Project Proposal Plastic Crushing Machine For Recycling Process

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Project Proposal

Plastic Crushing Machine for

Recycling Process
The project is about design of a Plastic Bottle
Crusher which would help to crush the used
Plastic bottles and would thereby help in waste
management and disposal.

A crusher is a machine designed to reduce large

solid material objects into a smaller volume, or
smaller pieces. Crushers may be used to reduce
the size, or change the form, of materials so they
can be more easily and efficiently used in the
purpose intended to crush .
Crushing is the process of transferring a force
amplified by mechanical advantage through a
material made of molecules that bond together
more strongly, and resist deformation more, than
those in the material being crushed.

The equipment mainly includes the cutting

machine and the crushing machine, whose basic
principle is to destroy the material's integrity
depend on the shear strength and the impact
Waste is now a global problem, and one that must be
addressed in order to solve the world's resource and
energy challenges. Everything we consume becomes
waste including plastic bottles.
The disposal of waste plastics (PET, PP, etc.) is
a biggest challenge, as repeated recycling of PET
bottles poses a potential danger of being
transformed to a carcinogenic material and only
a small proportion of PET bottles are being
recycled. Plastic are synthetic organic materials
produced by polymerization.
The crushing of used water bottles will also
ensure that the bottles are no used beyond the
shelf life of its plastic. The crusher will help in
managing and recycling plastic waste. It would
also help in reducing the volume of waste
generated and will thus help in effective waste
1.2. Value chain analyses
1.2.1. Selection of the Priority Project:
Metals Engineering
NB: - The research is support industrial
development sub-sector of metals engineering &
1.2.2. Value chain of plastic waste crushing
machine production (AS-IS)
. Input Measuring Assembling Finishing Marketing

Machines and Layout and Direct selling

Layout Grinding
hand tools Measurement

Cutting Sanding
Labour Cutting
Raw Welding  
Raw Drilling
Figure 3 Gap of Plastic crushing machine

Study Preparation Design Input Measuring Assembling Finishing Marketing


Site Machines and Layout and

selection Separating Preparing Grinding Direct
Measuring hand tools Layout Measurement
    Blue print selling
Cutting Cutting
Searching Ordered Labour Cutting
Machining Grinding
Shaping   Raw Welding  
Welding Drilling
material Drilling
Figure 4 Bench Mark of plastic crushing machine

Study &
Preparation Design Manufacturing Assembling Finishing Quality control Product Marketing

Site Direct
Preparing Measurin Welding
Cheeking & Plastic
selection Separating
Grinding ispection waste selling
  Blue print g  
Searching Cutting machin Sanding
Ordered Mechanical Threading
  Sanding e
waste Material
  selection Assemblin  
Shaping   g Welding
Machine Bending
selection   Painting
Figure 5 Value chain of plastic waste
crushing machine production (TO-BE)
Design Manufacturing Assembling Finishing Quality control Product Marketing

. Priparing Blue Measuring Welding Whole seller

Grinding Inspection
print     Plastic waste
Cutting Drilling and Checking machine
Material   Bending
selection   Testing
  Machining Painting
  Assemble all


1.3. Statement of Problem
Most of the world’s plastic waste still goes to
landfill. Plastic waste disposal is one of the
cumbersome processes which are less efficient. In
most of the functions, parties, events etc. water has
been served in bottles of different sizes. These used
bottles occupy very large disposal space which
usually overflows the dustbins provided at these
places and are mostly goes to landfill.
Used Plastic bags, pieces of plastic sheets and
bottles of diverse sizes, colours and textures are
found flying around freely, scattered in the streets,
swimming in the gutters, posing a serious
environmental threat. These keep the environment
dirty and cause blockages to our sewer system.
Several attempts were made to discourage plastic
bags and other plastic products but yield no result
due to its versatility in daily use.
Nowadays the trucks are overloaded with plastic
wastes especially bottles which leads to
accidents causing severe casualties. Considering
the above stated point the researchers will be
design plastic crushing machine for recycling
process purposes it will be to solving the above
stated of problems.
1.4. Objectives of the Project

1.4.1. General objective

The general objective of this project is to
manufacturing plastic crushing machine for
Recycling Processing.
1.4.2. Specific objective of the project
The specific objective of this project includes:
• To design all machine components.
• To select materials for design,
• To analyse assembly and cad simulation of
• To fabricate and to assembling all
• Test the prototype
1.5. Significance of the project
The first beneficiary of from this project is
Government, Micro and small enterprises
(MSE):, Researchers and institutes.
One of the strategic requirements of technical
vocational and educational training is to design,
fabricate, and transfer technology to stakeholder
especially to MSE’s which the Main pillar of
economy are for the Development and growth.
Plastic waste crushing machine will assist industrial
development sectors and it is very relevant with
Ethiopian GDP growth which will give impetus and
contributes directly or indirectly for the
development through MSE’S which are engaged in
metal work manufacturing enterprise and industries.
Micro and small enterprises (MSE):
The technology is so helpful to the enterprises
which are involved in business generating by
modifying and fabricating machine of upgraded

