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B.Ed Social science

Obesity is a major public health as well as global health problem in developed and
developing countries since an increase in risky life styles. It is one of the most
disorders encountered in clinical practises and has major public health. Obesity
substantially increases the risk of several major cancers and the studies state that
overweight and obesity are associated with an increase in mortality and a
considerable reduction in life expectancy .
Adolescent obesity is a multifaceted disease with serious immediate ,intermediate and
long term consequences. Associated with the remarkable increase in the prevalence
and severity of paediatric obesity ,there is a parallel increase in obesity related
chronic disease ,onset at a younger age, increased risk for adult morbidity and
What is obesity?

According to the World Health Organization, obesity is defined as “a

condition of abnormal or excessive fat accumulation in adipose tissue to
the extent that health may be impaired.”
How to measure Body Mass Index (BMI)
A measure called the Body Mass Index is used to determines the body’s
weight to height ratio. BMI is defined as “the weight in kilograms
divided by the square of the height in meters.”

BMI ==Weight in kg/(Height in meters ) X 2

Classification of obesity

Obesity is classified based on the measurement of body mass index;

 BMI is<18.5 – underweight range

 BMI is 18.5 to <25 – healthy weight range
 BMI is 25.0 to <30 –overweight range
 BMI is > 30 - obese
What are the causes?
 Diet
Regularly eating high-calorie foods, such as fast foods, baked goods and
vending machine snacks, can cause your child to gain weight. Candy and
desserts also can cause weight gain, and more and more evidence points to
sugary drinks, including fruit juices and sports drinks, as culprits in obesity
in some people.
 Lack of exercise
Children who don't exercise much are more likely to gain weight because
they don't burn as many calories. Too much time spent in sedentary
activities, such as watching television or playing video games, also
contributes to the problem. TV shows also often feature ads for unhealthy
 Family factors
If your child comes from a family of overweight people, he or she may be
more likely to put on weight. This is especially true in an environment where
high-calorie foods are always available and physical activity isn't encouraged.
 Psychological factors.

Personal, parental and family stress can increase a child's risk of obesity.
Some children overeat to cope with problems or to deal with emotions, such
as stress, or to fight boredom. Their parents might have similar tendencies.
 Socioeconomic factors.

People in some communities have limited resources and limited access to

supermarkets. As a result, they might buy convenience foods that don't spoil
quickly, such as frozen meals, crackers and cookies. Also, people who live in
lower income neighborhoods might not have access to a safe place to
 Certain medications.
Some prescription drugs can increase the risk of developing obesity.
They include prednisone, lithium, amitriptyline, paroxetine (Paxil),
gabapentin (Neurontin, Gralise, Horizant) and propranolol (Inderal,
 Genes

Obesity may be passed down through families. Having even one

obese parent may raise a child’s risk for it. Experts are looking at the
link between genes, the ever-changing environment, and obesity.
 Lifestyle choices.

Overeating and an inactive lifestyle both contribute to obesity. A diet

full of sugary, high-fat, and refined foods can lead to weight gain. So
can a lack of regular exercise. In children, watching TV and sitting at
a computer can play a part.
What are the complications of obesity?
Obesity can lead to more than simple weight gain.
Having a high ratio of body fat to muscle puts strain on your
bones as well as your internal organs. Obesity during childhood
can harm the body in variety ways.
Which includes;
 High blood pressure and high cholesterol, which are risk

factors for cardiovascular disease.

 Increased risk of impaired glucose tolerance, insulin resistance,

and type 2 diabetes.

 Breathing problems, such as asthma and sleep apnea.
 Psychological problems such as anxiety and depression.
 Low self-esteem and lower self-reported quality of life.
 Social problems such as bullying and stigma.

Future Health Risks

 Children who have obesity are more likely to become adults

with obesity. Adult obesity is associated with increased risk of

several serious health conditions including heart disease, type
2 diabetes, and cancer.
 If children have obesity , their obesity and disease risk factors

in adulthood are likely to be more severe.

There are several different strategies that can help prevent adolescent obesity.

 Increase Physical Activity

Increase your child’s level of physical activity to help them shed weight safely. Use the
word “activity” instead of “exercise” or “workout” to keep them interested. Playing
hopscotch outside, for example, may be more appealing to a 7-year-old than jogging
around the block. Consider encouraging your child to try a sport for which they’ve
expressed an interest.
 More Family Activities
Find activities the entire family can enjoy together. This is not only a great way to
bond, but it also helps your child learn by example. Hiking, swimming, or even playing
tag can help your child get active and start on the path to a healthier weight. Be sure to
vary activities to prevent boredom.
 Cut Down on Screen Time
Limit screen time, too. Kids who spend several hours a day watching
television, playing computer games, or using their smartphones or
other devices are more likely to be overweight. More time in front of
the TV means more time for snacking, and more exposure to ads for
the high-sugar, high-fat foods that make up most food marketing.
 Outlook for Childhood Obesity
Childhood obesity is a serious issue in India. However, with proper
education and support, children can learn healthier ways to cope with
their problems, prepare meals, and stay active. This support must come
from the adults in their lives: parents, teachers, and other caregivers.
Help your children stay healthier for longer by preparing nutritious
foods for them and encouraging them to get plenty of exercise.
 Dietary changes
a. High consumption of green leafy vegetables and fruits
b. Low consumption of dietary fats
c. Caloric restriction if over weight
d. Avoid alcohol intake
e. Cessation of smoking
 Keep a food diary:
Write down what you eat, where you eat, and how you feel before and after you eat.
 Choose whole grain foods:
These includes brown rice and whole wheat bread. Don't eat foods made with refined
white sugar flour, high fructose corn syrup or saturated fat.
 Buildactivity into your day:
 Exercise each week
How obesity is diagnosed?

BMI is a rough calculation of a persons weight in relation to their height.

Other more accurate measures of body fat an d fat distribution include ;
 Skin fold thickness test

 Waist to hip comparison

 Screening test ,such as ultrasounds, CT scans and MRI scans.

Some times this may also includes;

 Blood test to examine cholesterol and glucose levels

 Liver function test

 Thyroid test

 A diabetes screening

 Heart tests, such as an electrocardiogram

 Pregnancy : as weight gained during pregnancy may be difficult
to lose and might eventually lead to obesity.
 Not sleeping enough: which can lead to hormonal changes that

make you feel hungrier and crave certain high calorie foods.
 Growing older: which can lead to less muscle mass and a slower

metabolic rate, making it easier to gain weight.

Certain conditions can also lead to weight gain, which may lead to
obesity. These includes: Polycystic ovary syndrome,
hypothyroidism, Osteoarthritis etc
Obesity is a burden and potential threat to human health in all over the
World. So it is the high time to address the term “ obesity” and take
necessary steps and enough findings to prevent and control obesity
through public private partnerships. Educating peoples about their food
habits by implementing nutritional programs at different social and
supportive groups for promoting the benefits of healthier foods to
peoples. Provide them with strategies to create awareness about the
health risk and potential complications. Treat obesity from childhood
itself. By the age progress we can control our weight by different
measures. Obesity is the leading cause for heart disease. Now a days
obesity is the cause for death in adults.

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