Ch15 of Fundamentals of Financial Instruments

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Options on Stock Indices

and Currencies
Chapter 15

Fundamentals of Futures and Options Markets, 7th Ed, Ch 15, Copyright © John C. Hull 2010 1
Index Options
 The most popular underlying indices in the U.S. are
 The S&P 100 Index (OEX and XEO)
 The S&P 500 Index (SPX)
 The Dow Jones Index times 0.01 (DJX)
 The Nasdaq 100 Index (NDX)

 Contracts are on 100 times index; they are settled in

cash; OEX is American; the XEO and all other
options are European.

Fundamentals of Futures and Options Markets, 7th Ed, Ch 15, Copyright © John C. Hull 2010 2
Index Option Example

 Consider a call option on an index

with a strike price of 560
 Suppose 1 contract is exercised
when the index level is 580
 What is the payoff?

Fundamentals of Futures and Options Markets, 7th Ed, Ch 15, Copyright © John C. Hull 2010 3
Using Index Options for Portfolio
 Suppose the value of the index is S0 and the strike
price is K
 If a portfolio has a  of 1.0, the portfolio insurance is
obtained by buying 1 put option contract on the index
for each 100S0 dollars held
 If the  is not 1.0, the portfolio manager buys  put
options for each 100S0 dollars held
 In both cases, K is chosen to give the appropriate
insurance level
 Market value/(100S0)

Fundamentals of Futures and Options Markets, 7th Ed, Ch 15, Copyright © John C. Hull 2010 4
Example 1

 Portfolio has a beta of 1.0

 It is currently worth $500,000
 The index currently stands at 1000
 What trade is necessary to provide
insurance against the portfolio value falling
below $450,000?

Fundamentals of Futures and Options Markets, 7th Ed, Ch 15, Copyright © John C. Hull 2010 5
 500,000 with a beta of 1
 Thus 5 put options (5*100*1000)

 To determine the strike price, note that

 When stock portfolio has a value of
450,000, the stock index becomes:

Fundamentals of Futures and Options Markets, 7th Ed, Ch 15, Copyright © John C. Hull 6
Example 2

 Portfolio has a beta of 2.0

 It is currently worth $500,000 and index
stands at 1000
 The risk-free rate is 12% per annum
 The dividend yield on both the portfolio
and the index is 4%
 How many put option contracts should
be purchased for portfolio insurance?
Fundamentals of Futures and Options Markets, 7th Ed, Ch 15, Copyright © John C. Hull 2010 7
Calculating Relation Between Index Level
and Portfolio Value in 3 months
 If index rises to 1040, it provides a 40/1000 or
4% return in 3 months
 Total return (incl. dividends)=5%
 Excess return over risk-free rate= total return
– risk free rate for 3 months=2%
 Rp-rf = beta *excess return = 2* 2%=4%
 Rp-rf =4% => Total return Rp=4% +rf =7%
 Increase in Portfolio Value=4+3–1=6%
 Portfolio value=500,000*(1+0.06)=$530,000

Fundamentals of Futures and Options Markets, 7th Ed, Ch 15, Copyright © John C. Hull 2010 8
Calculating Relation Between Index Level
and Portfolio Value in 3 months


Fundamentals of Futures and Options Markets, 7th Ed, Ch 15, Copyright © John C. Hull 2010 9
Determining the Strike Price (Table
15.2, page 329)

Value of Index in 3 Expected Portfolio Value

months in 3 months ($)
1,080 570,000
1,040 530,000
1,000 490,000
960 450,000
920 410,000
880 370,000
An option with a strike price of 960 will provide protection
against a 10% decline in the portfolio value
Fundamentals of Futures and Options Markets, 7th Ed, Ch 15, Copyright © John C. Hull 2010 10
Currency Options
 Currency options trade on the NASDAQ
 There also exists an active over-the-counter
(OTC) market
 Currency options are used by corporations
to buy insurance when they have an FX

Fundamentals of Futures and Options Markets, 7th Ed, Ch 15, Copyright © John C. Hull 2010 11
 A European call option to buy one million
euros with USD at an exchange rate of
1.40 dollars per euro.

 A European put option to sell ten millions

Australian dollars for USD at an exchange
rate of 0.90 dollars per Australian dollar.

Fundamentals of Futures and Options Markets, 7th Ed, Ch 15, Copyright © John C. Hull 12
Range Forward Contracts
 Have the effect of ensuring that the exchange rate
paid or received will lie within a certain range
 When currency is to be paid it involves selling a put
with strike K1 and buying a call with strike K2
 When currency is to be received it involves buying
a put with strike K1 and selling a call with strike K2
 Normally the price of the put equals the price of the

Fundamentals of Futures and Options Markets, 7th Ed, Ch 15, Copyright © John C. Hull 2010 13
Range Forward Contracts
 Consider a US company receiving one million
pound sterings in three months.
 The company could lock in by entering a short
forward contract with a strike price of, say, 1.52
dollars per pound.

Fundamentals of Futures and Options Markets, 7th Ed, Ch 15, Copyright © John C. Hull 2010 14
Range Forward Contracts
 Suppose a company receives one million
pound sterings in three months.
 A short range forward contract

K1 K2

Fundamentals of Futures and Options Markets, 7th Ed, Ch 15, Copyright © John C. Hull 15
Range Forward Contracts

Long put Short call FX Total

S<K1 (K1 -S) 0 S K1
K1≤S≤K2 0 0 S S
S>K2 0 -(S-K2 ) S K2

Fundamentals of Futures and Options Markets, 7th Ed, Ch 13, Copyright © John C. Hull 16
Range Forward Contracts
 Consider a US company paying one million
pound sterings in three months.
 The company could lock in by entering a long
forward contract with a strike price of, say, 1.52
dollars per pound.

