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-Nathaniel Hawthorne [abridged]
-Nathaniel Hawthorne [abridged]
Seen from a distance, hilltops and huge rocks seem to assume various shapes. They may
resemble an animal or a human figure.

People attribute stories to these shapes.

Some stories come true; others don’t.

The Great Stone Face is one such shape

That reminds the inhabitants of the

valley of a prophecy.

What was it? Did it come true?

About the author
[4 July 1804- 19 May 1864]

Nathaniel Hawthorne was an American novelist, dark

romantic and short story writer. His works often focus

on history, mortality and religion. He was born in

Salem, Massachusetts, U.S. One of the greatest fiction

writers in American Literature. He is best known for

The Scarlet Letter [1850] and The House of the Seven

Gables [1851]

Ernest - He is upright, hardworking and a benevolent presence to his neighbours. He

spends his leisure hours gazing at a mountain rock formation called the Great Stone Face.

Ernest’s mother - Loving woman who tells her son about an old story predicting that a
child born in the valley below the Great Stone Face will become the greatest person of his
time. The story says his face will resemble the one on the mountain.

Mr Gathergold - A wealthy merchant who is a native of the valley. He arrives in the valley
during his end days.

Old Blood and Thunder - Great general who is a native of the valley returned in valley
after becoming old and tired.

Statesman - Great orator who is a native of the valley.

Poet - Great writer who is a native of the valley who declared that Ernest resembles as
Great Stone Face.
The Great Stone Face was the artwork of nature, formed on the perpendicular side of a
mountain by some huge rocks. The rocks were piled up in a way that when looked at from
a particular distance, they resembled a human face.

One fine day, a mother and son sat outside their cottage gazing at the Great Stone Face
and the mother told her son named Ernest, about an old prophecy which said that in
future, a man will be born in the valley who will bear the likeness of the Great Stone Face
and he will be the greatest and noblest of the time.

Ernest expressed his desire to see the man.

This story revolves around the life of Ernest and his relation with the Great Stone Face.
The shape on the mountain constantly reminds him and the inhabitants of the valley of
the prophecy.
Terms and meanings
prophecy- a statement that tells what will happen in the future

renowned- famous

banquet- feast

shrewdness- cleverness

pensive- thoughtful

inhabitants- people living in the valley [dwellers]

proclaimed- announced

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