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Buffalo (Oxen), wild or domestic oxen native
to Africa. Like domestic cattle and some
other artiodactyl mammals, buffalo are cud-
chewing and have cloven hooves and
permanent horns, but they are much larger
and more powerful than cattle. The so-
called American buffalo are more properly
called Bison.
 The Asian or Water, Buffalo – is a native of
India and other parts of Asia. Measuring up to
1.8 m (6 ft.) at the shoulder, the water buffalo
has thick horns that sweep in an outward curve
back toward the shoulders and may extend up
to 1.2 m (3.9 ft.) from tip to tip. Broad splayed
feet enable the animal to live in a marshy
habitat. The water buffalo has short, stiff,
scanty hair, and a large portion of the hide is
bare and glossy.
 Inthe wild, the water buffalo is dangerous if aroused .
The animal has been domesticated, however, and has
been used as a draft animal since ancient times.

 Inthe Philippines the water buffalo is known as the


 Another Asian buffalo is the Tamarau, a small, hairy

variety of water buffalo. Native to the Philippine island
of Mindoro, this animal is only about 1.1 m (about 3.5
ft.) high at the shoulder. Two rare, related species live
on the Indonesian island of Sulawesi (Celebes).
 Africanbuffalo include the Cape buffalo and Dwarf forest
buffalo; both are different forms of the same species.

 The Cape buffalo, which inhabits most of southern and

central Africa, is large, measuring about 1.7 m (about 5.5 ft.)
at the shoulder. It is noted for horns that are massive at the
base, forming a helmet over the forehead and reaching a
length of about 1 m (about 3 ft.)

 TheDwarf forest buffalo, lives in forest areas of central and

western Africa. About 1.1 m (3.5 ft.) high, it has a red and
backward curving horns about 76 cm (about 30 in.0 long.
 Scientific
 Buffalo belong to the family Bovidae, subfamily

 The Asian buffalo is classified as Bubalus


 The Tamarau as Bubalus mindorensis.

 The Cape buffalo and the Dwarf forest buffalo

are different forms of Syncerus caffer.
 1. Hoof and Mouth Disease (HMD)
 Causes : Virus. Types identified in the Philippines
 Mode of Transmission : Direct and indirect contact with
naturally infected animals, carries, implements and other
infected materials. Blister fluid, saliva and other bodily
discharges highly infective.
 Symptoms : Fever, Vesicles and erosion in between
hooves, coronary band (junction between skin and hoof),
teats and udder, oral mucosa and tongue. Raw
ulcerations follow rupture of vesicles; stringy or foamy
salivation, smacking of the lips, difficulty in feed
ingestion; staggering gait and lameness. Abortion in
pregnant animals.
 Prevention / Control :
 Immediate notification of the authorities.
Designation of quarantine areas and restricted
movement of animals; disinfecting area with
virucidal agents Animals should be kept on dry
ground and lesions treated with mild antiseptics or
alum. Mass immunization and effective restriction
in movement of animals and carries is necessary.
 2. Hemorrhagic septicema

 Causes : Actual: Bacteria (Pasteurella multocida)

 Predisposing : Climatic stress, fatigue, transport,

nutritional and parasitic stresses, etc.

 Mode of Transmission : Ingestion or inhalation of

infective agent. May be normally present in the
nasopharyngeal area but predisposition causes
flare-up of infection.
Symptoms :
- high fever, loss of appetite.

Respiratory distress;
salivation, nasal discharge,
swelling of throat and brisket, congestion of mucous
membrane, diarrhea becoming bloody later.

Prevention/ Control :
 -Prophylactic vaccination
 - Removal of predisposition when possible

 - Early treatment with parental antibiotics and sulfa drugs.

3. Anthrax
 Causes : Bacteria (Bacillus anthracis)

 Mode of Transmission :
 - Direct ingestion of infected material, biting flies.

 - Indirect through contact with materials and other


 Symptoms : Sudden onset of fever depression and loss

of appetite. Swelling of chest , head, belly and legs,
bloody diarrhea. Death common even in early stages.
Colic, abortion in pregnant animals, blood stained
discharges, convulsions.
 Prevention / Control :

-Vaccination in areas where anthrax is
endemic. Dead animal should be
cremated or buried deeply under a layer
of lime. Antibiotic treatment is effective
only in early and less acute cases.
Causes :
- Bacteria (Clostridium chauvoei)

Mode of Transmission :
- Infection initiated by trauma of the
body and oral mucosa.
 Symptoms : - Sudden deaths in acute cases.