Technology copy and transfer department of the

institution is working in copying and modifying
of different technologies which must be
functional and can bring significant impact in the
import substitution and strengthening the micro
and small enterprises so this project can deliver
to the SME enterprises
1.6. Limitations of the project
The plastic waste crushing machine is many
advantages, and some limitations which are
listed incorporated to the machines as:
The limitation of the project is that is not
functional on remote area there are not electrical
sources. There are limitations to manufacture
and conduct Series of experiment on the model
to test the feasibility of crusher for different
plastic materials and identify factors that affect
the overall efficiency of the crusher and also
determine the performance of crusher due to
manufacturing cost
Definition of Terms; - A word or phrase used to
describe a thing or to express a concept,
especially in a particular kind of language or
branch of study
Crusher; - is a machine designed to reduce large
size in to smaller size
Machine; - A device that directs and controls
energy, often in the form of movement or
electricity, to produce a certain effect.
Specification; - An explicit set of requirements
to be satisfied by a material , product, or service.
Significance;- The quality of worthy of attention
Limitation; - A restriction; a boundary, real or
metaphorical, caused by some thing or some
Plastic waste; - plastics currently play a massive
role in our daylily lives.
1.8. Organization of the project
This are some tips the researchers to get orderly
organized and write start at Back ground of the
study ,Value chain analyses Selection of the
Priority Project Statement of the
Problem ,General objective ,Specific objective
of the project ,Significance of the
project ,Limitations of the project ,Definition of
Terms ,Organization of the project ,literature
review ,Materials and methods
Materials ,Research design ,Research
methodology ,Area of the research
project ,Samples and sample Size ,Sources of
Data ,Data Collection Methods and Research
Instruments,Methods of Data Processing and
Analysis,English questionnaires Amharic
questionnaires, manufacturing process steps.
3. Materials and methods
3.2 Research design
3.2.1. Research methodology
The research it will be to identify factors that
hold back plastic crushed product. Assess the
existing situation and practice exploratory
method is potentially suitable. Exploratory
research method is concerned with carrying out
plastic waste crushing machine surveys which
help to solve the problems of various aspects of
plastic waste

i.e. the production rate, quantity of product, and

production systems. Hence, exploratory method
was applied in this study. In order to conduct the
research, both quantitative and qualitative
techniques were applied.

That is, the quantitative data obtained through

observation was supplemented with the
qualitative data from inter exploratory view and
document analysis .The methodology of the
project is to design and manufacture plastic
waste crushing machine starts from problem
identification to finishing process.
3.2.2. Area of the research

The project is will be done at Addis Ababa the

researchers planed work in specially three
selected sub city Addis Ketema,Yeka and kirkos
in association with the small enterprises.
3.2.3. Samples and Sample
Three sub city namely: Addis Ketema sub city,
Yeka sub city, kirkos sub city. The Researchers
taken by simple random sampling technique
among the sub cities found in Addis Ababa and
were randomly selected from three sub-cities in
order to conduct the study.

The total number of plastic waste cleaner

workers taken from two enterprise and simple
random sampling technique was applied in order
to select the plastic waste cleaner worker. For
interview, five plastic waste cleaner workers-
were selected by purposive sampling techniques.
Primary as well as secondary sources of data
were used in the study. The primary sources of
data were plastic waste cleaner worker. The
reason to use those subjects was based on the
expectation that they have had better exposure
and information about the issue studied.
Various reports and official documents, work
plans, proposal were used as a secondary source
of data to strengthen the data obtained from the
primary sources and for additional information.
3.2.5. Data Collection Methods
and Research Instruments
Three data gathering techniques have been used
to understand current problems of plastic waste
crushing machine and for the need of this
machine; Data are collected by interviewing and
direct observation. The documents which are
analysed for the project are internet, and many
types of reports and researches about plastic
waste recycling processing machine.

After the quantitative and qualitative data

are gathered from those sources, plastic
waste crushing machine is designed and
manufactured as a solution to facilitate
plastic waste crushed products and to avoid
over transportation and time consuming of
recycling activities.
3.2.6. Methods of Data Processing
and Analysis
The collected data through the means of interviews
and direct observation of documents are analysed &
interpreted. It is believed that the current situation
of the existing plastic waste production methods
has exactly reflected the problems in these
interviews. This analysis is important to get wide
and in depth information from the respondents.

The interview also prepared for the respondents

openly that he/she can describe freely much
information. It helps to get genuine information
from respondents because the researchers do not
interfering the participant’s idea.
3.3. Machines, Tools and equipment
required in production of the project
Time schedule

1. “Study of Jaw Plates of Jaw Crusher” International Journal of

Modern Engineering Research (IJMER), Vol.3, Issue.1, Jan- Feb. 2013
2. “Can crusher machine using scotch yoke mechanism” IOSR Journal
of Mechanical and Civil Engineering (IOSR-JMCE)
3. “Experimental Research on Crushing Force and its Distribution
Feature in Jaw Crusher” 2007 Second IEEE Conference on Industrial
Electronics and Applications.
4. “Designing of a Portable Bottle Crushing Machine” IJSRD -
International Journal for Scientific Research & Development Vol. 4, Issue 07,
5. “Design and development of a plastic bottle crusher” International
Journal of Engineering Research & Technology Vol. 3, Issue 10 (October-

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