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Sayed Yusuf

Unit Supervisor: Dr Hamdy

Civil Engineering and Construction

Study Field
Quantity surveying" can be dated back to the antiquated Egyptian civilization where they utilized
dedicated personnel for the completion of estimations and costing for their great and magnificent
structures. It formed into an occupation amid the 17th century restoration of London after the
Great Fire

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What is Quantity Surveying
It can be characterized as, a profession which guarantees that the assets of the construction
business are used to the best point of interest of society, by suggesting the most economical
monetary administration for undertakings and an expense consultancy service to client, builder
and planner amid the entire construction process.

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Quantity Surveying
The Quantity Surveyor (QS), otherwise called a Construction Economist or Cost Manager, is one
among a group of expert counsellors to the construction industry. As consultants they gauge and
screen construction costs, from the practicality/feasibility phase of a venture through the
completion of the development period. After development they may be included with tax
deterioration plans, swap cost estimation for protection purposes and, if essential, arbitration
and mediation.

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Quantity Surveying Traditional

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Quantity Surveying Modern

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Quantity Surveying Roles

The quantity surveyors working for Consultant firms are held by the project clients to guarantee
that whatever is being constructed is the thing that the client needs or could manage.

The principal duty of the quantity surveyor working for a Contractor is to take care of the money
related premiums of the contractor. He will be responsible for computing and recording of
monetary/financial estimations of the works that are done and guarantees that the contractor is
paid appropriately and on time

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Quantity Surveying Roles
For Clients

1) Preparing early cost estimation of the project.

2) Advice on appropriate procurement strategies

3) Cost planning

4) Values Engineering Services

5) Lifecycle Costing

6) Taxation and Technical auditing

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Quantity Surveying Roles
For Contractor

1) Cost planning for various contractor activities

2) Maintaining of project progress database

3) Cash flow forecasting

4) Advising on Economical procedures

5) Finalizing of measurement details with clients

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Quantity Surveying

Thank You For


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