 Less acute : Depression, fever, rapid respiration and

suspended rumination. Typically, hot painful swelling in
thigh and leg muscles. Cracking sensation on palpation of
swellings due to gas in tissues. Lameness in affected limb.

 Prevention / Control :

- Vaccination. Cremation of carcasses. Early isolation and

treatment with massive doses of antibiotics.
Causes : bacteria (Brucella abortus).

- Predisposing : Climatic stress, fatigue,

transport, nutritional and parasitic stresses, etc.

Mode of Transmission : Ingestion of

contaminated feed and water. Aborted fetus, fetal
membranes, placenta, urine and uterine discharge
are main sources of infection. Infected carabulls
may transfer disease through natural/artificial
 Symptoms : Infertility. Abortion, retained placenta,
persistent vaginal discharge. In males, swollen and painful
testicles with subsequent infertility/sterility. Respiratory
distress; salivation, nasal discharge, swelling of throat and
brisket, congestion of mucous membrane, diarrhea becoming
bloody later.

 Prevention / Control : Blood test and removal of

infected animals. Antibiotic medication, impractical.
Vaccination may be tried. Infective materials discarded
properly; contract with carrier avoided. Removal of
predisposition when possible. Early treatment with
parental antibiotics and sulfa drugs.
Causes : Actual: Fungus (Actinomyces spp.)

- Predisposing : Injuries in the oral mucosa.

Mode of Transmission : Causal organism

common in environment. Carriers such as flies
may transmit organism to other animals through
open wounds.
Symptoms : Immovable form swelling
involving bony structure of the jaw and face.
May extend to involved soft tissues with
exudation of sticky yellow pus. Closed
swelling become larger without exudation
(tumorous). May involve udder and skin.

Prevention / Control : Treatment requires

veterinary assistance. Veterinarian should be
Causes : Actual : Bacteria (Spherophorus

Predisposing : Wounds in the hoof, wet and

muddy ground.

Mode of Transmission : Organism normally

common in wet ground rich in organic matter and
humus. Requires injuries and open lesions of hoof
to infect.
Symptoms : Sudden lameness when acute.
Typical to see foul smelling ulcers.
Interdiginal cleft swollen and painful, may
worsen to cause fever and other systemic

Prevention / Control : Hooves should be

treated early with antiseptic (5% copper
sulfate , 5-10% formalin; tincture of iodine,
etc.). Animal should be kept on high dry
 Causes : Actual : Multiple bacterial agents.

 -Predisposing : dietetic and environmental


 Mode of Transmission : Multiple: direct infection

from infected or contaminated udders; navel
infection in calf, genital or intrauterine infection of
dam; contaminated environments.
Symptoms : Occurs as early as 24 hours
after birth. Pasty yellowish white feces later
becoming more liquid with fermented or
pungent odor. Calf weak with sunken
eyeball, unsteady gait, and rough coat.
Mortality due to dehydration very high.

Prevention / Control : Proper nursing in

clean dry environment necessary.
Colostrum important to calf. Early cases
respond to antibiotic.
Causes : Actual : Multiple bacterial agents.

Mode of Transmission : As in the bacterial


Symptoms : Fever, inability to suckle, nasal

discharge, coughing and respiratory distress.
Gradual emaciation. May terminate as scours
pneumonia combination. Death common.
Prevention / Control :

As the bacterial scours.

Treatment requires parental
antibiotic of sulfa injections.
Causes : Leptospira spp.

Mode of Transmission: Direct organisms

passed out in urine.

Symptoms: Depression, fever, dark red

urine, yellowing of mucosa (jaundice)
abortion in many pregnant animals. Requires
laboratory test for confirmation.
Prevention / Control :

Regular blood test. Vaccination.

Isolate and treat cases with
antibiotics. Environmental
sanitation and disinfection.
 Causes : Actual: Bacteria (Clostridium tetani)

 Mode of Transmission : Direct infection due to

introduction of organism in wounds. Not contagious
to other animals.

