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Presentation for TY Mini Project (Review 2)

Application of Robotics for Advancement
in Agriculture using IoT

Guided By: Group Members:

Mrs. Nutan Bansode Pratik Parekh (TETA09)
Saif Sayyad (TETB18)
Vishwajeet More (TETB77)
Vaibhav Devshatwar (TETA42)

 Concept of the project

 Problem Statement
 Objectives
 Proposed Block Diagram and its short explanation
 Methodology
 Initial Design
 Basic Implementation
 References
Concept of the project :

 The Concept of this Project aims on the design, development and the Implementation of
the robot which can put the seeds, burrow the soil, plough the land and cutting the waste
plants. These entire systems of robot works with battery.
 In India almost about 70% of humans are relying on agriculture.
 Various operations are performed in the agronomics acreage like seeding, weeding, waste
plant cutting, ploughing, etc.
 The equipments acclimated for seed dispersing are actually difficult and inappropriate to
handle. So there is a need of advance techniques and equipments which will reduce the
man power.
 Affixing automation in agriculture has helped create various advancements to the
industry, it saves farmer’s time and money.
 By making use of Bluetooth medium of an android smartphone the agricultural robot can
be monitored. The sensors interfaced with microcontroller and motors designs the entire
calculation process, monitoring and processing .
Problem Statement

Application of Robotics for Advancement in Agriculture using IoT

In order to reduce the efforts of Farmers, we will design, develop and Implement the robot which can put
the seeds, burrow the soil, plough the land and cut the waste plants, and can be easily controlled by
farmers through android.

 Semester 5 : To design a basic working model of agrobot.

 Semester 6: To work on the modification of agrobot by addition of more features like

spraying urea .

 Semester 7: To connect the agrobot with the operator through Application featuring HC-05..

 Semester 8: Changes in Product with help of Market analysis, Customer feedback, the need
of customer and competitor analysis.
Block Diagram
Explaination Of the Block Diagram:

 The Block Diagram represents the architecture diagram of AGROBOT. Arduino Microcontroller is
interacting between all modules.
 We are discussing about Using Arudino or Arm Cortex as a Micrcontroller.
 Bluetooth (HC-05) will be given to communicate with the robot and plants cut automatically.
 The complete project will be displayed on LCD screen. 9v Power supply is provided to drive Motor and
Microcontroller; drivers are used to control the speed movement of the robot.
 Bluetooth module HC-05 Bluetooth is a serial port convention module. It is a simple to utilize
"Bluetooth" and intended for straightforward remote serial association setup. HC-05 Bluetooth module
was associated with the same microcontroller to set up a duplex correspondence channel amongst itself
and the android advanced Mobile Phones.
 As per the guidelines given by the client the robot moves in forward, turn around, left and right bearing
to drop the seeds at a specific position. Four wheels are associated at the base for the adaptable
development of robot. Two DC engines are utilized to drive the wheels associated with the robot. L293D
is utilized to drive the DC engines.


Initialization of Microcontroller

Initialize LCD and UART Protocol

Basic HC-05 check for command

Methodology continuously
User selects operations

HC-05 receives command from

Command send to HC-05
HC-05 Bluetooth Module is an easy
to use Bluetooth SPP (Serial Port
HC-05 processes input
Protocol) module, designed for
transparent wireless serial connection
setup. Its communication is via serial Performs Seeding operations
communication which makes an easy
way to interface with controller or PC.
Continues to perform operation
until the next command

Initial design
Basic Implementation

1. K. Gowthami, K. Greeshma, N. Supraja, “Smart farming using agribot” , International Journal of Applied
Engineering Research ISSN 0973- 4562 Volume 14, Number 6, 2019.

2. G.Sowmya, J.Srikanth, “Automatic weed detection and smart herbicide spray robot for corn fields
“,International Journal of Science, Engineering and Technology Research (IJSETR) Volume 6, Issue 1, January
Patrick M. Piper and Jacob Vogel “Designing of an Autonomous Soil:Monitoring Robot”,2015,IEEE.

4. Muhammad Ayaz, Mohammad Ammad-uddin, Zubair Sharif, Ali Mansour, and el-Hadi M. Aggoune “
IoT Based Smart Agriculture towards making the fields talk”, 2019 IEEE.

5. C. Jeeva, Saher Mairaj, Archit keshav Gangal and Farheen “Agricultural Automation System with Field
Assisting Robot-AgroBot”, International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics Volume 118 No. 20 2018.

6. V. Radhika, B. Sharmila, R. Ramya, M. Gopisri “. Design and Implementation of Agrobot with

Automatic Sun Tracking”, International Journal of Engineering and Advanced Technology (IJEAT) ISSN: 2249 –

7. Shubham Khandelwal, Neha Kaushik, Sagar Sharma, “AGROBOT: Sowing and Irrigating Farming
Machine”,Volume 8, No. 5, May-June 2017International Journal of Advanced Research.

8. Ponnu Priya Saju, Anila P.V, “AGROBOT: Sowing and Irrigating Farming Machine”, International Journal for
Research in Engineering Application & Management (IJREAM) ISSN : 2454-9150 Vol-05, Issue03, June 2019.

9. Mr. V. Gowrishankar Dr. K. Venkatachalam, “IoT Based Precision Agriculture using Agribot”, Global Research
and Development Journal for Engineering | Volume 3 | Issue 5 | April 2018

10. Amaresh A M , Anagha G Rao , Fenaaz Afreen , Moditha N , Syeda Arshiya, “IOT Enabled Pesticide Sprayer
with Security System by using Solar Energy”, International Journal of Engineering Research & Technology

11. Sivaprasad Athikkal, Ambarish Pradhan, Abhilash Gade, A. Mahidhar Reddy, “Solar Powered Agribot for farm
monitoring Internet of things(IOT)”, International Journal of Electrical Engineering and Technology (IJEET)
Volume 11, Issue 3, May 2020.
Thank You

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