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Write From Dictation

This task checks your listening skills, which means :-

• How fast can you understand what was spoken.
• How well can you understand what was spoken.
• How easily can you understand what was spoken.
Marking Criteria
No. of questions 3-4
Marks per question 8-10
Total marks 30-35

From write from dictation you get points in both writing

and listening section.
• 1 point - Each correct word spelled correctly.
• 0 point - Each incorrect word or misspelled word.
• There is no grammar scoring.
• There is no deduction rule.
• There is no negative marking.
Time Management
• Time management in listening is very important
because WFD is the last task of listening section so
that you need to manage your time properly.
• Allocate at least one minute for each WFD question.
• 4-5 minutes for the entire task.
Chunking strategy
• Divide the sentence into chunks to improve your
memory and understand the complete sentence.
Example :-
Everyone must evacuate/ the premises/ during the
fire drill
More than 3 Mistakes
• More than 3 mistakes are allowed in write from
dictation. The system will not deduct your marks for
more than 3 mistakes and it will give you one point
for each correct word.
Example :-
Everybody everyone must have to evacuate evacuete
the premises premise during the fire drill.
Sequence does not matter
• The order of words and sequence does not matter in
write from dictation. A sentence can be in any order.
• Example :-
Everyone must evacuate the premises, during the fire
During the fire drill, everyone must evacuate the
• If there is a number in any sentence then you can
write this number in digits or in alphabetical manner
both are accepted like 200 or two hundred.
The first assignment is due on the fourteenth 14th of
Proper Noun
• The proper noun is the name of a particular person,
place, day, month, or thing etc. If there is a Proper
Noun in any sentence, it must start with a capital
letter like Sydney, India, June, September, Delhi,
The department has organized a trip to London in
Important Points
1. If you are unsure about the correct spelling , you can
include multiple versions.
The stairs are to the left of the elevator elivator
2. If you are unsure about singular or plural form , you
can include both.
Please turn off the lights light to save energy.
3. If you are unsure about American or British spelling,
you can include both.
Science degrees are now offering different levels of
specialization specialisation.
4. The first word of every sentence must start with a
capital letter and must be a fullstop at the end.
Proof reading
• Check your sentence for grammar, spelling and
punctuation. Make sure that every sentence you
write in a response box begin with a capital letter
and ends with a fullstop.
• Check for proper noun, if there is any proper noun in
the sentence that must start with a capital letter.
10 Minutes Break
• After the completion of reading section, you will have
an option for 10 minutes break. I recommend you to
take that break because you are tired and exhausted
after reading section and if you go into your listening
section it’s going to be hard and you are going to lose
a lot of points. Listening actually requires a lot of
concentration so it is important for you to take that

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