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Members :
Jenny Sumile Daumar
Mariah Elise Edbao
Jurie Leann Daan
Local and Global
Communication in
Multicultural Setting
Culture is
A system of thinking and acting that is
taught by , and reinforced by, a group
of people. Cultural groups teach their
members certain sets of values , with
accompanying behaviors and
communication preferences.
Multicultural Setting
A certain place where incorporate ideas.
Beliefs, or people from many different
countries and cultural background
Challenges on Multicultural teams
( Brett , Behfair , and Kem , 2006)

Troubles with accent and fluency Differing

attitudes toward hierachy and authority
conflicting norms for decision making
By: Carol kinsey Goman

Communicating across cultures is challenging. Each culture has set rules that its members
take for granted. Few of us are aware of our own cultural biases because cultural
imprinting is begun at a very early age. And while some of a culture's knowledge, rules,
beliefs, values, phobias, and anxieties are taught explicitly, most of the information is
absorbed subconsciously.

The challenge for multinational communication has never been greater. Worldwide
business organizations have discovered that intercultural communication is a subject of
importance—not just because of increased globalization, but also because their domestic
workforce is growing more and more diverse, ethnically and culturally.

We are all individuals, and no two people belonging to the same culture are guaranteed to
respond in exactly the same way. However, generalizations are valid to the extent that
they provide clues on what you will most likely encounter when dealing with members of
a particular culture.
* The ability to interact or communicate between the
members of your local area using local languange.


Face to Face Interaction Conveying Announcements

Discussing with Friends Speaking in front towards a group
Difference in tolerance for conflict and
methods for Resolving Conflicts
Individualist and Collectivist

More concerned with ‘ ones goals , needs and interest than with
those of the group and emphasize the importance of the uniques
self , or the “ I “

More concerned with the group’s goals needs and interests than
with those of the individual and emphasize the importance of the
group , or the “we”
Culturally Appropriate
Sensitivity to Communication
Cross Cultural communication requires both
the knowledge( understanding different
cultures and customs) and the
skills( performance)
In the succeeding paragraphs are the differences
among cultures that need to observe sensitivity

• Gender communication
• Eye contact / Gaze
• Facial expression
• Gesture
• Touch
• Posture
• Time
• Physical space , and
• smell

Defined as a set of linguistic items with similar social
distribution with that definition the following are called ‘
varieties of language ‘ : English , Mandarin . Filipino .
French . Spanish etc. Variety also includes examples of
what is normally called languages. Dialects and registers
( style)
Levels of Usage

Literary Slang

Technical Provincial

Language and Dialect
• Languages is the collective utterance of a
particular group of people occupying a
particular geography and sharing the same
social and cultural experiences
• A dialect is a localized version of a languange
Regional Dialect

A regional Dialect refers to the languange variety used in a georaphical

Social dialect

Dialects are also disturbuted according to social class , sex and age, hence , social
dialects , or sociolect , to refer to non-regional differences.
Registers Overvie
The three common language in writing register are :
formal , informal and neutral

Formal register

More appropriate for professional writing and letters to a boss or a

Informal register

Conversational and appropriate when writing to friends and people one

knows very well
Neutral register

It is most appropriate for technical writings


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