 Symptoms : Early stages characterized by rigidity

and stiffness of muscles; stilty gait. Late stages with
titanic convulsions, prolapse of 3rd eyelid, stiff tail,
head and neck thrown back, hyperexcitability. Bloat
and other nervous signs.
Prevention / Control :

- Treat wound with antiseptics until

completely healed, use clean
difficult to treat. Give prophylactic
ATS or tetanus toxoid injections.
Late stages difficult to treat.
Causes : Virus

 Mode of Transmission : Through bites of

bloodsucking insects.

Symptoms : Stiffness of gait, lameness, fever.

 Prevention / Control : Supportive treatment like

administration of antibiotic and vitamins. Control biting
Symptoms : As in parasitic
gastroenteritis for general signs. Specific
symptoms include persistent husky
coughing, respiratory distress.

Prevention / Control : Regular

deworming with tetramisole. General
prevention as in parasitic gastroenteritis.
Causes : Various species of parasitic nematodes
in the digestive tract. Caracalves and yearlings
most susceptible.

Mode of Transmission : Commonly through

direct infection with parasitic larval stages through
herbages; less commonly through skin penetration
and intrauterine infection.
Symptoms : Poor body condition , anemia,
diarrhea, potbelly and weakness.

Prevention / Control : Regular

deworming with effective anthelmintics
( tetramisole, parbendazole, thibendazole,
pyrantel, etc.) Pasture rotation and improved
feeding practices.
Causes : Dictyocaulus spp. (adult
stages in the bronchioles of lungs.

Mode of transmission : Infection

with the parasite in the larval stage
through herbage.
Causes : (Fasciola gigantica and Faciola
hepatica). Requires intermediate host (Lymnea

Mode of Transmission : Direct infection

through ingestion of parasitic stage
(metacercaria) attached in gasses. Presence of
this stage related to availability of snail host.
Common in low-lying water logged areas, rivers,
streams and stagnant pools.
 Symptoms : Symptoms similar to parasitic

 Prevention / Control : Regular deworming with

flukecides, control of snails host; pasture
improvements, keep animals away from known
infected sources of herbage.
 Deworming at proper intervals (3-4 times a year) only
practical approach.

- Consult veterinarian for proper drug, dosage and

Causes : Protozoa (Eimeria spp.)
Generally not a primary condition but exists
with other enteric diseases.

Mode of Transmission : Direct

infection by ingestion of infective stage
(oocyst). Thrives in moist damp and
unsanitary areas.
Symptoms : Common only in
caracalves and yearlings. Diarrhea later
becoming bloody and profuse;
dehydration and anemia.

Prevention / Control : Clean

environment and general sanitation.
Treat with sulfa drugs only.
Causes : Common suckling louse.
(Haematopinus spp.)

Mode of Transmission : Direct

contact with other infested animals.
Egg to mature stage occur on the
Symptoms : Itchiness characterized
by scratching and later poor thriving.

Prevention / Control : Regular

spraying with effective insecticides
(neguvon, Ciodrin, Asuntol,
Malathion, etc.)
 Causes : Sarcoptic, psoroptic or chorioptic mites.

 Mode od Transmission : Direct and indirect contact

with infected animals.

 Symptoms : Marked itchiness and irritation with

animals constantly rubbing or licking affected areas.
Maybe patchy or generalized. Skin becomes hairless,
thickened or scabby.
Causes : Trypanosoma evansi

Mode of Transmission : Through

bites of blood sucking insects.

Symptoms : Fever and progressive loss

of body weight. Survival rate for mature
and healthy animals is high.
Prevention / Control :

-Deworm calves at 30 days and

again a month. Use Piperazine
Causes : Neoascarist

Mode of Transmission : From infected

dam to young ones prenatally and
through milk, also ingestion of
infective eggs.
Symptoms : Progressive
deterioration of body condition; in-
appetence, dullness and may suffer
from colic with or without diarrhea.

Prevention / Control : Deworm

calves at 30 days and again a month
later. Use Piperazine preparation.
Prevention / Control :

- Administer Ganaseg 3 – 5
mg/kg/body weight in a


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