Fundamentals of Futures and Options Markets, 7th Ed, Ch 15, Copyright © John C. Hull 2010 17
Range Forward Contracts
 Suppose a company pays one million
pound sterings in three months.
 A long range forward contract

K1 K2 Asset

Fundamentals of Futures and Options Markets, 7th Ed, Ch 15, Copyright © John C. Hull 18
Range Forward Contracts

Short put Long call FX Total

S<K1 -(K1 -S) 0 -S -K1
K1≤S≤K2 0 0 -S -S
S>K2 0 (S-K2 ) -S -K2

Fundamentals of Futures and Options Markets, 7th Ed, Ch 13, Copyright © John C. Hull 19
European Options on Stocks
with Known Dividend Yields
We get the same probability
distribution for the stock price at time
T in each of the following cases:
1. The stock starts at price S0 and
provides a dividend yield = q
2. The stock starts at price S0e–qT
and provides no income

Fundamentals of Futures and Options Markets, 7th Ed, Ch 15, Copyright © John C. Hull 2010 20
European Options on Stocks
Paying Dividend Yield

We can value European options by

reducing the stock price to S0e–qT and then
behaving as though there is no dividend

Fundamentals of Futures and Options Markets, 7th Ed, Ch 15, Copyright © John C. Hull 2010 21
Extension of Chapter 10 Results
(Equations 15.1 to 15.3)

Lower Bound for calls:

 qT  rT
c  S0e  Ke
Lower Bound for puts
 rT  qT
p  Ke  S0e
Put Call Parity

c  Ke  rT  p  S 0 e  qT
Fundamentals of Futures and Options Markets, 7th Ed, Ch 15, Copyright © John C. Hull 2010 22
Extension of Chapter 13 Results
(Equations 15.4 and 15.5)

c  S 0 e  qT N ( d1 )  Ke  rT N ( d 2 )
p  Ke  rT N ( d 2 )  S 0 e  qT N ( d1 )
ln( S 0 / K )  ( r  q   2 / 2)T
where d1 
 T
ln( S 0 / K )  (r  q   2 / 2)T
d2 
 T

Fundamentals of Futures and Options Markets, 7th Ed, Ch 15, Copyright © John C. Hull 2010 23
Valuing European Index Options

We can use the formula for an option

on a stock paying a continuous
dividend yield
Set S0 = current index level
Set q = average dividend yield expected
during the life of the option

Fundamentals of Futures and Options Markets, 7th Ed, Ch 15, Copyright © John C. Hull 2010 24
Using Forward/Futures Index
Prices (equations 15.6 and 15.7, page 336)
F0  S 0 e ( r  q )T  S 0 e  qT  F0 e  rT :

c  e  rT [F0 N(d1 )  KN ( d 2 )]
 rT
pe [ KN (  d 2 )  F0 N (  d1 )]
ln( F0 / K )   2T / 2
d1 
 T
d 2  d1   T
Fundamentals of Futures and Options Markets, 7th Ed, Ch 15, Copyright © John C. Hull 2010 25
Currency Options: The Foreign
Interest Rate
 We denote the foreign interest rate by rf
 The return measured in the domestic
currency from investing in the foreign
currency is rf times the value of the
 This shows that the foreign currency
provides a yield at rate rf

Fundamentals of Futures and Options Markets, 7th Ed, Ch 15, Copyright © John C. Hull 2010 26
Valuing European Currency Options

 We can use the formula for an option

on a stock paying a continuous
dividend yield :
Set S0 = current exchange rate
Set q = rƒ

Fundamentals of Futures and Options Markets, 7th Ed, Ch 15, Copyright © John C. Hull 2010 27
Formulas for European Currency
(Equations 15.8 and 15.9 page 337)

 rf T
c  S0e N (d1 )  Ke  rT N ( d 2 )
rf T
p  Ke  rT N (  d 2 )  S 0 e N (  d1 )
ln( S 0 / K )  ( r  r   2 / 2)T
where d1 
 T
ln( S 0 / K )  ( r  r   2 / 2)T
d2 
 T
Fundamentals of Futures and Options Markets, 7th Ed, Ch 15, Copyright © John C. Hull 2010 28
Using Forward/Futures Exchange
(Equations 15.10 and 15.11, page 338)

( r  r f )T rf T  rT
F0  S 0 e  S0e  F0 e
c  e  rT [ F0 N (d1 )  KN ( d 2 )]
p  e  rT [ KN ( d 2 )  F0 N (  d1 )]
ln( F0 / K )   2T / 2
d1 
 T
d 2  d1   T

Fundamentals of Futures and Options Markets, 7th Ed, Ch 15, Copyright © John C. Hull 2010 29
The Binomial Model

p ƒu
ƒ S0d

f = e-rt[pfu+(1– p)fd ]
Fundamentals of Futures and Options Markets, 7th Ed, Ch 15, Copyright © John C. Hull 2010 30
The Binomial Model

e  d When no dividend yield of q
p When there is a dividend yield of q
( r  q )T
ae for indices
( r  r f )T
ae for currencies
Fundamentals of Futures and Options Markets, 7th Ed, Ch 15, Copyright © John C. Hull 2010 31

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