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Subphylum Uniramia

Class Chilopoda: centipedes

Body flattened in cross section

Only 1 pair of legs per segment
Long legs allow for faster movement
Eat earthworms, cockroaches, etc.
Have a pair of clawlike appendages that
can inject venom into prey
Stay in dark, moist places
Class Diplopoda: millipedes

Have 2 pairs of legs on each body segment

Short legs make them slow, but are strong for
When threatened they will coil up and spray a
noxious chemical
Cross section is rounded
Herbivores, living on decayed plant and animal
Have strong sense of smell, but poor vision
Class Insecta: insects

– Body has 3 parts: head, thorax, abdomen
– Head has 1 pair of antennae
– Thorax has 3 pairs of jointed legs and
one or two pairs of wings
– Abdomen is divided into 11 segments
Class Insecta

– Structural variations
– Physiological variations
– Behavioral variations
Class Insecta

 Success of insects
– Live everywhere except the deep ocean
– Entomologist: scientist who studies insects
– Benefit from the evolution of an exoskeleton and
jointed appendages
– Adapt to new environments rapidly due to their
short life span
– Size allows them to inhabit same environment and
still avoid competition
– Wings allow for flight to different locations
Class Insecta

Insects and human society

– Eat crops
– Spread disease
– Pollinate 2/3 of world’s plants
– Food for birds, fish, etc.
– Recycle decayed matter

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