6 months in office
• Died at age 88
Dwight Eisenhower
• Republican
• Military commander
• First president of all 50 states
George Kennan
• Mr. X
• Kennan's views had a tremendous influence of
a group of important political figures
• Published Realities of American Foreign Policy
(1954), Russia Leaves the War (1956),
Memoirs: 1925-1950 (1967), Russia and the
West (1967), The Nuclear Delusion (1982) and
Douglas MacArthur
• Son of Arthor MacArthur
• Became military adviser in 1935
Chiang Kai-shek
• Defeated communist army
• Commanded army that aimed to unify china
• Forced to flee to Taiwan in 1949
Mao Zedong
• Commanded guerilla forces
• Announced the Great Leap Forward
• Invaded China and formed the People’s
Republic of China
John Foster Dulles
• Appointed as legal counsel to the U.S
delegation by Woodrow Wilson
• Believed in liberation
• spent considerable time building up NATO as
part of his strategy of controlling Soviet
expansion by threatening massive retaliation
in event of a war.
Korean War
• Over 25,600 American troops were killed
during the war and other U.N. contingents lost
17,000 men
• In the early 20th century Russia and Japan
both tried to gain control of Korea which lead
to the Russo-Japanese War
U.S tests its first H-Bomb
• Detonates the world's first thermonuclear
weapon, the hydrogen bomb, on Eniwetok
atoll in the Pacific
• The test gave the United States a short-lived
advantage in the nuclear arms race with the
Joseph Stalin dies 1953
• Was one of the most murderous dictators in
• Joseph Stalin was the second leader of the
Soviet Union
• Khrushchev moves to power
Joseph McCarthy Accuses the State
Department of employing communists
• accuses Secretary of State Dean Acheson of
knowingly employing 205 Communist Party
McCarran internal Security Act Passed over
Truman’s Veto
• President Harry S. Truman opposed the passing
of the Internal Security Act, arguing that it
"would betray our finest traditions" as it
attempted to "curb the simple expression of
• Also known as the McCarran Wood Act the bill
required all "Communist-action organizations"
to register with the government and made
American citizens liable for prosecution

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